Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1066: Analysis and answer

Most of the legendary powerhouses have one thing in common, that is, they are not fuel-efficient lamps. Of course, the legendary organization composed of these legendary powerhouses is also difficult to figure out. Maybe they still exist quietly in a certain place. A dark corner silently observes this vast world, but when it comes to certain unpredictable and inevitable disasters...such as "the tide of fate", various conspiracies, assassinations and hunts It will be staged one after another.


For example, at this moment, the state of continuous fermentation is like a grand and lasting masquerade. The guests attending the meeting are not only the Silent Alliance and the Mage Guild dancing on the stage. In the dimly lit corner, the red robe, The Pantheon and even the demon prince from the abyss were whispering in the dark.


   The tide is approaching, fate is whispering, no one can stay out of the matter, the life-and-death war has just begun at this moment...


While waiting for the "chairman" to send a reply, Punk also carefully analyzed his existing intelligence and the position of various forces. These simple analyses are very helpful for a spellcaster to make a clear and correct judgment. .


First of all, punk can basically determine that the organizational structure of the Pantheon is almost as split as the Mage Guild and even today’s Silent Alliance. Even its internal order may have been messed up amidst unknown conspiracy and manipulation. After all, everyone knows that the Lord of Dawn, who has been completely reduced to a priestly puppet many years ago, can’t be regarded as a self-conscious intelligent creature to express opinions at the top decision-making level of the Pantheon, and through Anthony’s remarks just now It is not difficult to guess that Tyr, the **** of justice, seems to be planning an unknown plan with the "guildmaster", and the mysterious goddess of life seems to be completely drifting away from the edge of the Pantheon.


   Maybe this chaos directly caused the gods to be excessively indecisive? Or is the soaring price of magical potions mentioned by "Smile" just an external manifestation that plagues many lower gods?


These insider spellcasters are temporarily unknown, but what he can be sure of is that at least the Pantheon has now been divided into two factions in dealing with Messoul, and the people of the one faction of the Gods have not determined whether to abandon it. The unjust but very useful ally of the Mage Guild, their attitude represents the ideas of the vast majority of the good camp, which is ambiguous and difficult to figure out.


   Under the magnificent curtain of the Pantheon, a faction headed by the **** of justice Tyre has even more bizarre ideas.


The core purpose of sending people to the Karamus Empire to cause trouble was not to murder Messoul or the Wizard’s Guild, but to destroy the continuous production of the "Mind Purification Solvent", and even a certain great divine power also intended to do things as "human beings". The perfect state of staying a line and seeing each other in the future, which means that the gods of this faction actually plan to continue to cooperate with the badly injured "teacher" in the future!


   And what’s more interesting is that they also think that the idea of ​​"chairman" is consistent with them!


  Punk now feels that he has a good reason to believe that the people in the Pantheon simply don’t know the fact that "Messoul" was named, and it is estimated that there are not many people in the entire multiverse who know this.


Speaking of it, the “Destroy Whispers” used to think that “calling” this “deleting mechanism” from the long river of fate should be a very common “natural phenomenon” at the Yaori level, and the target of being “called” is basically in a kind of The well-known status of "famous", after all, the "chairman" mentioned this matter so freely and even calmly.


   But judging from the foggy performance of the Pantheon...


  Punk can only admit that the "chairman" is really amazing! Few people know this "call", OK? Even the caster suspects that unless confirmed by some very special and powerful methods, the target "named" may not realize that he has been "named" by the long river of fate, even if he is a powerful Sun Throne. exception!


"Well, things are getting more and more complicated and confusing. How many forces will the storm detonated by Messoul be involved? How many powerful people will be entangled in the big net woven by the "chairman"? My forty Where is the fifth-level Morning Star Mage in such a storm?"


   Looking at the dark earth once again illuminated by the brilliance of Mira and Chikasa, the expression of punk bathed in the morning light has also lost its usual indifferent and relaxed.


In the palm of his hand, the dark magic crystal card that seems to be able to swallow every ray of light has conveyed the reply of the "guildmaster", but to be honest, this time the explanation from the crown of the sun throne is not as clear and reliable as usual. …………


"Hello, Mr. "Destroy Whispers", first of all I have to apologize to you sincerely, because the mission I gave you is indeed not the whole content of my plan, but I think you should understand what is in this world" "Trust" is so rare. Under the premise of ensuring safety, I personally don't think you need to know more information about this mission to complete the work.


In fact, what you need to do never needs to be changed because of the Pantheon’s thinking. Even if Anthony is doubtful now, the only thing you need to pay attention to is to hide a little bit before the Red Robes launch the "general attack". It's just action. As for the red robe's "general attack"...I will notify you in advance when the time comes.


Secondly, I would like to thank you for elaborating the communication process between yourself and "Clean Glow" in detail. Now based on this rather meticulous trial and response process, I can basically confirm two facts-first, As a Morningstar Mage, you are really bad at acting. Please remember that the eternal expressionless face can only be a perfunctory rather than a qualified disguise. The information that such perfunctory can hide is actually very limited. Second, Mr. Tyre is more suspicious than a million years ago. Any of his promises are not trustworthy at all. The self-proclaimed **** is undoubtedly the most hypocritical creature in the world."


   End End of response.




Well, it is of course impossible to expect a throne of shining sun to tell his subordinates all of his thoughts, especially the "mercenary" such as punk is still an obvious interest-oriented person... But since there is already A Yaori-level magical equipment serves as a "safety guarantee," and the Mage Chenxing actually has no reason to make irresponsible remarks in areas that he shouldn't be involved in.


By the way, "Destroy Whispers" has always thought that there is nothing wrong with his expressionless and cold response to questions. He is a Morning Star Mage anyway, and he does not need to accommodate others everywhere. If the president is because of this "no The "disadvantage" of being good at camouflage excludes yourself from all tasks that require sneaking into acting skills...Who can be sure that this is not a good thing?


   Anyway, there is a crazy knight in the Silent Alliance who can act as a "block". Where is the need and where to move, right?


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