Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1082: Morningstar 2 Battle (3) Assassination

Walkway’s professional level determines the fact that he can’t win this war of attrition. If the two Morningstar professionals continue to play such a boring "hamster game", then after months of bombing, they lose. The person who is definitely a "dead writing lantern" with weaker attributes such as magic recovery speed, total magic power, and magic detail control.

   Therefore, facing punk is equivalent to only defending and not attacking. The anxious red-robed mage must change his combat tactics and change to a more "efficient" and "quick fight" combat method to have a chance to win.

  So as a spellcaster, what would Walkway's effective combat methods be............

  Morning Star Conjuration Magic Spell-"Ball of Destruction"!

   "Morning Star Mind Spell-Teleportation"!


The deafening explosion once again shook the indestructible rocky ground, and the light of three full moons in the sky was immediately submerged in the dark storm of destruction, and in the direction of the caster, it was already close to the punk Walkway. Naturally, just like the numerous dodges before, the powerful evasion effect of "Teleportation" was used once again to disappear.

It’s worth mentioning that it’s not surprising that the red robe lunatic’s disappearance punk is now not surprising, because from the beginning of the battle until this moment, the morningstar-level "skinning spell" of a troublesome guy-"teleportation" has been so generous I don't know how many times since he was released, each time he disappeared abruptly like now and then instantly appeared in another position.

Perhaps after only seeing it once or twice, the first time I saw a punk with such "ridiculous" spells, I would be truly amazed by it, but in the ensuing battle, seeing too much made people numb and numb. Impatient. least on the surface, this time the "Destroy Whisper" did not show any abnormal mood swings to Walkway's sudden disappearance. The expressionless caster seemed to be just on the side preparing for the next "Blur As usual, "Ball of Destruction" re-released his Morningstar-level perception ability to cover the battlefield to search for the appearance of the "Death Lantern". This was also the step he had taken countless times in the battle that lasted for nearly three hours.

   However, this time, the disappeared Walkway did not appear arrogantly and provocatively on a certain empty ground where the torrent of explosions could not breathe like countless times before. The location of his breath... is directly behind the punk!

"Ahahahaha, are you surprised? Isn't it unexpected? Do you think that all mages have to keep a distance to fight with others? Tsk tusk, it's still not knowledgeable enough, little carrot head, the mages in this world can still choose Those who kill the enemy in close combat, thank me, praise me, because I told you so much knowledge before you died!"


   See you at the picture, the murderous opportunity is coming! The sharp sound of a sharp blade unsheathed tore the thunderous roar that filled the sky. The blade with a light blue light was as slender and sharp as the eyes opened at night, accompanied by Walkerweil laughed and triumphantly. Taunting words, the sharply drawn blade in his hand was almost cut against the punk magic shield!

At this moment, this guy had planned for a long time and the insidious sneak attack was almost about to succeed, because the sharp blade in his hand was a magical equipment of the morning star level. It is conceivable that if such a knife is cut successfully, it is just released a shot of "Destruction of Destruction". "Ball", the punk who was still rebuilding the spell model during the empty period basically couldn't immediately explode the killing means to counterattack. Even in the next moment, he completed the release of the second "Ball of Destruction" at a very fast speed. With the sharp edge of the blade of the morning star magic equipment, Walkway, who has smashed at least two levels of spell houses by the caster, has already activated "Teleportation" again!

According to the red robe mage’s thinking and calculation, he should intend to redefine this high-efficiency exchange ratio with this "oneself teleportation in exchange for punk, forced to release four morning star spells (two attacks, supplementary defense. A war of attrition, so that even if punk is three professional levels higher than his, I am afraid it is impossible to withstand such a blood loss process of resource consumption.

What's more, in theory, as long as the attack frequency of the "Dead Text Lantern" is fast enough, the average Morning Star Mage might not have the time and energy to make up for the broken magical defenses on his body. When all the shields of a spellcaster are cut into When Fragments...

   When I thought that I had a chance to cut off a powerful enemy's head as an ornament, Walkway's twisted smile was filled with even more unbridled bloodthirsty intent.

   Killing, cutting, death... For a militant lunatic, what other things are more satisfying than these art soaked in bright red and blood?

So he laughed at his enemies unscrupulously, and the red-robed mage who wielded the blade with all his strength seemed to be eager to appreciate the gushing blood and dying mourning, and the dagger in his hand was driven by magic in the killing air. There was a cold light flashing, and in an instant, the space and the law were all cut in this slender slash!



The trembling of the blade Fragmented red rule fragments shot everywhere in the shock wave, a fluorescent blue dagger held tightly by slender fingers seemed like a block The impenetrable city wall just blocked Walkway’s blade from advancing. Although the "blue dragon dagger" of ordinary material was cut in two straightforwardly cut under the cutting of Morningstar level magic equipment, the red robe mage The confident assassination so far did not cause any harm to his original target.

   The confident first attack of "Dead Text Lantern" ended in complete failure.

   "Wh...what? You count me? You despicable villain, you are not destined to die!"

Watching in astonishment at the small morning star golem that emerged from the shadows, with a hollow gaze, and a petite figure, thwarted his first "assassination". Walkway, who quickly reacted and yelled at him, was already like a mouse stepped on its tail. The hair was completely blown up.

After all, I saw Kesvia’s 100% long-awaited precise interception, crazy "death lantern", and I don’t know where Punk had expected that he might use this flashing approach to make a sudden attack. Up? The seemingly successful plan of my own is actually not out of the control of the enemy.

   And next... The stunning beauty who is truly in danger will probably be replaced by himself!



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