Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1065: problem

"It is of course a good move to stay vigilant. In this dangerous world, a perfect sense of confidentiality is absolutely understandable. Then in order to ensure that our next actions can be "according to the plan", please explain your personal thoughts. Up".


As a morningstar mage with excellent psychological quality, Punk did not show any impatient attitude because of Anthony's tight-lipped mouth. Although he has never been able to perform all the emotions he wants to perform like Kane, but "Destroy Whispers" "The technique of keeping expressionless has already been practiced.


At least during the conversation, the caster felt that his performance should be quite in line with the good image of a cold-faced partner, and the fluent and concise Pastor Morningstar did not seem to show obvious suspicion or displeasure. The other's mental power fluctuations and even facial expressions are as friendly and calm as always.


   I saw that with the help of the slightly red moonlight, Anthony stared at a shadow in the corner of the room while avoiding punk's dark golden eyes and said clearly:


"Okay, first of all, we have reason to be clear about the fact that our actions to subvert the Karamus Empire must not be rushed, and our destruction must be moderate enough. I believe Mr. "Chairman" must also work with the **** of justice. The husband doesn’t want to force Messoul to come back from the star realm, right? Although in theory, destroying the magic garden full of wealth will destroy the "arch mage"'s "mind purification solvent" to a greater extent. Auxiliary production capacity, at that time, even the mighty Messul may need to be rebuilt for millions of years in the magic garden before it can start the potion transaction with the Pantheon again, must be admitted that now "mind purification" The soaring price of "solvent" has caused too many dissatisfaction with the gods. Although it is necessary to stop its production, it is completely in our interest to stop the production for too long...


   Moreover, no one hopes that Messoul and the crazy dragon Tiamat will really fight forever, right? If he loses, it’s really troublesome. After all, we both need this guy who has the courage to disobey the rules to restrict the "Pantheon Gods". God knows that those indecisive people have not made a decision until today. Okay, do you want to completely turn your face with the Mage Guild, especially the goddess of life... She simply doesn't even attend the meeting now. "




   This is a discourse that reveals a lot of information. Although the core, the **** of justice, has not yet been clarified, some problems have been clearly exposed.


Of course, as long as Anthony wants to cooperate, he cannot conceal all the information related to the mission. After all, punk is not his subordinates and will not unconditionally obey the orders. He still needs to give the most help if he wants the help of the Morningstar Master. Basic reasonable explanation.


   And it is estimated that from the perspective of this "Clean Glow", these "small details" punk should have been understood for a long time, what he said now is only to comply with the orders of his immediate boss:


"Well, I'm not sure why His Highness Tyr has to ask me to confirm these issues with you, but my advice to His Excellency Tyr is to destroy the huge population of Karamus and cut off the benefits of Messoul's soul. This is enough to ensure that Messul will not be able to rebuild the production of "Mind Purification Solvent" within 30,000 to 50,000 years, and all our actions are in the name of the Pantheon. In the end, the source of the anger of the Mage Guild will only be traced back. To the "Pantheon of the Gods"... Now I am honored that this proposal has been adopted, so in tomorrow's meeting, we need to grasp the key metrics."


   "Okay, I am sure that I am very good at grasping "measures" in any sense. I manipulate "measures" just like chefs are good at cooking.


   "............ This statement sounds really reassuring, of course, I believe that you are an excellent Morningstar mage, so in the next period of time, you and I will fight side by side as partners."


   "It's really an honor for me, Mr. Vodacarli..."


   "This is also my honor, Lord Sai'an".






After an awkward polite remark, this time the somewhat inexplicable "two-party talks" came to an end. Finally, Anthony, with a slightly stiff smile, consciously exited the punk room and closed the wooden door. Punk just stood expressionlessly by the moonlight window and watched Pastor Chen Xing leave.


   For a while, the needle could fall in the silent air, and the shadows on the floor seemed to slowly expand in the shining of the morning light.


"This is really interesting, the gods? The **** of justice, Tyr? So it seems that the red robe mage chairman Eman may get the so-called third " Long "Is this laying a net on many sides? Fishing around?"


   sent away the uninvited guest Anthony, and the punk eyes instantly became cold and gloomy.


   Nothing else, the Mage Morningstar took out the magic crystal card and sent his question to the "guild leader" who didn't know where he was now.


This matter is no longer a casual trivia. Pastor Morningstar’s compliance with Tyre’s question is probably a preliminary temptation. In this case, punk has a reason, regardless of selfishness or justice. Ask the "chairman" for some things, and it is necessary for someone who is completely invisible to the crown of the "Sun Throne" to give an explanation to his "subordinates".


However, what Punk, who was transmitting information through the magic crystal card, didn’t know was that just outside his door, Anthony, who was standing in the deserted corridor and wearing a white robe, also slowly dissipated while releasing several concealed magic arts. There is a friendly smile on his face, and in the palm of his hand, a small shrine is glowing in the quiet air............


"Report to Your Royal Highness Tyre, follow your orders. This time the temptation is over... The mission objective that "Whisper of Destruction" got from the "President" is obviously not the same as our previous plan, but the morning star The mage said very little, and the expression and mental power fluctuations remained unchanged from beginning to end, and I never dared to look directly at the strange pair of dark golden pupils, so at this moment, even I can hardly judge whether you have been "chairman". Your deceit, I will continue to observe carefully and be ready to report...above!"

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