
A few Sakura flowers were scattered, and the tennis ball flew over again beautifully and deadly.

Upon seeing this.

"Tezuka" has a more solemn expression between his eyebrows.

Step on!

The selfless brilliance on his body shone more and more, and with a twist of his feet, his whole body rushed towards the sharp aura.

His legs were straddling back and forth, and his upper body leaned forward slightly. At this moment, the muscles of the entire shoulder and back became abnormally tight.

Pai and swing his arms.

"Tezuka" took advantage of this forceful posture, and the racket in his hand made an afterimage, and the light on his left hand suddenly shone.


With a crisp sound, the tennis set off a violent wave, and flew toward the opposite half with a more violent and fierce attitude.

"This is the ultimate strength of tempering."

Everyone in Qingxue's eyelids twitched. The kind of joy that just emerged from the last ball, immediately retired, and was replaced by worry.

Fuji is very skilled and creative, but his strength has indeed been a big shortcoming of him.

Therefore, in the face of the double counterattack that Phantom Tezuka used for the hard-worked limit, no one can relax for the time being.

However, on the opposite side, Fuji's face did have a very confident smile on his face.

Now this situation, when he was in the U17 training camp, he had already experienced it once.

Facing Tezuka at that time...

The thoughts in his mind flashed quickly, and then he held his breath, his whole body was like a whirlwind, and he rushed towards the clear and brilliant landing point.

"Music between the winds-Kui Chuuxue!"

This voice fell in his heart.


In the stadium under the scorching sun, the air seemed to suddenly become cold for three minutes, and the full sky of wind and snow whizzed towards the opposite stadium, blowing Ren Wang's whole body stiffly in place.

The unused racket intercepted the bouncing tennis ball at an oblique angle.

Da da da.

After the cold wind passed, a mustard-yellow tennis ball slowly rolled down under the wall of King Niu's court.

"Game, help from Fujitsu, 1-1!"

The referee's pronouncement fell, causing a violent cheer from the sidelines.

In this game, the confrontation between the two can be described as wonderful, especially the various gorgeous moves used by Fuer, and the transformation between offense and counterattack is very pleasing to the eye.

"Just now this was..."

The players on Li Haida's side were dumbfounded.

The strange scene just now was beyond their imagination.

"That's the move used in the original duel with the minister!"

Kamio Akira's eyes widened.

Although this is not the first time he has seen it, this very exaggerated performance can still shock people's hearts.

"It's not just that."

Ju Juping stared at the scene seriously, but in his mind he was thinking of the last move that Fuer used in the first place.

Although it seems to be just a rudimentary form, it seems to form a relatively static picture with tennis, which makes him even more unforgettable.

Although Aoichubuki looks gorgeous, but it is also the use of unloading skills. He is confident that his runaway lion will not be inferior after the evolution.

After turning his thoughts, Tachibana noticed that all the eyes of Fudo Peak moved to him.

He shook his head silently and said nothing more.

The short-lived tricks of Fu Zhousuke are an ability that even he can't understand for the time being. Too much said here may affect the thinking of this group of people who have not yet grown up.


On the court, Fujitsu stood up.

On the other side, Nioh was upset.

He is working hard to bring his state of mind into the kind of psychology of Tezuka Kunomitsu.

"Huh... that's the case."


"Tezuka" walked to the backcourt and tossed the ball to get the shot.


He swings his arm sideways, and while hitting the ball, his upper body leans forward, his right hand pressed against his chest, and the racket in his hand accurately hits the back of the tennis ball.

"This is."

Fuji Bing's blue eyes watched the tennis ball, but his body did not move.Rustle!

After landing, the tennis ball made a sound of friction on the ground, and then slowly rolled in the direction of the middle net.


"It really was a zero serve."

Gan Zhenzhi gently pushed his glasses, he seemed to have expected this scene before him.

"The opponent used Tezuka's zero serve in the West Blue shore exchange game."

Kikumaru raised his hands and said loudly.

He was equally impressed during that exchange game. After all, it was after that time that they went to the U17 training camp together.

"Will it go on like this, isn't it bad?"

When Horio and the others heard this, they stared with big eyes and small eyes, and the faces of several people were full of worries.

"No, don't worry about Nioh's ability to win the serve with the zero pattern all the time." The dry voice came over at the right time, and at the same time he looked at the figure standing at the front of the team.


Tezuka added: "Although Nioh's abilities are difficult to entangle, he wants to play zero poses one after another, and the burden on his arms will not be small."

Hearing Tezuka's explanation, there was a surprise on the faces of Oishi, who were the first-year candidates, and Horio, who were first-year students.

In that case, as long as it is dragged to the end...


Tezuka nodded slightly, and then said nothing.

He put his gaze on the court again, and muttered in his heart: "The trick of Nioh Phantom may only be able to exert 120% of its power in that place."










After a few rounds, Nioh showed signs of decline.

The entire left arm of Tezuka that he had apparated was already red and swollen.

This is a side effect of the excessive use of zero serve. He still cannot afford such a high-intensity spin technique.

"Nioh... is it reaching the limit?"

Sanada frowned, and the expression on his face was not very pretty.

Originally, with Nioh's phantom ability, he was able to play very complex tactical combinations. As a result, he did not expect that after the initial miscalculation of the small trick, he was now restricted to the phantom of Tezuka.

"Perhaps, he shouldn't have turned the phantom of Tezuka from the beginning."

Liu Sheng sighed lower than Lu Shi.

"Although Kunimitsu Tezuka's phantom may affect Fujisuke's mind, we must not forget that it is Fujisuke who knows Tezuka Kunimitsu best."

And now this stalemate has made it difficult for Nioh to ride a tiger.

Once he gave up the phantom of Kunimitsu Tezuka, without a zero serve support, I am afraid that the situation will be pulled over by the help of Fujitsu in an instant.


Nioh took a breath, feeling the tingling sensation from his arm, his face has become paler.

Da da.

Da da.

Gently pressed down on the tennis ball twice with the palm of his hand, his face was dull and unclear.

"Have you not given up yet?"

Fuji's icy blue eyes swept Tezuka's arms sharply, and the expression on his face was somewhat subtle.

The current Nioh is not the original Tezuka.

"What a joke, how could this uncle fall in such a place?"


There was a crackling sound.

The tennis ball pulled out a winding and turbulent curve in mid-air.

The explosive force made the tennis ball fall like a huge cannonball towards the frontcourt of the firing area.

Um? !

Fuer's face was slightly startled, and when he raised his eyes, he saw a gray-white figure standing proudly on the opposite court.

"Taobu"'s deep eyes, gleaming with white light, were staring at his movements closely.


The tennis ball fell to the ground with a fierce downward spin, and then walked away from Bu Er's feet.

"Huh... this is Tang Huaise's serve."

Buer opened his mouth slightly, and said softly.

And the figure standing proudly opposite also raised his eyes and raised his eyebrows, and then smiled freely: "How? Don't indulge in the magnificent skills of this uncle."


As soon as his voice fell, the tennis ball in his hand was thrown high again by him.

Then he bent his knees and kicked the ground.

The power of the whole body was concentrated on the wrist, and then burst out suddenly.


There was a blast, and it stirred again.

The audience was excited by this sudden change.

Compared with Tezuka's slightly calm serve, the style of the game is more passionate and eye-catching.

With this ball, Fuji no longer shook his mind, and his body reacted quickly.


The soles of his feet were lightly on the ground, and his body seemed to follow the gap of the wind, trotting quickly from behind the hair extension line to the point of landing in front of the net.

Feel the wind floating in your ears.

The corner of Fuji's mouth outlines a gentle arc.


The pale cyan racket was inserted into the one-centimeter gap where the tennis ball bounced gracefully.

Immediately afterwards, Fuji's tense arms shook, and he slammed upwards!


"Six-fold counterattack, Xinghuo ~ scattered flowers."

A soft drink came from his mouth.

Just the next moment.


"Trace Department" only saw a bright beam of light like a starry sky, falling stunningly in his backcourt.

For a while,

He just stayed in place like this.


Kirara rubbed his eyes with an unbelievable appearance. It was clear that it was broad daylight, but he saw the dazzling starlight falling just now.

"This ball is probably the same move as the previous one."


Sanada murmured lowly.

In such a situation, Li Haida might really miss the finals.




"Game, help from the second week, 5-4!"

"Exchange venue!"

It was broken.

As the referee's voice fell this time, Nioh who had dispelled the phantom gasped heavily.

Walking to the coaching bench on the sidelines, he saw the ice bag handed over from Yukimura.

The smile on the other party's face remained the same, but he didn't know how to face the minister who had paid too much at this time.

"Yukimura, I..."

Nioh's mouth opened and closed, but in the end he still didn't say anything.

After receiving the ice pack.

His expression darkened slightly, and he sat beside him silently.

Only he knew that his body had indeed reached its limit.

At the same time, in the Ice Emperor's position on the other side of the stand.

Shang Xian You poked the elbow at the foot of the foot sitting next to him, "How about it, maybe this time, your image is defeated by Qing Xue Fu."

Jackie Yu's words are full of teasing.

Originally, Rubu was still a little happy that Nioh could use his phantom to cause cheers in the audience, but now it is also full of black lines.

In this situation, helping to win within two weeks is just a matter of time.

Without knowing what he thought of, the expression on the trail department changed, and he sighed softly, "Shangshan, you are right. I didn't expect our biggest opponent to be Qingxue."

"Don't think so much, the other chaser is very similar to us, isn't it?"A flash of remembrance flashed in their eyes, and then they fell silent.

After one and a half minutes, the game continued.

Both of them who returned to the court seemed to have recovered a lot of vitality.

When the ball came to his side again, Fujitsu did not hesitate at all, and continued to use offensive serve.


Sakura drifted away.

This time, Nioh, who turned into Sanada, barely resisted the tennis ball with the wind.

But soon.


Like a surprise, the tennis ball slid and rubbed on both sides of Fuji's racket. After reaching a certain limit, he was shaken by his wrist, and his backhand was cut diagonally across the net.

"You can't cross the net with this ball."

The understatement made Nioh's heart burst, and then he, who had been apparated into the appearance of Sanada, looked very serious and showed no other emotions.

This kind of backhand cut, logically speaking, should be best confronted with aggression.

But the other party's words gave him a very bad premonition.

"It was the match against Ajutsu."

A certain picture flashed in his mind, and then he stepped forward.

"Xu Rulin."

Take a short ball to catch the cut.

Nioh wanted to use Lin's characteristics to eliminate the strong downward spin carried on the tennis ball.


The tennis ball flew like a dead leaf from the cushion of his shaking racket.

Ten centimeters...Five centimeters...

Seeing the tennis ball getting closer and closer to the net, everyone in Lihai hangs in their hearts.

However, there was a puff.

In the end, the tennis ball did not cross the white line above the net.

"Hang the net, 15-0!"

Lihai Dazhong was taken aback.

The glimmer of hope that had just risen fell from their hearts in an instant.

Seven or eight minutes later.

With Fujitsu once again playing Aoi Chuuxue, this five-set semi-final came to an end.

"The singles match is over..."

Nioh fell to his knees, his hands propped on the ground, allowing sweat to drip from his hair and chin.

The voice of the referee, as well as the voice of cheering for Qingxue from outside the field, seemed to have gone from his ears.

Maybe he had this preparation in his heart, but when he really learned the result, he still felt a twitch and pain in his heart.

Not strong enough, he is not strong enough.

Whether it is his phantom or himself.


Marui Fumata's voice trembled a little, and his dumbfounded eyes were filled with regret and self-blame.

The doubles formed by him and the Jackal had unknowingly become a dead end for them.

Whether it was against the Ice Emperor before or against Qingxue today, their point became the key to the entire game.

Jackal lowered his head.

The principle of Che on the side is to raise his head, desperately trying to contain the tears that do not fall from his eyes.

A game, see the joys and sorrows.

It is different from Li Haida's atmosphere full of silence and sadness.

Everyone on the other side of Qingxue cheered loudly, and Taocheng even raised his arms and shouted the name of Fuji Zhousuke.

One pass ten, ten pass a hundred.

When Fuji went back from the court, he could still hear the cheers who kept calling his name.

"This kind of joy... is really good."

He lowered his gaze slightly, and the smile on his face could no longer cover up.

What he regretted not being able to do last year, this year he did it.

Eyes passed through the crowd.

At first sight, Fuji saw Tezuka who also smiled at him.

as well as--

The group of partners who have known him for three years!

The song of victory brought by the wind played on this stadium.

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