Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1027: Light spot

"Who, who is talking"!

Although immersed in confusion and sorrow, Ganatika's battle instinct, which he has trained for more than 100,000 years on the battlefield of **** blood battle, is still very keen, and a strange voice suddenly appeared in his ears. After that, the young man who was still watching the flower in his hand secretly hurt for the last second instinctively re-released his mental power and began to perceive the surrounding environment and forced himself to wake up as soon as possible. ?шщЩ.suimEnG.1a

For a legendary powerhouse, anything that suddenly appears within the scope of his perception may represent a dangerous conspiracy or a fatal attack. I believe that if you change to a punk and encounter the same scene, I am afraid that the caster will all be in a short period of time. Bombarded a "trace of light" without hesitation.

However, at this moment, the person standing in this dark alley is just a wandering person lost in the darkness.

Although the source of the sound was found, the nervous reaction of the battle did not succeed in awakening the boy's pessimistic mind. Although he quickly turned his head to look at the sky-blue light flying in his ears, his feelings were empty. Ganatika didn't even have the idea of ​​condensing grudge to attack or defend.

What can I care about? Whether it was his suspicious and mysterious "master" who sent a servant to spread the word, or an enemy quietly arrived at his side, what is the meaning of these turbulent things?

Wouldn't it be a very good destination for a homeless and desperate traveler if he could get liberation and even salvation in a gorgeous sneak attack?

Thinking of this, the frustrated teenager suddenly moved around or sent a signal to the "Whisper of Destruction" far in the magic tower. He simply ignored the weird light flying like a blue pearl. Click, and then continue to lower your head and stare at the white flowers in your hands in a daze.

This white flower... is really beautiful. Ganatica remembers that a long time ago, Pandora used a few pieces of broken armor metal to make an exquisite bouquet hairpin. The flowers and flowers that dotted the girl’s beautiful face The white flower blooming in my hands today is exactly the same............

"Oh, poor boy, I can see that you are enduring confusion and sadness. I understand your feelings and sympathize with your experience, because I have experienced the pain of falling into the darkness myself... But please cheer now Get up and listen to me say a few words? We really don’t have much time. Maybe my advice can provide you with a little help."

Seeing the muddled boy just glanced at him at random and lowered his head again, the blue light spot that was ignored by gorgeous did not show any impatient or negative emotions.

I saw it only flickered once in the air, and the ordinary brilliance turned into a cute elf the size of a thumb in the blink of an eye. Then, the sky blue shirt was as thin as a cicada's wings and light blue wings danced lightly. The little guy stood straight between the petals of the bunch of flowers.

Raising his beautiful face and looking up at the boy who bowed his head, the elf who appeared mysteriously continued to persuade patiently with an ethereal voice:

"Wake up, Ganatica, the evil wizard cheated you. You've always been the kind-hearted child, haven't you? Just like the beautiful Pandora expects it has never changed. Evil is not just casual You can join. A childish declaration or two can't say anything at all. Trust me, you are a kind person from beginning to end."

"...What are you talking about? Kindness? I can be called kindness even if I was dressed in blood and stained with innocent killings? Your so-called "childish declaration" made me a legendary villain! I have become myself The crazy lonely ghost who ever hated the most".

Gazing sadly at the beautiful elf, Ganatika did not question the identity of this little fellow who could not perceive himself and where he came from. He just shook his head to refute the sophistry of persuasion.

However, even though the eyes of the young Avengers were still hollow, the fairies who had obviously planned for a long time did not give up. Under the shining sun, her voice was still as dreamy as before...

"Oh, you are deceiving yourself again like this. Isn't the "hero saving the beauty" action just now the truest emotional portrayal of your heart? Didn't you still fail to watch the suffering of innocent people in the end? You actually know what you really want, right? You also know what kind of actions can make you happy, right? So... why not follow your own voice and walk the legendary journey?"

"What did you say? Just now... the girl just now was lured into the alley by you? What do you mean by saying these things? What am I afraid of... Isn't a powerful Morningstar professional not scary enough? Isn’t an unequal slave contract not enough to restrain my soul"?

A little incoherent to talk to her thoughts, Ganatika, who was illuminated by a single word, finally couldn't keep that empty and silent expression.

Yes, in a sense, this mysterious sky blue elf was right. The moment he received the bouquet from the little girl, the confused teenager actually understood where the "real me" he had been looking for was now. The hatred disappeared in the ruins of time, when the chaotic thoughts corroded the dark anger heart, the real "Ghanatika" really never had much change.

It's just...what use is there even if you see your heart clearly?

The long-spoken contract of the Eye of Judgment monitors the signer’s words and deeds in the depths of his soul.

"Do you want to set up any conspiracy against that "Destroy Whisper"? You want to use me as a breakthrough? Don't be kidding, let's not say that your enemy is a total monster, just say that you are targeting me The wrong person is found, and the Judgment Eye contract cannot be violated..."

Shaking his head helplessly and I feel a little more clear-headed. Ganatika has already thought of the possible reason for this mysterious existence to come to him to "speak up", but he really feels that the elves in front of him are whimsical. .

For his "master" Punk-Sean, even the teenage Avengers who have been in **** are somewhat heard. He knows that "Destroy Whispers" is a famous "supernova" and silent man in the entire multiverse. The sharpest brilliant blade in the league, its strength and hole cards are unfathomable and countless.

Wanting to be an enemy of such a guy............ That is not an easy task.

However, even after hearing the juvenile questioning, the little guy who rose up again did not express his veto or approval clearly. Looking around in the golden light curtain, she just answered naturally:

"Conspiracy? The current "guild leader" is like a mad dog who bites anyone to die. We don't have any conspiracy to lay out for the time being. The reason why I want to say these things to you today is just a little... um... a reminder to take precautions That's all, in fact, in the next period of time, the Mr. "Destroy Whisper" will become very busy, and you will have plenty of time to seriously think about a simple question-what kind of life do you want to have? Natika"?

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