Three days later.

The main stadium of Ariake Forest Tennis Park.

Junior high school players from all over the country, as well as tennis lovers all came here. Among them, there are some faces that Bingdi is very familiar with.

Makinoto, Fudo Peak, Shitenbao Temple...

There is also their biggest opponent, the High School Affiliated to Lihai University.

Watching time go by little by little.

Everyone's eyes focused on the exit aisles on the left and right sides.

"Today's people... more."

Kirara glanced around, with a frustrated look on his face inadvertently.

On this last stage, they obviously had the opportunity to stand on it before.

"That... cut the original..."

The Jackal Sang Yuan who was standing behind him whispered softly before hesitating, and suddenly he was shocked.

When he withdrew from the emotion just now, he saw that his minister and deputy minister were looking at him with complex expressions.

Especially Sanada, although he didn't say anything, but from his clenched fist, he could tell that his mind was disturbed by Kirara, and it became extremely complicated.

The game a week ago seemed to reappear before his eyes.

How can you not care about that semi-final?

Speaking of which, the real turning point came in his singles matchup. Perhaps for him personally, he has no regrets against Tezuka again, but for the team...

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little dull, Marui reluctantly pulled the corner of his mouth, smiled and asked, "Nio...hasn't he come here today?"

As he said, his gaze also shifted to Hiyoshi Yanagyu who had been standing quietly in the team.

After that game, Nioh never visited the tennis club again, which made everyone who had been accustomed to Nioh's pranks very unaccustomed.

In addition, he would ask this. In addition to the thought of changing the subject, he was actually very worried. He was very worried that Nioh would stubbornly take all the responsibilities on himself, and he would never give up tennis ever since.

When other people heard this, there was a glimmer of worry in their eyes. Obviously, the same thoughts have surfaced in their hearts before.

"He shouldn't be coming over."

Liu Sheng shook his head lightly.

Then when everyone looked a little gloomy, he said, "Don't worry too much about him, he should be venting in his own unique way now."

"The unique way?"


At this time, on the second floor of a private house near the sea in Kanagawa Prefecture, a teenager only felt an itchy nose and sneezed heavily.

Even so, his gaze didn't shift at all, staring at the video footage that was constantly being shown in front of him.

This young boy with light blue short hair was holding his knees with his hands, and he was curled up on a back chair. His eyes were bloodshot, and his spirit looked very sluggish, but his eyes were extremely crazy.

Just as Yanagyu Hiroshi said, Nioh Masaharu is using his own way to carry out some kind of "venting", or in other words-metamorphosis!


"Here, it's coming in!!"

Just when the Lihai people who were in love with the scene eased a little, a commotion sounded on both sides of their location.

Of course, the reason is also very simple.

In the passages on both sides of the court below, the players of the Qingxue and Bingdi teams raised their chests and walked out slowly with a powerful aura.

Although the players on the field still look the same as before, the mental outlook of the two teams gives people a completely new feeling.

Eye contact and momentum confrontation.

Before the game officially started, it had already started off the court.

The Bingdi team and the Qingxue team looked at each other across a small half of the court. In addition to each other's eyes in the eyes of both parties, there is also desire, that strong belief in the championship position.

Everyone in Qingxue wants to leave no regrets.

As for the Ice Emperor, he also didn't want to leave any regrets in the last year.

Under the leadership of the coach, the two sides saluted each other and then returned to their respective areas.

The waiting time is not too long.

It's nine o'clock in the morning.

The very familiar and pleasant broadcast sound resounded throughout the venue:

"Next will start the final of the national competition. The singles will be played first. Ice Emperor Academy Akutsuren will play against Youth Academy Tezuka Kunomi."

"Please be prepared for both players."

Wait until the broadcast sound goes down.

Around the stadium, the onlookers from other schools showed a touch of surprise.

They didn't expect that Tezuka, who existed like a needle in Qingxue Dinghai, would actually play in the position of three in the first singles.

"Do they just want to make a desperate move?"

"No, it was the Bingdi singles that put too much pressure on Qingxue. If you don't try to fight, if Tezuka bumps into the shirt again, then Qingxue definitely has no chance of winning this game."

Shiraishi shook his head at Shinzuken.

Although they lost to Qingxue before, and he also lost to Tezuka's hands, in his heart, Yuu Yu is definitely the first person to be deserved.

He felt a lot of pressure in the duel between him and Tezuka, but when he stood on the court opposite Yuu Yu, it was a sense of powerlessness.

The brilliance of one's stars seems to be broken when touched by the opponent.

"This is probably the case. If Tezuka can win the first match, Qingxue will bet on doubles again. This match may not be hopeless."

On the other side, Liu Lian's eyes flickered, and various data faintly appeared in his eyes, and he was also analyzing it for his teammates.

However, when he finished speaking, he found that Sanada and Yukimura fell silent at the same time.

After a while.

It was Yukimura who started this topic first, his eyes were full of condensed, "Renji, this time you may have to miss it. In Akutsu's body, both Sanada and I have felt a hint of danger."


Liu Lian Er's face was startled, her eyes narrowed open quietly.

What did he hear just now?

"Don't doubt it, it's what you think, but it just means that Tezuka may not win surely. In the end, it depends on the performance of the two on the court."


Liulian pursed her lips twice, and said nothing more.

Just the moment he turned his body, a sense of powerlessness suddenly rose in his heart.

His current path seems to have encountered a solid barrier, which prevents him from taking half a step forward.


Next to the stadium.

The face of Coach Ryugasaki, who was sitting on the coaching bench, almost burst into laughter.

The moment he got the match list, he knew that there was a real chance this time. Maybe they would sacrifice one person in singles, but if they follow this match format, they still have a great chance of winning the game.

"Tezuka, I beg you next!"

Coach Ryugasaki looked at the tall and tall figure in front of him, with many thoughts in his mind.


Tezuka nodded, and then tightened the racket in his hand tightly, looking at Akutsu who was also walking onto the court from the side with a condensed look in his eyes.

The opponent's pale yellow eyes, like beast pupils, also glanced at him.

And with every step the opponent took, the aura on his body became more and more violent and domineering.

Ajujin seemed to have endured it for a long time, this time like a beast that came out of the cage, step by step freeing the shackles and restraints on his body.

This game is not easy to play.

A thought like this crossed his mind.

But then, Tezuka resolutely turned around and stepped onto the court without hesitation.

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