Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1070: Anthony's proposal

Punk is actually mentally prepared for the fact that the demon lord’s invasion of the "Klamus Empire" requires the strong to fight. After all, it is necessary to pay attention to the concealment and persistence of such things. It is absolutely impossible to not do the slightest business. of.

   But the question now is, who said that perfunctory stepping on the battlefield is equivalent to facing three demon lords and even more powerful enemies of the Morningstar level at the same time? Do you have to bear the risk if you don't have a little reward? Just to save the innocent and defend justice?

   Too bad! Punk didn’t think this idea was reasonable or forced to help. He only knew that for safety reasons, a Morningstar professional should not deal with more than two demons of the same realm at the same time, and some self-proclaimed just "volunteers" also You must feel the blood and killing from the abyss.

   So he stared straight into the eyes of the "valkyrie" Iberfeld who asked the question, and the punk with dark golden pupils and faintly came out of the inconspicuous shadow and said clearly:

"I am opposed to such a dangerous, brave and ridiculous proposal. No matter from which point of view, the "good and strong" in the mouth of a little girl is not as invincible as the world boasted. It is not just that Mr. Anthony cannot bear such a heavy crisis. Risk, even I am totally incapable of fighting against the three Abyss Lords alone..."

"Really? Mr. Sai'an? Please forgive me for an interruption... I mean, as far as the Mage Guild's investigation knows, you not only possess enough to defeat the Morningstar Mage "Sky Shard" Belein-Neckar Mr.'s powerful strength also took away the "Dark Golden Eye" originally belonging to "Burner" Ankazan-Flame Eyebrow in an unrighteous battle. As far as I know, that powerful alchemy creation is one This precious Moon-level magical equipment is almost universally known for the power enhancement it can bring to you."

   Hearing "Destroy Whispers" refusing to make any effort, the "White Ceiling" Karan standing on the side of the Mage Guild finally couldn't help but retort.

   Maybe others don’t know how punk’s strength is, but wouldn’t the Wizards’ Guild, which killed two generals one after another by a Morning Star Wizard, not conduct any investigation?

What's more, as the owners of the last "Dark Gold Eyes", of course, they also know very well how powerful and magical the pair of alchemy eyes are now installed in the punk eye sockets. This self-made Huiyue-level "trump card", which was finally in the hands of a hostile force, was announced wildly, so Karan's question at this time is actually completely reasonable. After all, the news that punk now has a pair of Huiyue-level eye pupils It has long been no secret among the legendary organizations of the multiverse.

   But even so...what about it?

Turning his head quickly, he directly activated the solidified "horror gaze" spell effect on the Dark Golden Eye. For the first time, the Morning Star Mage who used this near-unstoppable power on other legendary professionals was almost like a beast staring at its prey. I looked at the pale female mage Karan who was standing next to the banner of the Karamus Empire, and with the faint fluctuations of the Huiyue level, the entire royal hall seemed to be quiet in a short moment, and I saw the hall. The shadows flickered in the middle, and the cold wind shuttled, and the gloomy atmosphere seemed to flood the brightly lit venue...

   For a while, none of the more than ten legendary professionals standing around the map dared to speak up, and the "white ceiling" stared at by the caster was stiff and his smile gradually stiffened.

   "Are you questioning me, little guy"?

As an ancient Morningstar professional, looking down at the ordinary legendary mage who had stepped back two steps, the pupils of punk hidden in the shadow of the hood were sharp and sharp, and his words also seemed very rude. stand up:

"I think you need to understand several very important facts. First, how my strength does not require anyone to evaluate without authorization. Second, the personal grievances between Ankazan and me do not require outsiders to interrupt. Third, Demons may have a series of emotions such as fear, sadness, and pain, but all their emotions will only be mixed into the purest madness. These eyes cannot be a high-quality weapon against the abyss lord. Finally... …You’d better pay attention to the tone of your speech, Ms. Karan, the nonchalant nonsense may not make the hound’s loyalty appreciated by the owner, but the disasters that a broken mouth can create are far too numerous to count... ………"

   "Enough! Mr. Sai'an! How can you release dangerous spells on your kind companions? What we are doing is an important discussion about countless lives and deaths. If you don't want to speak well, please leave this palace."

Seeing that Karan, who was unable to retreat back against the wall, was about to slump on the ground, the two Pastors Chen Xing, who had been stunned for a moment, stood silently watching the play without saying a word, and finally got out of fear. Iberfil, who reacted in the atmosphere, finally uttered angrily to stop the absurd threat.

"The Valkyrie" doesn't know Ankazan, who has been dead for more than 100,000 years. She is also ignorant of the dispute between the Mage Guild and the Silent Alliance, but she knows that the Morningstar Mage of the "Neutral Chaos" camp absolutely claims Not a good person, her purpose is only to save the lives of tens of billions of people's sons.

   So in the face of the interruption of the discussion and even the signs of infighting, the anxious Iberfeld finally couldn't help but once again spoke out and directly attacked the strong Morningstar.

  Perhaps in the hearts of these "chivalrous men", there really is no one in the world who cannot be offended............


"Ahem! Alright! Everyone’s ideas are good, aren’t they? My Lord once said, "No one should quarrel about well-intentioned ideas", not to mention that we are now facing The right enemy is the twelve Morningstar Demon Lords. For the sake of justice and kindness, we should stop arguing about those old things. The immediate priority is to discuss a feasible countermeasure as soon as possible."

I noticed that the atmosphere in the palace had begun to become more rigid and solemn, and my refutation of the purpose of fighting was perfectly achieved with the help of punk. The "clean glow" who maintained a friendly smile consciously acted as the "good old man" to complete the field. Empathetic role.

   And taking this opportunity, he also took it for granted that he said a "good way" to solve the problem that people can't fault:

What Mr. "Destroy Whispers" said is quite reasonable. It is indeed too dangerous to fight with one enemy and three. I also think this kind of courageous behavior is very undesirable, so I think that everyone present should work together for this Every Morningstar professional creates a safer battle environment of "one enemy and two", which means that except for the existing top combat power of me, my deputy, Donnela, and punk, ordinary legends Friends should try to attract the attention of at least four Morning Star demons and prevent them from joining the battle until we solve the enemy at hand"!



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