Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1026: sound

"Woo...thank you...thank you, big brother". [WWWw.SuiMеng.lā

Seeing that the sharp knife close at hand was directly shattered by an invisible "air", the scared little girl lying on the ground did not know that she had encountered a real savior? While a few **** were stunned with wide eyes, the girl who quickly broke free of the imprisonment almost relied on her survival instinct to express her gratitude and hurriedly ran behind Ganatika.

Although the teenager at this moment can be said to have just stood up from the garbage dump, and the dirty smell lingers on the whole body of this decadent "hobo", but the little girl who has been terrified can still care about it. With these, in order to catch the only life-saving straw that fell from the sky, she couldn't wait to hug the wanderers who came forward in time.

"...Thanks? What can I be grateful for? Where can someone like me be grateful?"

I got the gratitude from the beautiful girl. If it is an ordinary brave young man, maybe he should make good use of this opportunity to show his heroic qualities, but ignore the horrified eyes of the gangsters, and look back at the little girl. With a delicate face wet with tears, Ganatika, who was thanked as a savior, could feel the emotions but was at a loss of sadness.

Back in those days, when I decided to lead the poor against the exploitation of the nobles together with that girl "Pandora", where did I have the slightest hesitation? I think back then, when I was driven by hatred to slaughter so-called "indifferent bystanders", how could I ever feel any pity?

But today............ Long time has passed silently, and the blood of the devil is soaked in pieces of leather armor. What has become of Ganatika named "Avenger"? Where does the so-called "true self" exist?

The "brave man" in the past is probably as unrecognizable as those precious memories.


"Okay, it's okay, go home quickly, don't enter this dark alley again in the future."

The slightly mechanized lowered head warned the young girl, and Ganatika, who was still in a mess, didn't even know what she was talking about.

"Didn't I swear to be the craziest evil person? Am I trying to become stronger and avenge the gods? Why would I use such a tone in this remote corner to help an unknown child out of danger? I am Who? What am I doing now?"

Silently watching the girl who expressed gratitude one after another and nodded seriously, Ganatika suddenly felt that everything around her had become dreamlike and lost its truth again.

True dreams will always have awake times, but such dreams are destined to have no beginning and no end.

"Thank you, big brother...this...this bunch of flowers are for you...that...thank you very much"!

Of course, the frightened girl couldn't see Ganatica's serious thoughts. Seeing a few stupefied gangsters seemed to start to stare at her fiercely again, the little girl with dark ponytails trembling in the breeze could not bear it. She was about to turn around and ran away.

So quickly drew the most complete and beautiful white flower branch from a bunch of dust-stained bouquets and placed it in Ganatica's palm. The girl who finally calmed down quickly turned around and ran out of the alley.

For the innocent, everything that happened today is just a terrible nightmare encounter. The encounter between her and the tramp Ganatika is far from being an "encounter". She left this dark alley. Her life is still still selling flowers to subsidize the family, and crushing the handsome third-rate bard deer in the tavern.

The act of sending that white flower may even be the only opportunity in a poor girl's life to get close to the professional.

However, for the young avenger who is lost in thought and confusion............ the meaning of this bunch of flowers is too extraordinary............

"Hey, don't... don't just think you are a professional... you can be arrogant. My second uncle's fourth brother and sister are also... also a warrior apprentice..."

Seeing that their "prey" had already run away, of course a few gangsters who were sweating coldly wanted to take the opportunity to slip away quickly.

You know, even in the imperial kingdom ruled by the legendary mage, the number of professionals is extremely rare in a country with a population of more than four billion. Suddenly I encounter a professional who "sees uneven roads". Of course, a crowd of gangsters who are just ordinary people will be scared to war. If it weren’t for the tall Ganatika blocking the only exit of the alley, these few bullies and fears of hardship would have been long gone. Climbing down the wasteland and fled.

But... I'm afraid that the bully leader who took the medicine and spoke harsh words didn't realize that his "noisy and noisy" threat was a legendary soldier with extremely unstable mental and emotional...

"Don't make noise."

Before he could finish the unclear passage, a soft drink mixed with mental energy fluctuations suddenly interrupted his sentence.

That's right, this is of course just a simple light drink, for the legendary powerhouse, it's just a habit of speaking louder.

However, two or three gentle beatings are not equivalent to Taishan crushing the bones of the ants? Faced with such a strong mental power fluctuation, several villains who were just ordinary people were instantly killed on the spot without a chance to scream.

And it is worth mentioning that their death did not arouse the slightest attention of Ganatica, because at this moment, the boy with cloudy eyes was still looking at the bouquet in his hand in a daze-after getting a piece of this flower In an instant, he hadn't felt the familiar emotion for more than 100,000 years.

This emotion is called happiness.

Yes, this is just an ordinary field white flower, but in the eyes of today's "young avenger" its petals seem to be carved from white jade, and sparkle like crystal clear crystals. , Every clean little bit of dew drops like a magic mirror against the face of a teenager who has never changed.

That is Ganatica's own face............

"Have I really changed? Have I really grown up? Have I really... been overwhelmed"?

Clenching his powerful fingers, feeling the surging grudge roaring and whirling in his soul, the teary-eyed teenager muttered to himself and asked himself in a low voice.

But this time, there was no answer in his ear as usual.

Because just as Ganatika’s voice just fell, an ethereal voice resounded in this remote alley as if it had appeared out of thin air.

"How could it be? Poor child? Your heart is just covered by senseless hatred. How can your reflection now say that it is not a growth? Your good deeds have helped you to step out of the abyss of evil. , How can it be impossible to return to a pure soul?"


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