Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1093: Outbreak of contradiction

An outrageous growl came out, and the pious emotions were beyond words. Facing the so-called "blasphemer", if they didn't agree with each other, they would fight to be martyred. As a legendary strong man, he didn't understand the world in words and things... ...Don’t read it, this rare legendary-level priest who truly believes in sincerity can only be possessed by a **** under the great divine power, that is, the **** of light who has long lost his emotions and completely reduced to the puppet of the priesthood—— Lord of Dawn.

"Anyone knows that a certain puppet god’s subordinates are rich in extremist justice and amusement." This sentence is more than just a talk. The legendary members of the entire Pantheon camp are destined to only have a large group of bright priests with abnormal brains. Observing the rules of order and kindness, they always find it hard for anyone to violate the "supreme" gods' canon. Regardless of whether the private canon full of rigid laws is reasonable or not, they will defend its sacredness at all costs.

For example, at this moment, after the simple-faced soldier had just finished the simplest and most common plan of "perfectly avoiding famine and saving the poor", the priest of Dawn Church who stood behind Anthony couldn't bear it. Live your anger.

   I saw him stand directly in front of the two Morningstar professionals, staring fiercely at the dazed soldier soldier, skillfully conjured up a large and simple book and read aloud:

"In the "Society and Economics Chapter" of "The Book of Dawn", the great **** of light and charity, the supreme Lord of Dawn, once said that hardworking lambs should earn a living through their own efforts and sincerity. Food, warm clothing, and useful livestock are just as farmers must cultivate crops to be eligible to enjoy bread, and nobles must manage farmers to be eligible to taste jam. No resources should be obtained out of thin air without any effort, nor should anyone The lambs should be tempted to become lazy by creating resources out of thin air through the evil law...This is a kind order, no matter when and where, it should not be violated by any kind and lawful person"!


The divine power caused the golden books in his hands to slowly dissipate. After reciting the decree, the legendary priest who habitually bathed his whole body in radiance then raised his head and looked at the three stunned legendary "volunteers" seriously. .

"Understand? Using the evil law to make food out of thin air is absolutely blasphemous and against order! The Pantheon will never allow such a thing to happen under the eyes of our lord. All people must produce their own food through labor. Full stomach, this is where the sacred and inviolable order lies"!


   Accompanied by a slightly impulsive and serious rhetoric, at this moment, the atmosphere in the entire hall seemed to stop suddenly.

Everyone knows that the gods, as the incarnations of "absolute order," are always a little too harsh and "unreasonable", but in meetings attended by so many legendary professionals from completely different camps, this harsh law But this is the first time that the contradiction of the law is instantly exposed to the dazzling light. The degree of that dazzling flash is as abrupt and staggering as the "righteous priest" bathed in a golden flash of light, and that " The weird feelings of "absurdity" and "for granted" are also so intertwined and resonant............

"You **** shit! Now two-thirds of the Karams are contaminated by the energy of the abyss, let alone ordinary people, can you have a way to grow crops on that land? What are you doing? Laozi's **** is kind, you think you want to watch all the poor starve to death. When I was a child, my parents and all their relatives were starved to death because of this kind of **** impassable "order"!

It is often said that "good lawfulness" and "good chaos" are actually completely opposite camps. This statement is definitely not groundless. Look at the present, after listening patiently to a "reading of the scriptures", I suddenly remembered my misfortune. The ill-tempered warrior in his childhood immediately yelled at him with rude words. This brawny man with a big bear-like figure and using a door-panel knife as a weapon now has his hair erected like steel nails. Look at his posture. It can definitely be called "anxious."

   Facing the angry roar of the strong man in front of him, the legendary priest who was short and thin, but instantly raised his eyebrows and pulled out the scepter around his waist, did not evade at all. Even his reaction was far more impulsive and decisive than simple abuse.

Under the eyes of everyone, in a burst of hot light, in an instant, a peacock made up of white flames has already rushed out of the legendary warrior’s head without hesitation while driven by the power of magic. .

   "Legendary Divine Art-Purification Fire"

   "A blasphemous unbelievers! How dare you insult the supreme Lord of the Dawn? You will pay for your despicable words"!


Amidst the almost hysterical and irrational roar, a burst of brilliance instantly enveloped the entire spacious hall of the Royal Palace, and the Karamus three-dimensional map composed of energy was instantly burned in the holy flames. Turned to ashes, the roaring sound trembles the space and the law. Standing by the side, Iberfil and Miss Karan, who have never expected the situation to develop like this, are already stunned by the scene before them.

what's the situation? This was only the second meeting. Why did two inexplicable guys suddenly start fighting?

   "Stop! What do you want to do? Batuan! Where do you think this is? What do you think we are here to discuss"?

Anthony wanted to make a little bit "The big news is right, but the big news he wants to make is definitely not a fight in the name of God in the middle of a shining spellcaster’s lair, so the frenzied priest who suddenly became angry only came and With just one shot of magic, hundreds of energy chains shining with the luster of colored gemstones suddenly appeared and swarmed up and tied the grim gaze of Batuan into And at this moment, I controlled myself in time. A lot of real anger finally appeared in the roar of the "Clean Glow" of this "minister".

An idiot teammate is far more irritating than the most powerful enemy. Now Anthony has a deep understanding of this sentence. The legendary fighter who insults the gods on the spot is mentally retarded, but Batuan, who suddenly starts the fight, looks even more Intellectually retarded, but now these two foolish idiots are all his teammates in a sense...

But the only good thing is that there are two Morningstar professionals who are watching and watching, and the ordinary legendary priest who suddenly went crazy is not really going to make a big mess. After all, almost when the heat of the flame peacock is just beginning to overflow, it is better than Anthony. The faster-reacting "Destroy Whisper" has already created a translucent sphere that envelops the legendary magic that is about to explode.

   By the way, the momentous burst of energy is dazzling, but in fact, the only thing physically destroyed in the Royal Palace hall is actually the exquisite Karamus map.

   "Morning Star Conjuration Magic Spell-Space Prison"!

   "There are magical skills and verbal abuse, light and shadow explosions are all available. This is really a perfect meeting. It seems that your "military band" is really good at upholding justice, Lord "Clean Glow"



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