Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1038: Blatant guest

"Two... elves? Forest rangers? Your uniforms have been over a hundred million years without changing the lace? From this point of view, the rigidity of the Elf King's Court is really well-deserved."

Standing on a piece of scattered emerald green leaves with cold eyes, the caster wearing black clothes, holding a pale scepter, and having a pair of dark golden pupils controlled the subtle voice and whispered to the two trembling "little guys" in front of him Questions and emotions.

There is no doubt that the mysterious man in black who has come to the edge of the eternal forest at this moment is the morning star mage-"Whisper of Destruction" Punk Sai'an who has accepted the "guildmaster" mission and arrived here for negotiation.

In fact, at this time, the caster who had condensed the breath of the morning star was walking straight to the Elven King Court located in the center of the Eternal Forest. In order to avoid being attacked by the enemy, punk slowly walked from the ground to the area full of life. Patience is enough. In this case, his way of traveling is obviously impossible to care about the so-called natural environment, so now there is only a mess of dead branches and leaves behind "Destroy Whisper". He violently tears the trees blocking the way. It seems even more brutal and brutal-you know, until now, this tens of thousands of kilometers long passage in the dense forest was torn out by his simple formal level spells.

Of course, even if there are not too many unnecessary plans and ideas, encountering two forest rangers here will not surprise the punk who knows the elf culture well, after all, even if the distance is eternally tens of thousands of years ago The nearest small kingdom in the forest has completely disappeared for inexplicable reasons. Even the most desperate, most greedy and beautiful slave hunters dared to wander the emerald wilderness around the Eternal Forest, but not at all. It is still impossible for the elven king court who knows the flexibility to cancel the almost useless "forest patrol" organization for any reason. In fact, it is a bit of a bit of only two forest rangers until such a "deep" forest to encounter only two forest rangers. Beyond punk's expectations.

Moreover, in these two so-called "forest rangers", the traits observed by punk are very different from the elf warriors in his "cheap mother" memory except for the "eternal" uniform... ...

"It seems that these two little guys were fighting just now? After such a long time, the order of the Elf King's court seems to have begun to deteriorate every day. In many cases, this kind of low-level fighters has a working attitude. It can best reflect the inner state of a country and even a legendary organization."

Silently thinking about the various details about the social situation of the Elf King's Court, the punk eyes still stared at the two "cute little guys" who were already terrified but unable to move.

It stands to reason that if a legendary strong man wants to converge his breath to hide, it is absolutely impossible for two apprentice-level professionals to have the opportunity to judge the difference between the "creature" in front of him and the ordinary person without any energy fluctuations. This kind of low-level concealment method of "destroying everyone" in a flash should also be one of the most basic skills that every legendary professional must master.

But in fact, Punk knows that his hidden ability is completely unqualified in his current state, and the reason is simple, because the pupils he seized from Ankazan are truly Huiyue. Class creation!

Unlike the "pale scepter" that was modified by the "guildmaster" himself, this pair of eyes solidified with the Moon-level spiritual spell—the "horror gaze" is always overflowing enough to make the legend stronger. The person feels the terrifying breath of fear from the soul level. Even though today’s punk has tried to consume a lot of magical power to "seal" these "slight" energy fluctuations, any low-level creatures close to him within 10,000 meters of his body are still instinctive. Feeling great fear, and this too obvious influence on the psychic level also makes punk completely unable to enter a low-key hidden state.

"Maybe this is also a price? Forget it, anyway, I am not a stalker who relies on covert actions. Compared to the powerful power of Huiyue-level equipment, this price is not a big deal... But since there are two Apprentice-level little guys can feel the existence of fear, so the morning star chief priest who wants to come to the fairy king's court should also rush to "greet the guests."

A little helpless punk looked at the two elves who had already begun to tremble, deeply aware of how defeated his breath was hiding, thinking so helplessly.

The world can learn from the world. His arrogant behavior of "invading" the Eternal Forest is definitely not a provocation or arrogance. To blame, Messur, who made these "Dark Golden Eyes", was lazy and did not add concealment. Features.

Well, this grudge is written down!

Thinking in a mess, punk simply stood there and waited. Speaking of it, now he is also representing the Silent Alliance to negotiate with the Elf King Court. It is not too much to think carefully about asking the other party to go out and greet him.

As for the two elven girls who are still sitting on their knees in the deserted glade... punk, who has already thought about how to deal with the next negotiation and is fully prepared for battle, suddenly feels a little bit nasty in his heart. idea.

"Any decision made by the Elf King Court must first hold a large or small meeting to vote, and finally start to act. It is estimated that the high priest will have to wait a few seconds before flying over. During this period...I might as well ask What do these two little elves think about their royal court and goddess? Maybe in this way, they can also gain some real-time intelligence."

Silently watching Lulus and Nina dripping in cold The caster felt that it might be a good choice to take this opportunity to listen to "the voice of the people at the bottom", after all, today's Elven King Court is essentially It is said to be a theocratic society, and the goddess of life as the supreme ruler, as a god, will be affected by the thoughts of his followers and even the will. If it is possible to find out the degree of fanaticism of the followers of the Holy See, then the investigator will also There is almost evidence to judge the general mental state of a god............

Just do it. Punk is definitely a resolute and resolute Morningstar Mage. Anyway, the two apprentice-level forest rangers are just not worth mentioning, even if they will suffer some unfortunate consequences. "Destroy Whispers" does not matter at all.

And in order to prevent the "smart" little guys from praising the goddess and not telling the truth, the caster will not forget to release a little simple spiritual spell and then ask afterwards-this is just a trick to force others to tell the truth. Extremely precise operation control, the formal level spells will not cause any harm except "helping" a creature to confide in their hearts. At that time, even if these two naughty elf girls say something about "great rebellion", they will be rushed to welcome them. The guest's chief priest heard it, and it was only the Elf King Court who claimed to be "absolutely kind and lawful" in the end.

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