Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1025: confused

Relying on a stable climate and fertile soil, the prosperity of the Khatak Empire is still relatively good, but compared to the "security" of most imperial capitals on the plane of Faerun, this rare one prohibits the existence and spread of all religions. The imperial state is really not so good. {Щww{suimеng][lā}

Of course, guards have guards, and nominal law enforcers do exist. However, in a peaceful and decadent environment, it is more appropriate for these so-called "Hatak soldiers" to be called soldiers. They do the best every day. Qin’s job is to find good bully merchants or poor people to collect “protection fees”. As for any girl who has been violated in the alley? Even if the gang of "Master Soldiers" saw it, they would only ask to join with a smile.

So even if she was surrounded by a group of red-eyed half-crazy gangsters at this time, the girl who was whispering did not dare to call for help. She was a poor girl who attracted the attention of the guards, which would often only lead to more terrible results.

You know, if the soldiers didn't "play enough", they would even find a reason to put innocent girls in jail.

However, if you don’t call for help and show obedience honestly, can the disaster pass quickly?

The little girl with broken clothes feels that it will not be so easy, because in the dim tears, she has seen a leading muddler pull out a bottle of turbid potion and prepare to pour it into her mouth...

", don't give me this, who will save me, who will...who will save me..."

"Call for help" with the lowest possible sobbing voice, the girl's so-called call for help actually means more of just begging, and as the clothes on her body become less and less, the sad "begging" has also begun to be filled with despair. full.

"It's really strange, how could a girl who sells flowers step into such an alley? Maybe the children from poor families are not so defenseless"?

Hearing the clearer crying sound in his ear, Ganatika, who still shrank in the corner without moving a moment, suddenly realized that he had a little heartache and doubts. It was precisely because of this painful feeling that he was very surprised. Hard to continue to be immersed in grief and muddled.

It must be admitted that at this time, Ganatika even felt that the girl’s cry for help and the scornful laughter were more noisy than the roar of the secondary lord on the "blood battle" battlefield, and that kind of childish cry was more than the abyss-like spell Can also shake one's own soul.

It stands to reason that it is a very simple thing for the "young avenger" as a legendary fighter to ignore the voices of ordinary people, but now he finds that......he can't ignore it anyway. A little bit noisy............

"What do you do with me? The naivety that I wanted to be the savior has long been thrown away, right? Now I am a wanderer from the evil camp. I can't save anyone, and I don't want to. Who to save, for an evil person, it is a matter of course to ignore everything and even act as an accomplice, isn’t it?"

Ganatika repeatedly tried to persuade herself to ignore the little girl's crying, muttering to himself repeatedly in his heart, and trembling his fingers slightly, he chewed the sour candy in his mouth hard, and then closed his eyes as best as he could.

It is a very weird thing for a handsome flower girl to "snap into" a dark alley. It is certainly even more unusual for an "evil" warrior to use "persuasion" to force himself to remain indifferent.

However, just as he didn't care that the cloak was replaced by a **** for candy, Ganatika didn't want to think about these weirdness.

After all, the young man himself said that he is an evil homeless person, so he should applaud the evil in front of him, the so-called salvation and help... There is no reason at all, isn't it?


"Tsk, boss, this little girl really doesn't know good or bad, she wasted all the good "good wine", or let's just start it like this."

Seeing the "plaything" desperately closing his mouth and struggling to knock over the dirty bottle, the hideous **** with his pupils closed quickly became impatient, he punched the girl's abdomen severely, and then looked The girl with wide-eyed eyes and painful retching made a vicious suggestion.

After hearing the advice of his subordinates, the **** known as the "boss" also spit in disappointment. Then, the moody young man took out a knife and cruelly faced the girl. Said his thoughts:

"This little girl is too small... But it doesn't matter, we can help her enlarge it with a knife, wait a while, brothers will have a share..."

Suddenly, the light of the sword stroked as **** and cold with her fangs, and the girl with her tears streaming down her lips was ready to meet the pain and tragic fate. At this moment, the cruel and savage birth in the alleys looked like a feast of **** and devil, obscure. The distorted shadows set off against the dirty low wall like a dance of demons.

But... just before the blade pierced the white and tender skin, a simple knife hit by a speeding stone without slanting.


The crisp trembling sound pierced the empty alley, whether it was the smirk of the gangster or the sobbing of the girl, abruptly stagnated in the sound of the blade breaking...

"How many years have I still can’t just watch such things happen without being indifferent. As a good person, what I do is comparable to the mentally retarded, but as an evil person, my words and deeds The behavior is not as good as the mentally retarded............ If you want to save, you should shoot as soon as possible, right? If you don't want to save, you should honestly watch the whole process, right? What is the halfway action, self-deception? Self-satisfaction? Maybe because of this contradiction. Decisions and indecision, I deserve to be what I am today."

Gently squirming her lips and muttering to herself, Ganatika swayed like a real drunk tramp towards the gangsters and the little girl who were stunned.

At this moment, after all, choosing to help the young Avengers did not have the slightest heroic appearance of "heroes to save the beauty", and he did not have the appearance of a mighty and serious justice envoy, although it was just a simple stone bullet pointing out, embarrassed. In the blink of an eye, the warrior rescued a young girl who was on the verge of dying. Although she simply stood up, the "tramps" who had just revealed their powerful strength stunned the domineering gangsters.

But it is very sad that neither the horrified eyes of the gangsters nor the grateful eyes of the girls will bring joy to Ganatika, who is confused, because he is entangled in the dim calling of his heart, the young avenger only I feel like I'm going to be driven crazy by endless contradictions and confusion.

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