Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1094: Major issues to minor ones out

The conflict of ideas is always unavoidable to be greatly enlarged in the world of professionals. A devout club who believes in gods is also destined to be unable to talk to an unbelievers friendly. In fact, it only requires a simple quarrel or two. Wars involving unreasonable things like beliefs will break out at any time. When the fire of piety and hatred ignites the firewood, perhaps only the absolute violence from outside can prevent a farce from being staged.

For example, at this moment, the zealous priest of the Lord of Dawn suddenly fought against the kind warriors who came to volunteer to save the innocent. In the hall, except for the impatient Valkyrie who seemed eager to reach out to help stop the unprovoked dispute, he was surprised. Lan and even several other ordinary legendary priests chose to retreat quickly. This is also the almost first reaction of most legendary professionals in the face of battle. In the final analysis, the work of persuasion can only be given to the "big guys". To finish.

   Then in this gorgeous royal palace, who else is capable and qualified to persuade?

Needless to say, there are only the still expressionless "Whisper of Destruction" and the "clean glow" full of anger... Oh, yes, considering the nosy "Justice Girl" seems to be quite similar to this one. The impulsive high-ranking warriors are friendly, so she should also be able to hold the angry warriors who have clenched the door and waited.

"Batu'an, how can you be so cruel to your friends who belong to the good camp? Now you lie here honestly for me. When you go back, you must spend at least 10,000 years seriously reflecting on what you did today" .

   Batu, who was tied into a zongzi by a gem chain, was laid on the ground. Anthony, whose voice was slightly exhausted, of course must uphold the doctrine of the **** of justice "strict self-discipline and lenient treatment" to teach his subordinates first.

"Tuo Tao, we are not here to argue with anyone about beliefs and teachings. We want to save countless souls from fire and water. We must take the righteousness into consideration. You clearly know that venting your anger here will give you something wrong. You know how many innocent people bring disasters, don’t you"!

   Right after the impulsive Batuan was subdued on the spot, Iberfeld, who risked himself to come to the soldier named Tatato, also pressed the hands of the tall soldier who raised his sword.

   Obviously, although he complains about the rigid dogma followed by the gods, Iberfeld, who always puts "great righteousness" at the top priority, will not be as impulsive as the stimulated fighter next to her.

Protests go to protests. If you want to save the Karamus Empire, you can never turn your face with the Pantheon, which is the main battle force. Therefore, taking advantage of the two Morningstar professionals did not directly express their views, they blocked the "women who are as tall as the bears" behind them. "War God" quickly used a slender body to cover the door panel behind him as much as possible, while using apologetic fluctuations of mental power to apologize to Anthony:

"I must be extremely sorry for my partner's imprudent words. In fact, Mr. Takuta has the blood of some snow trolls. He always can't control his emotions. I think the tolerant and generous Pantheon will not hold him accountable. A little bit of impulsive talk that is not controlled by one's own will"...

"Oh, oh, this is a trivial misunderstanding, isn't it? We gather here for the purpose of kindness. We all have the same pure and beautiful aspirations and compassion... My Lord once said that a kind person must always Observe the strengths of others, reflect on your own faults, and cannot catch a little bit of flaws. Subjective assumptions. I think because my subordinates attacked so impulsively, I have to apologize to Mr. Tuotao... Yes, you I really apologize for being frightened."

   did not show the slightest apology and followed the doctrine of the good **** to make an verbal apology. Anthony's heart is definitely very upset at this moment.

   The news of the red robe mage’s general attack is still far away, and the plan of the Righteous God System has just begun. He is really worried that the stupid and high-profile behavior of his clergymen will attract Meswuer’s attention.

Fortunately, fortunately, punk released the "space cage" in time and blocked the legendary magic that was about to explode, which made this farce truly a misunderstanding. As an elite magic stick, Anthony was able to use a few simple sentences. Words have confused the trouble in front of him... Thinking of this, the "clean glow" secretly relieved can not help casting a friendly look of "happy cooperation" at the morning star mage standing in the corner.

Of course, he didn't get any extra response. After the peacock, a magical technique formed by white flames, wiped out the city's nihilism, Yun's "Destroy Whisper" began to close his eyes again as if something had nothing to do with him. Rested.

Punk helped Anthony only to comply with the mission plan of the "guildmaster". Before the arrival of the "red robe signal", he maintained a superficial ally with the priest in front of him. The rest of the wrangling and troubles are all God sticks his own affairs, the caster did not worry about himself.


With two Morningstar professionals working together to "make big things small and small things", the conflict between Batuan, who has been wrapped in chains until the slightest sound can not be heard, and Tuo Tao, who is sulking with a knife on the door panel, finally finally It is temporarily over. Although the atmosphere in the palace hall where the battle almost broke out is inevitably embarrassing, the Karamus map model reconstructed by Karan in time has brought the topic of the meeting back to the right path in time.

   may be for the purpose of diverting the topic, or it may be for the hungry of the poor people who are about to starve and freeze. The first person to choose to break the silence is naturally the "valkyrie" lady with "righteousness" in mind.

   I saw that after a warning glance at the depressed tall soldier behind her, she asked in a low voice with less confidence:

   "I know that the Pantheon has strict regulations on food But...but can't it be a bit of accommodation? We are here to save tens of billions of lives."

The helpless words were full of helpless sadness. Ibefel said as he talked, I don’t know why a completely absurd idea suddenly grew in my heart-in this way, seeing life as nothing, comparing a few lines of text What is the difference between the more important "order" of tens of billions of living beings and the "evil" that raises butcher knives to kill? A rigid order is even more efficient than a simple slaughter............

"I'm sorry, Miss Iberfeld, this is the iron law that the Pantheon has followed since ancient times. Although we all know that in private, few legendary wizards will care about this order, but since the Karamus Empire today Choosing to ask the kind gods for help, then everyone must abide by our order"!

   Anthony didn't know what Iberfel was thinking about, but the mission of the justice system was to reduce the huge population of the Karamus Empire. How could the Morningstar priest, who is almost the actual executor, miss such a perfect opportunity?

   So no matter whether you are accused of being rigid or condemned to make things difficult, in addition to using a lot of euphemism, the meaning of "crystal brilliance" will not be any different from that of the fanatic Batuan just now.



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