Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1083: Morningstar 2 (four) win

", no no no! My attack failed, but this...this is just a small mistake, you still can't help me, yes, my "telephony" is an invincible genius invention, ah Hahahaha"!

Obviously, he did not expect that a Morning Star Golem would suddenly appear in front of him. Although Walkway was still uttering wild words to embolden himself, he was in fact already wide-eyed and his voice trembled. The combat experience was obvious. For the rich red-robed mage, he understands that punk has hidden the key card of Xvia until now. There must be a more deadly lore waiting for him. Now if he is a "crisp" with only three layers of magic defense "Pi" If the mage can't escape this deep shadow quickly............

  Morning Star Mind Spell-Teleportation!

He didn’t hesitate to start casting spells immediately, and the reaction was not fast. The "dead text lantern" would immediately use the escape method that has been used countless times to avoid any dangerous damage that may occur next. At this moment, his madness reflects confidence. In the middle and in the self-confidence mixed with a little uneasy smile, it has almost gradually begun to wander around the boundary of virtuality and reality, and the sharp blade that is tightly held by the handle of the knife is even trying to use the last point. Opportunity to stab Xvia's delicate face.

   But... How could "Whisper of Destruction" carefully planned the "Pretend Pig and Eat Tiger" strategy for such a long time to get Walkway out of danger so easily? In fact, before the "Spirit Teleportation" spell model that robbed the red robe mage's soul was officially effective, the pair of dark gold pupils that seemed to be engraved with gloomy gold had already been scorched in the dark night!

   "Invincible spell"? Do you really think so? Mr. Zuo Mi? That "invincible" that uses inferior IQ and beasts to brag about it is as ridiculous as the eternal life sung by the gods... so arrogant and rude, it's time to teach you a lesson"!

   "Dark-gold pupil bright moon-level curing spell-horror stare"!

"Terrorist Gaze" is a moon-level spell that punk is very difficult to perceive. After all, he is a spellcaster without fear. He has already forgotten what kind of emotion the so-called "fear" is. However, looking at Walkway's stunned look on the battlefield, every cell in his body is shaking violently, punk still has reason to believe that the power of "fear" is absolutely unbearable by many normal intelligent creatures. Mind shock.

   After all, as an instinct, “fear” is both intangible and tangible. It can either follow the shadow like a gloomy ghost, or it can turn into a cruel and cold axe to cut the nerves of reason.

For example, at this moment, the red-robed mage who has fallen into the fear of the soul has long been unable to remember to use the spells he has mastered to get out as soon as possible. Among his violently contracted pupils, only Ksvia’s likeness is left. The delicate and lifeless face of a doll... and a brutal, merciless blue light!

   Morning Star Curing Spell-"Sharp Dance"


   "No ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Accompanied by the clear sound of the sharp blade severing bones and flesh and blood, the head of the "Death Lantern" was chopped off by the indifferent and speechless Ksvia, and the curing spell released by the Morning Star Golem instantly destroyed Walkerway. The body was chopped into a pool of **** crumbs. In the end, the morning star enchanted dagger engraved with magic runes suddenly dimmed because of its sudden loss of energy supply. The **** breath of the strong explosion almost permeated the punk body. Every inch of air!

   But for the time being... Walkway, whose body was shredded, has not died yet, because his blood-stained head is still floating slowly in the sky.


"Tsk, Walkway, this guy is truly a Morningstar Mage with strong willpower to use "Teleportation", and Kesvia is also a Morningstar Golem with rigid thinking and inflexible thinking. It's all like this, tricky "death". Wenfengdeng "Can you still barely save your life"?

A brand-new morning star spell magic spell "Ball of Destruction" appeared in his hand. He raised his head and stared at the red-robed mage head spinning in mid-air with scorching dark golden eyes, his eyes were slightly impatient. Punk couldn't help expressing his helpless emotion in his heart.

First of all, he must admit that after all, the Dark Golden Eye is still biased towards the auxiliary spell that slowly triggers the enemy's inner fear for a long time, and if the enemy it faces is too confused or weak in emotion, its influence and effect will be even greater. It will be greatly reduced, and this shortcoming is also the common problem of most mind system auxiliary spells.

As for now using such a versatility not strong enough to act as a powerful explosive control spell against a nervous lunatic... then its effect will inevitably be worse, in this case even if Walkway is just a man Morning Star Mage, but he still seized the opportunity to explode his strong willpower in the last moment to control his body and slightly lift his foot to jump straight up.

In fact, it was this seemingly dying struggling jump that allowed the red-robed mage's head to perfectly avoid Xvia’s sharp blade swing. In the end, the body part that was smashed by the "death lantern" was just the thin section. Only the neck, his head was already flying into the air with strong kinetic energy.

"............ I also blame the spell used by Xvia that is not If she just flexibly used the "Nether Thrust" as a lore, wouldn't Walkway be all right? Could it be that in the initial knowledge explanation, "Nether Spur" was set to deal with "high-level enemies with strong defense", and "Dance of Sharp Light" was set to deal with "low-level enemies with weak defense" The reason? It seems that deliberately setting a stern personality on the golem may not be all good."

   Feeling a little displeased by the apologetic sentiment from Xvia, frowning and secretly deliberating whether or not to liberate his own Morning Star Golem, the punk-thinking punk did not say much in the end.

Anyway, for "Destroy Whisper", this boring battle, which can be called an innocent disaster, has ended. Although "Xvia" did not perfectly apply the curing spell she possessed, the sharp slash did not directly hit the red-robed mage. But Walkway, whose head was severed by the law of strong energy, suffered a serious soul injury. Not only can he not use the "taste teleportation" method to escape, and even the worst will happen for a while. I am afraid that the basic spell release cannot be done.

So for the punk who has a calm expression on a "ball of destruction" in his hand-the "head of the dead text lantern" who is screaming incoherently at this time is just a dead target that will not move. , Killing him is an easy thing to make up for.



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