Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1049: Mr. Bear

The cakes and pies are sent into the transparent box through a magic circle. Although Aikar has some control rights of this shining-level magic circle, the specific control process is obviously not easy, and it consumes a lot of money. After several minutes of magical power and magical power, the magic circle flashing with mysterious magical runes finally sent these two pieces of ordinary food that were common to ordinary nobles into the transparent box. ? WWW.suimeng.lā

During this process, Psychia, who was swallowing her saliva, had been staring brightly at the steaming honey jam on the pie. That look is as cute and cute as a greedy kitten. When the dessert slowly emerges from the corner of the box, the girl who bites the pie and smiles sweetly seems even more unbearable. Shih made a comfortable grunt from his throat.

Perhaps in this dark day, the activity space is limited to a small world of eight cubic meters. I don’t know why the goddess of life who has become a little girl looks forward to seeing the only "creature" in her existing memory. Carl is gone, and her only chance to enjoy happiness in the boundless pain is only a little time to taste these desserts.

Unfortunately, due to the "busy" and rush of the chief priest of the life **** cult, even this only happy time is destined not to last for a long time. For today's Psychia, every minute and every second of this moment will of course be More precious than diamond jade, the smile of the "pious person" is undoubtedly the most treasured treasure.

So even if her face was pale, her lips and teeth trembled, and her body kneeling on the icy ground was weak and weak, the strong little girl still tried her best to show her sunny smile and taste the sweetness of every bit of jam.

After all, after eating up this time, the next time I want to taste a soft pastry, I will have to wait for thousands of years...

"It is a great honor to let you feel the delicious food, Sir Psyche."

Watching his goddess of life lick the last trace of honey on his fingers with his flexible and pink tongue, Aikar, who stood outside the box and watched with a smile from beginning to end, also expressed his praise in a very sincere tone.

Of course, this time he came to meet the goddess of life, Psyche, who is completely in the state of a child. It is absolutely impossible for him to bring a bit of refreshment to the "ruler of the eternal forest". He has more important things. The purpose needs to be fulfilled.

So after the cute little girl with a little mouth swallowed the last piece of pulp, the smiling "piety" took out a plush toy bear and said softly to the "great goddess of life":

"Dear Sir Psyche, Lord of Vitality, your devout believers have important work information that needs to be reported to you. Mr. "President" of the Silent Alliance sent a letter that you need to watch in person. Send the letter through the magic circle into the "cradle"?

An atmosphere of death lingered around her body, and her obscure figure twisted and slanted on the green floor. The Pastor Morningstar, who was holding the toy bear in both hands, almost "seriously" explained the facts to Psyche while shaking the bear slightly.

Of course, because of the fluffy little cloth bear, the little girl who had just eaten up her snacks must have no way to look away from the novel toy.

"Well, I don't know any "chairman", but letters or something sounds interesting? But...but every time you can put in the box, there are only two or three things, right? If you send it After finishing the letter, won't Xiao Xiong be able to come to me?"

"Yes, Ms. Psycheona, when you made the "Cradle" you specially arranged such a sophisticated algorithm setting. In a unit of time, the material that can be transferred into the "Cradle" not only requires Limited by the energy level, but also limited by many factors such as volume, mass, level of law, etc. The letter of Mr. "President" is small but has a high level of energy. If it is sent into the cradle, it will not be until a thousand years have passed. After that, there may be no way to send the little bear to accompany you."

"Then I don't need letters, I want Little Bear to play with me"!


Everything is so logical, and everything is so obvious. In a few words, Celebona, who longed for the little cloth bear, gave up the right to view the letter of the "chairman" without hesitation. She chose Ai Carl recommends another path.

For a lively little girl, the fluffy bear is a soft and cute killer that cannot be rejected. In her immature concept of the world, the so-called "letter" cannot have a small cloth no matter how special it is. Is the bear important? You know, in order to get this cute bear playmate, Psycheona has waited patiently for thousands of years. How could she tolerate a "letter" that didn't know where it came from to grab love?

Faced with the choice of the great gods, the pious Pastor Chenxing would of course calmly choose to follow it. As the little girl blurted out the last words, Akar, with a gentle and bright smile, immediately activated the magic circle and turned his motionless little girl. The cloth bear was placed on it, and at the same time, in a miniature magical portal on his right hand, the dark crystal card was thrown into the vast dark star realm as if it were thrown out of garbage...

"Follow your wishes, the great goddess of life, I believe Mr. Bear will accompany you through many happy times."

In this way, Psycheona got a cute little cloth bear as she wished, and the smiling Aikar also "obeyed the order" reasonably and disposed of the "useless" magic letter.

Are you happy? Happy to everyone!


"Time is running out, and there is still work waiting in Xia. It will always be the greatest honor that you can have in your next life to meet the great goddess of life, Your Excellency."

Seeing the intoxicated little girl hugging the soft toy bear tightly, the gentle Aikar also saluted and expressed his willingness to leave.

Although the rhetoric the tone is gentle, he came here to deal with the tricky letters, nothing more. Now that this matter has been successfully completed, Pastor Morning Star certainly has other things to deal with. He is not interested in staying with a child goddess in the deadly kingdom of God.

Regardless of whether Psychia responded or not, Aikar was already building a sophisticated magic portal.

It’s just that for the poor little girl Psyche, the departure of the "piety" represents the rush of happy hours, the loneliness and loneliness that will last for thousands of years... When she thinks of these His eyes dimmed almost at a speed visible to the naked eye............

"Will you stay with me for a while? The sounds echoing in my ears are getting more and more, I feel a little scared, please..."

"According to the "Consciousness Reshaping" experiment report that you personally formulated at the beginning, this situation is an inevitable normal phenomenon. Don't worry, Mr. Bear will always be with you."

"Well, Mr. Bear?..."

"Yes, Mr. Bear"!

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