Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1039: Strange Elf King Court

Official level mind system spell-"Mantra Questions".

"Quiet, little guys, you only need to answer my questions next. If nothing happens, at least you won't get hurt in my hands."

The two shivering elf girls could not say anything, and before the full bowstring Luluth asked about the identity of the punk again, the silver light dots, like flying sand, had drifted along the caster’s fingertips. After coming out, accompanied by the cold breeze blowing slowly, these "Mantra Questions" light dust that was deliberately lowered the mental load also merged into the souls of the two apprentice-level professionals.

As the Mage Morningstar said, "Mantra Inquiry" itself is a kind of mild inquiry-type mental spell. It does not cause any substantial damage to the recipient of the spell. It is just that during the effective period of the spell, the mind falls into chaos. Lulus and Nina must have been unable to lie.

In this way, even the chief priest of the Elf King Court, who was on the scene in a while, couldn't easily find fault and say anything.

"Okay, then please rest assured and boldly talk about your aspirations, what do you think of the goddess of life Psycheo?"?

Under the cautious catalysis of the spiritual energy, the spells released by the caster began to take effect in less than one hundredth of a second. I saw the two forest rangers who were still muscular and terrified just now were in magic. Under the erosion, they became sleepy and weak. For a while, the wind was noisy, the leaves were falling, and the beautiful elf girls also leaned against each other and sat down on the dirty ground.

Not long after, they began to answer every question of the stranger in front of them, with a blank expression:

"Ms. Psycheo... She is a great god, she has given the entire eternal forest perfect shelter, she is the embodiment of order and kindness... No, no, the life element of the eternal forest does not originate from the tree of life Is it the gift of love? Why don’t the bishops allow everyone to pray to that big, beautiful, and beautiful tree? Shouldn’t faith be free...Ruth doesn’t know."

"Do you respect the Tree of Life very much? Or do you respect Psychiona more? What does the Fairy Palace mean to you?"

"The tree of life... Mother said she would like to thank it for giving vitality to the forest... But everyone must believe in Ms. Psycheo. Even if they don't know why, they must believe in... As for the royal court... The nobles in the royal court are too hateful. They only eat, drink and have fun and squeeze the poor..."

"Do you think that the current Elf King Court is reasonable? Or... Do you like the current King Court? Do you like this Elf King Court that devoutly serves Ms. Psyche?"?

"I don't like it! Nina doesn't like it very much! Nina heard from her grandfather that a long, long time ago, people lived happily under the shelter of the tree of life. Whether it was the royal palace of elves or the goddess of life, they all appeared later... They didn’t do anything other than making a lot of rules, but now they don’t allow everyone to continue to believe in the tree of life."


"Why is the change in the Eternal Forest a little bit big? When my "mother" was still living in the royal court of the elves as a noble, he had never heard of such ungodly thoughts. At that time, the elves were obviously more fanatical. So, are these changes in consciousness all happening in hundreds of thousands of years... and even further tens of thousands of years?"?

Looking at the two girl elves who were shaking their heads and looking in pain with a little surprise, punk raised his eyebrows secretly while carefully analyzing the reasons for their birth.

To be honest, this whim of the question is right, because punk suddenly realized that his knowledge of elves seems to be really outdated. The elven society in which Ms. Tanas lived was obviously a religious society with very religious beliefs. At that time, the low-level elven professionals that the entire White Leaf family came into contact with were without exception a fanatical, brave and fearless believer.

But this is a little longer? However, it's only more than 200,000 years. How come the two forest rangers who are found have such weird thoughts? Where did the history of the tree of faith emerge? When did the life **** system become a peach-picking vile? This is what punk has unheard of as a Morningstar mage. Could it be that Ms. Psycheona, as a great god, can't even manage the "rumors" of the believers?


Slightly squinting his eyes, the morning star mage who was in the cold wind gently pulled the brim of his hood.

"These so-called "rumors" are not pure "rumors"? And now the Elven King Court and even the goddess of life are letting these unfaithful remarks go unfavorable? It seems that the water of the Eternal Forest is also very deep"!

After a few questions and inquiries, Lulus and Nina unabashedly stated their views on the goddess of life Psyche, the mysterious tree of life, and the decaying elf court. It’s not difficult to see from the language and confusion that today's elven society is in a somewhat weird "balanced state"-the goddess of life, Psyche,’s belief in efficiency is not advancing and retreating, and the decay of the elven king’s court is finally rotten to the low-level poor The degree of disgust in the heart, and the tree of life that had no reputation in the era where the cheap mother of punk was living, suddenly gained a bit of reputation?

Of course, for the time being, the number of investigative targets for the caster is still too small. The statement of two insignificant forest rangers is not enough to make a decision as evidence, but what can be seen in a miniature is also useful intelligence. Now, because when he saw the chief priest of the Elf King Court, the punk who visited the Elf King Court as an "messenger" did not expect that he would get enough opportunities to conduct rigorous social investigations.

And even now this short inquiry will inevitably not be able to continue, because within five seconds, three full of legendary auras will fly from the distant Linhai Center to the Punk Institute The place is now!

"It looks like it's time for the "big guys" to come on stage... Then let me ask again-if your goddess of life, Lady Psyche, falls, would you be willing to convert to a new, kind and lawful god"?

Taking advantage of the last bit of time to get rich, the sinister, cold-eyed "Destroy Whisper" asked the last question in a flat voice without emotion.

And the answer he got...Strictly speaking, it was not two, but three...

"............ Will you"?


"Presumptuous! You two white-eyed wolves dare to utter such violent remarks"!

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