Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1050: New meeting

In the remote corner of the multiverse, in the still white and empty meeting place...

When punk hurriedly stepped on the smooth and silent floor, the emptiness of the conference hall was fully presented before his eyes, but it was different from what the caster had imagined-there was no meeting place at this time. Like the previous executors’ meetings, everyone came to Qi Jingjing and waited for the "chairman" to come to the projection to explain the affairs. This time punk saw only two participants from the beginning to the end-one was the projection of the "chairman" and the other It is the mad knight Kane-Bissadas who still wears a full set of golden armor!

And when the punk arrived, the conversation between the two of them seemed to have come to an end...

Mr. "Instant Kill Gun", the work you need to perform is not easy, I hope you take every opponent you encounter seriously, please don’t forget how greed can bring people so much harm, you need to learn Control your own greed and greed, this is even more worthy of a Morningstar professional to pay attention and learn than to upgrade the professional level.” WWWW.SUIMENG.lā

The voice of the "chairman" is still so plain and concise. There is no overly gorgeous rhetoric or emotional fluctuations between the words. This style of speaking with a sense of order and equality is not without commands and warnings. But at the same time, it will never make people disgusted.

However, no matter what the tone is, the truths he has said can not be ignored by anyone. Listening to the teachings of the "chairman", even the "instant kill gun" who has always been cynical, will no longer show a sense of humor at this time. Attitude, I saw that he used standard noble etiquette while expressing gratitude and solemnly made a guarantee:

"Follow your orders, honorable "Chairman", just as water birds in the wind and rain will not fall easily, and just as the reefs on the coast will not fear the waves, I believe that my ability is sufficient to complete these important tasks... So in order to save your time, I will retire first."

When facing the strong, the mad knight doesn’t mind showing the most basic politeness and respect. After receiving an unsalty warning and seeing a punk who is not far from him, Kane will After solemnly making a guarantee, he quickly walked to the exit of the meeting room.

Obviously, this time the executive meeting format is no longer a cooperative mode meeting where multiple people wait for the "chairman" to explain their goals, but has become a more concealed one-to-one individual task release.

Before the official arrival of punk, the "chairman" should have assigned top-secret important tasks to the morning star knights who "keep the chain at the critical moment". In the same way, the next conversation between the caster and the throne of the sun will also be Kane. There is no reason to stay on site and listen.

As a result, the "Instant Killing Gun" with a smile on his face and striding towards the exit just as if he didn't even know the Morningstar Mage in front of him, passing by the punk who had just walked into the entrance, followed by a slightly golden light. In a flash, Kane, who had entered a super-light flight state, had already left the venue.

"..."Your Excellency "Chairman", what kind of accident happened? Why was the hazard notification plan interrupted?

I didn't care about the morning star knight's hurried departure, and the punk Dang who had already walked to the gray-black spherical projection asked without expression.

The mission that the mad knight got from the "guildmaster" is not something he needs to pay attention to. The current spellcaster is more concerned about what kind of "emergency" happened to force the "guildmaster" to interrupt the original plan for a long time. "Danger Notice" action.

You know, from the time I saw Aikar, the chief priest of the Elf King Court-Call of Life, the "Whisper of Destruction" who didn't like to miss any opportunities has vaguely felt that the entire eternal forest today is something very wrong, if " "The president" insisted that he send a letter to the goddess of life, Psyche. Punk believed that he would be able to discover more secrets of that "piety" **** stick. After all, even with intuition, the caster had a 90% chance to be convinced. Carl has been concealing some ulterior things.

But now... the "Danger Notice" task is over. If punk visits the Elf King's Court without authorization, it will be a real "invasion of aliens". If you don't want to risk a big fight, about the Elf King's Court, The secret of the "Pious" chief priest and goddess of life Psyche is destined to temporarily become a new unsolved mystery.


"It seems that Mr. "Pious"'s acting skills are very ordinary, or the intuition from "it" is effective again. You should have discovered the weirdness of the Elf King Court, right?"

It seems that punk’s doubts can be seen, as if he can always remain calm, and the "guild leader" who has not changed his face before the landslide did not immediately arrange the task in a hurry. First, he was very responsible for the question of the caster. Sufficient answers and reminders:

"Don't think too much, Mr. "Destroy Whisper", the wrong thing in the Elf King Court was noticed by many people hundreds of thousands of years ago, but this matter involves a great divine power, a life **** system, The Pantheon and even more, so no one goes deep into it from the beginning to the end... Remember, curiosity is undoubtedly a good quality for the mage, but now you better not to be curious about those. It’s better to know the incomparable troublesome things. After all, anyone’s power and time are limited. Even I have to try my best to solve the enemy in front of me. Thinking about other things, can you understand what I said?"

"...Well, I see, then...has the enemy in front of us using brand new methods again".

I was reminded by the "guildmaster" Punk also understands how outrageous the elf court’s weirdness involves. It must be admitted that what is said under the Crown of the Sun Throne is correct. The caster now is just A forty-fourth-level Morningstar Mage, compared to those ancient and dangerous secrets, he should really focus on the current development and confronting the enemy, especially... this time the "enemy" in front of the punk and even the entire Silent Alliance. "It's especially hard to deal with.

At least judging from the current attitude of the "guildmaster", this has always been strategizing under the crown of the throne of the sun, and it is rare for the so-called "accident" to feel distressed.

I saw that after punk uttered his doubts, the "chairman" who had reduced the size of the sphere's projection projected a clear image in a vacuum while explaining to the caster in a tired tone:

"No... the guy from Messoul has been "called". It is never difficult to deal with the unlucky person who is "called", but the real trouble is that the "five-color dragon mother" who should be on the same front with us should Ms. Yamat was too stupid and impulsive. Her idiotic action not only undermined my precise plan, but also gave Mr. "Shi" a chance to come back to life. In fact, even I have to admit that I Going to the abyss to negotiate with the stupid dragon is probably a complete mistake, because I never thought that Tiamat would be so crazy today that he was so dizzy"!

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