Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1035: Go to

"Surname", "family"... According to what punk has seen and heard for a long time, it can be known that these two terms still occupy a large part in the traditional culture of many intelligent creature groups in the multiverse, legendary Most of the following professionals from aristocratic origins have an unexplainable and weird affection for their families, and surnames are something that many legendary professionals will not easily perfuse.

For example, among the legendary powerhouses known by punk, Kane’s surname "Besadas" is a third-rate aristocratic surname who is neither handsome nor on the stage, because this word is just "in the dialects of Kane's hometown" People who are good at riding horses" are just boring, just listening to know that this must be the noble title given to Kane's ancestors by some uneducated little lord.

To this day, no matter from what point of view, a powerful legendary professional, especially a mad knight, who has an explosive personality like this, sounds very embarrassing to bear such an unstyled surname. But in fact... the Morning Star Knight never complained about his surname in the impression of punk, and he did not abandon the surname of this turtle for being handsome or for other reasons.

Perhaps it is because the cultural influences received since childhood are completely different. Punk is destined to be unable to understand the serious thoughts of those "nobles" about their "surname".

But the incomprehension does not mean that it cannot be understood from a theoretical level. In fact, punk knows very well that for many poor professionals, things like surnames that seem to have no practicality even have a certain sense of ritual and special Meaning, many professionals from poor families, even if they have a lot of achievements in the future or even enter a legend, will not casually give themselves a surname that does not exist. Perhaps for them, "no surname" itself also represents A special class concept?

In fact, to this day, the only person punk knows who doesn’t take his surname seriously, and just casually named a surname for a little convenience, seems to be only himself... No doubt, he just came back then. The reason why the punk of the plane of Faerun gave himself a "Sai'an" as a surname is really just a perfunctory.

However, no matter how most people look at their family and surnames, at least for the rigid and lawful elves in their bones, these "vain" symbolic identities are quite worthy of attention, the punk "mother" tower Ms. Nass had been sad for hundreds of years after she knew that she had been expelled from the Eternal Forest and had been deprived of her surname by the Elf King.

And the most paradoxical thing is that while she was sad, she would not regret her "betrayal of the Elf family". She lost her surname in heartache and at the same time did not ignore that the Elf King's court could not extend to her side and re-enable "White Leaf". This name.

Perhaps for the simple and kind elves, "obeying the law is equal to observing the order, and making a choice must bear the consequences" is already an instinctive thinking. The one who never regretted his decision and never lost his guilt. The elven girl of love is the epitome of many low-level elven professionals and even many ordinary elves.

Again, most elves are out-and-out good and lawful creatures. The Elf King’s Court itself is also an out-and-out kind and lawful society, although power struggles and noble antagonisms are still unrelated to good and evil things. It will be repeated here unchangingly, but under the repressive surface of that peaceful country, the hidden freedom and kindness have never disappeared.

Closeness and innovation, opposition to unity, freedom and class, poverty and prosperity... These elements have never been mutually opposed and incompatible. They are all impeccable parts of a complete society, and they have always been like this since ancient times.


"I'm about to arrive at the endless sea of ​​forests. I heard that the green of the Evermark Forest is immutable, and the cold winter never fades. The elemental nourishment of the tree of life can make the huge Evermark Forest lively throughout the year, but Because the elves are too closed to live in seclusion, most of the information about the Evermark Forest is only the information obtained by some legendary professionals from outside. Maybe only if you step into it personally, the ancient beauty that has been cherished by the elves will be revealed in the travel. Right in front of you"?

Galloping over the endless mountains, looking at the clean ocean below the clouds, scattered on the emerald green ground like sapphire carpets, already drawing on the memory of Ms. Tanas The punk who found some information about the customs of the elves began to think about the tasks he needed to complete.

Considering that the "chairman" reminded himself to "communicate friendly, without losing dignity", he acted in a direct "Destroy Whisper" style. This time, he did not open the portal directly, just like walking out of the door to find a neighbor to drop by and come directly to Yonghen In the periphery of the forest, in order to show basic respect and courtesy, Master Chenxing still had the patience to spend a little time "slowly" flying past.

Of course, even if in theory he has no reason to fight against a group of innocent and elegant elves, even if the negotiation fails, he will just turn around and leave. Even the punk who has the entire Silent Alliance is not afraid of the goddess of life. Start a trouble... But for the sake of safety, the caster at this time still decided to start officially after preparing for the battle.

Don’t look at the current high-speed punk flying through the thick clouds, appearing leisurely, but in his shadow, the Morning Star Golem Xvia has always maintained sufficient vigilance waiting for the opportunity, in order to prevent any possible occurrence. An accident or an attack from the Mage The "pale scepter" that shone cold in the sun was also firmly held by "Destroy Whisper"!

"...I don't know what kind of letter the "chairman" wrote to the goddess of life to have the confidence to persuade a mean and great divine power to agree with her idea, let alone if Ms. Sergei Refusing to agree with the proposal, what methods will be used under the throne to threaten her...... But these things obviously have nothing to do with me, don’t they? My task is to hand over the letter from the "chairman". It is very simple. , That's all, as long as everything goes well, it is enough."

Watching from a distance, a green line overflowing with a strong breath of life appeared at the far end of the sky. After checking the information file recorded on the black crystal card, punk flew straight towards the "sea and sky" with no expression. The border location of

From the bottom of my heart, the spellcaster really hopes that the rigid Elf King Court can be more decisive, say no to agree, and don't cause trouble to himself.

But thinking of the indecisive policy choice of the Church of the Goddess of Life, thinking of the Pantheon’s as always cunning and muddy attitude...

Nothing? That's it! Don't think too much, just act by ear.

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