Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1036: Forest and Elves

The Eternal Forest is undoubtedly an ancient and mysterious world. Since the time of Netheril, this vast green sea of ​​forest has existed in the southernmost direction of the Faerun Plane, and is the place with the highest concentration of life elements in all Faerun. , The green here has long been connected as a piece of dye.

If you come closer and watch, every tree in the forest grows lush and lush, and every shade of tree exudes a comfortable coolness. A little mist is floating around the branches and forks like white yarn, and the bright sunshine is like Strands of golden fine sand fell through the layers of branches and leaves on the muddy grass.

It is precisely because of the radiant caress that the lush grassland can bloom with countless fragrant flowers. With the gentle breeze blowing slowly, the flowers are temptingly sweet from time to time, and the birds in the forest are everywhere. Dancing happily in the quiet moist air, accompanied by a ray of clear spring gurgling water echoing in the breeze for a long time, this charming scenery is definitely a grand masterpiece and magnificent art.

Here is the Eternal Forest, the outer territory of the Elf King Court, and the largest and most orthodox Elf Kingdom in the entire multiverse. The divine light of the Goddess of Life covers every corner of the Elf society, and the elemental fluctuations of the Tree of Life cover the vast forest. In every piece of land, although kindness and order are the permanent subjects here, the staged struggle and conspiracy will not be lacking because of the fixed camp............

Of course, at least on the surface, the elves of low-level professionals are still very lively and cheerful, even innocent and comfortable. The complex and cumbersome power alternation has nothing to do with the warriors at the bottom, thanks to the struggle away from the elven royal court. In the center, the elf rangers or elf druids who joined the "Eternal Scar Forest Patrol" are also eligible to enjoy purer kindness and happiness.

For example, among the hundreds of thousands of patrols in charge of security inspections on the edge of the forest, a very humble ordinary member of the patrol is so pure, kind and free............

"Ha, Luluth, don't run, hey"!

Accompanied by the fragrance of a sweet flower in the dense forest, it disappeared with the wind in a blink of an eye, and she saw a flexible and clean figure rushing down from the canopy like a fallen leaf that flew gently, against the silver bell-like laughter, she He rushed straight to the "hunting" target he had already locked-a huge bobcat with emerald green runes all over it.

"Wow, Nina! Now it's patrol time, you will be preached by the captain if you are so naughty again"!

Seeing the slender girl leaping down from mid-air, the "attacked" Lynx did not rush to evade or make a counterattack, she just showed a wry smile and changed herself in an instant Body shape.

By the time the girl elf named Nina pounced on her, the lynx, who was still a plush beast for the last second, had already turned into a nice and beautiful elf girl.

So just like that, Nina, who had been in ambush for a long time, did not rush to the cute big lynx...

"What, don't change it back, you will soon become a big cat and give me a touch~ The fluffy Lulus is the cutest."

"No, I don't want to be raised and lowered by a guy with a perverted expression. Besides, it's patrol time now"!

After hearing her companion's "dangerous" speech, Lulus did not hesitate and categorically rejected Nina's excessive request. Then, she pushed away the white face in front of her with her hands while pretending to be mature. Teaches the coquettish girl:

"How many times have I told you that forest patrol is a very important job that requires patience and seriousness. We are the first line of defense in the Eternal Forest. We must expel all outsiders who intend to enter the forest! Only in this way can the children living deep in the forest enjoy the sweet fruits with peace of mind... Have you listened carefully? Nina!"

The little adult explained his great mission to a fascinated companion. The distressed Lulus had to put her hand against Nina’s chest to prevent the drooling guy from sticking to her body, watching the girl’s beauty What appeared on her face was an obsessive expression of "desired dissatisfaction," and Lulus, who was still eloquent in the last second, began to feel deeply helpless in the next second.

Nina is her junior and a forest ranger who has newly joined the patrol. As a trainee-level ranger, this junior with a personality like a little girl is absolutely very qualified. She is agile and elegant (for the elves) Said this is very important), the sensitivity of the senses can even pay attention to the traces of dew on each leaf...No matter from which point of view, she meets the "plastic talent" standard described by the patrol captain.

But the only thing that makes Lulus feel helpless as a druid apprentice is...This guy is really obsessed with fluffy animals. Since seeing herself transformed into a bobcat, just now The heroic Maiden warrior was gone forever when she started work. This guy just wants to hug the big bobcat anytime and anywhere, so that Lulus, who has never participated in the battle, has to be frequent In the attack, he trained a good skill with agility.

"Oh, it's really a young child who is naughty all day long... But in the Eternal Forest, no outsider has stepped into it for thousands of years. This kind of boring patrol that is not interrupted for a day seems to have long since disappeared. It's a perfunctory project... if you think about it this way, it doesn't seem to be a problem to spend some time playing all day, right? Just don't let the captain catch it."

Seeing Nina who fell in her arms with a pitiful expression, feeling the clarity and quietness of the woodland given by the sunny weather, Lulus, who suddenly had a playful mentality, felt that she needed a little "occasional" entertainment to relax. .

As she said, the Fairy King’s Court banned all foreign creatures from entering the Eternal Forest a long time The so-called forest patrol has long since become a real "forest wandering", according to Lulus knows that as long as you don't put on a too strict "captain", many patrols' daily work is really just playing games with nothing to do.

"Anyway, no outsiders will invade the Eternal Forest. It doesn't matter if you just relax for a while... Luluth didn't slack off work, she will continue to patrol seriously if she has fun."

In her heart, she used a mysterious "big persuasion technique" on herself, and the lively elf girl quickly abandoned her "work" package.

So what should I play next? Wizard card? Or garland?

Rubbing Nina's delicate face in her arms, the playful elf girl has begun to fantasize about the fragrance of flowers.

"But it's not allowed to become a big cat and be rubbed back and forth. This is the bottom line of Little Luluth!"

Sitting on her knees in the bright and bright sunshine, letting her pale green hair shine brightly against the brilliance, Rurus finally said to herself and Nina "steadily".

This book comes from

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