Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1071: End of the pre-war meeting

Anthony’s proposal sounds quite reasonable. The four Morningstar professionals can deal with the two demon lords more easily. Even if some indescribable "small accidents" occur, they will not be able to rely on the various unknown cards in their hands. Take too much risk, and as long as the other four abyss lords are handed over to many ordinary legendary powerhouses to attract attention, everyone does not have to worry about being "isolated" by the morning star demon who will not buy the account and insist on joining the real battle.

   After all, considering the unique brutality and madness of demons...It is impossible for them to ignore anything flying in front of them.

   It sounds like a fair decision, isn’t it? Anyone has something to do, and no one can just ignore the evil invasion. The capable Morningstar professionals fight their enemies bravely, and the ordinary legends with insufficient strength attract the attention of the demon lord to support them. Everyone must do so. Save the innocent and contribute your own strength.

   It's just that after hearing this decision, Iberfeld, who was still staring with his eyes widened for the last second and refuting punk with righteous indignation, had red eyes.

The character of the "Valkyrie" is indeed impulsive, but she is not a fool. She understands how dangerous it is to let a few "ordinary legendary professionals" attract the attention of a morning star lord. You must know that the group of demon lords like it. Seventy-one smashed Morningstar's ultimate move. Although in theory, ordinary legendary professionals do have the ability to lure one or two bloodthirsty monsters far away with their wisdom and number advantages, but...

   It’s too dangerous, it’s just death! The kind-hearted Iberfel can’t imagine how ordinary legendary professionals should fight against the terrifying power of the Morningstar level, so she almost instinctively wants to export and argue for her friends again:

   "Wait a minute, I have a little question..."

   "Good idea, I agree with this proposal".

   "Yeah, Mr. Anthony is right, so it's a decision."

   "Since the decision has been made, I will naturally second it. For the sake of kindness and justice, it is incumbent to go through all kinds of fire and water"!


   The first sentence was obviously the sentence Iberfeld said in a hurry. She probably wanted to temporarily interrupt this issue that was raised by her own mouth and deviated from the right direction.

But it is a pity that with the reaction speed of her ordinary legendary professional, there is no opportunity to say anything, because almost at the moment when Anthony's answer has just fallen, the dark golden pupil has been extinguished, and the punk bent back to the shadows after taking a step back. I got my own idea of ​​identification.

Then, as the deputy of Morningstar next to "Clean Glow" expressed his affirmation, many legendary priests standing on the side of the Pantheon also spoke righteously, as if they did not care about the so-called risks, shouting, "It is incumbent to go through fire and water. "Such a profoundly righteous slogan has undertaken this "glorious" mission?

   And at this moment, without exception, their eyes are fixed on the five "volunteers" standing on the opposite side of the map.

   So far, the meaning of the Pantheon has been very obvious-we are willing to spare our lives for the sake of "justice", then do you chivalrous men have to fulfill what you say "kindness"?

For a while, the atmosphere in the royal palace turned out to be a little weird. Not only Iberfil, who stood upright in front of a bunch of pictures of demon lord, couldn’t say a word, but even Karan, who was good at persuasion and strategy, became dumb. Speechless.

You don’t need to look at it. The pastors of the Pantheon must have colluded with their own morningstar professionals. They are waiting to find a chance to pit the "chivalrous men" who are sincerely saving people, although the "valkyrie" and "Clean the Ceiling" I don’t know why this group of perfunctory gods suddenly have the courage to take on such a dangerous task at this moment, but now............Since the "Pantheon" of justice has expressed so sincerely So if the poor volunteers are unwilling to step on the battlefield, wouldn't they have to become "evil accomplices".

   After all, people say that this is a "obligatory" job.

   "Please wait a minute, I still..."

   "No problem, I agreed, the devil's trivial **** I am not afraid of it, all for justice and kindness"!

   "Yes, for justice and kindness"!

"...Well, although it is dangerous, Mr. Anthony's words are indeed not unreasonable. Several Morningstar professionals have done enough... Yes, I am waiting for the kind and lawful face. Of course there is a reason to step forward against the evil, and it is incumbent"!


   This time, Iberfeld’s “struggle with reason” was once again interrupted instantly, and most importantly, this time the spirit of the loud slogan was still transmitted from the “volunteer” camp behind her.

First, a legendary soldier who obviously knew nothing about the demon lord and had an extremely high sense of self-confidence and justice responded boldly to the proposal of the three "Morning Star Big Brothers", and then the second fighter also calmly followed. Expressed his concurrence.

   In the end, the two more rational and kind mages could only look at the dangerous eyes of their teammates around them and the three Morningstar professionals who had gathered their eyes, and then reluctantly agreed with this risky decision.

So far, neither Iberfel, who clenched his fists, nor Ms. Karan, who secretly shook her head, could no longer change the established facts. In this way, the decision concerning the demon lord was nailed to the approval of most people. No change possible............

   "Okay, the matter is solved, this is not a troublesome decision, right".

With a friendly smile, he looked at Iberfeld, who was choked with blushing cheeks. Anthony spread his hands and expressed his joy like a priest who really pityed the, just as he said , This is really not a troublesome thing.



   The huge sound interrupted the silent silence, and a cold wind instantly blew into the warm royal palace. The majestic door was easily pushed open by the powerful force, and the glazed lamp was swaying on the ceiling.

   Just when the atmosphere at the meeting was really awkward, I saw a chubby old-fashioned nobleman dressed up and still biting half of a chicken leg, almost appeared at the gate of the empty palace at the most appropriate time:

"Sorry, I'm late, I'm really not a qualified temporary commander, God knows this glorious job should have been the work of the guy "Sky Shard"... By the way, am I missing something good? ?"

   in front of a group of "subordinates" chewing on chicken legs and expressing doubts and complaints, the expression of "Astral Husky" was nothing but indifferent and indifferent.

   "............ Nothing good, the meeting is over, I will be responsible for telling you all the information, please."

   lowered her head embarrassedly, not looking at the "silly" image of her immediate boss. Karan, who had just recovered from the gaze of "Dark Golden Eye", didn't know what to say. ...


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