Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1101: Rivets and opportunities

The injury to the body is obviously not light, Tata treats the prisoners captured by himself and the Valkyrie is quite rude. Originally, Iberfeld used a strong metal that is more suitable for the conduction of fighting energy as a chain to bind Seralin layer by layer. This can be regarded as a prudent protective behavior, but in order to ensure that the white dragon, who seems to have completely lost the ability to resist, must not make any more small movements on the way, the stunned soldier who is half damaged by a dragon's breath and cannot recover quickly is still suffocated. The rivets capable of conveying grudge are deeply embedded in the flesh and blood of the "Princess Winter".

  Perhaps in his opinion, only when every bone of this warlock who is good at using physical power to fight is soaked and monitored by the "valkyrie" vindictiveness, he can safely expel the low-temperature law fragments that have destroyed half of his body.

   "Ahhhhh! Damn, what are you stupid fighters doing? Is torturing prisoners a part of your kindness and justice"?

It feels uncomfortable to smash metal nails tens of meters thick and carry fiery vindictiveness into the spine. Although to the will of the legendary professional, the pain of tearing the bone marrow and burning flesh is nothing, but it seems to be treated as a specimen. The feeling of "forging and beating" can definitely make any huge self-esteem dragon go crazy, so at this moment Seralin's roar is not so much a scream from pain as a roar out of anger.

Of course, it is useless whether she chooses to mourn or roar, because Mr. Tuto, who is "working", is as serious in rivets as a demanding old-fashioned blacksmith, even if she is still struggling. Long has already begun to protest using words like "abusing the prisoners", but the legendary soldier who spoke harshly about the door panel bombarding nails just responded viciously to Bai Long:

"Abuse the captives? Can the evil five-color dragon finally feel the pain of being tortured and insulted? But compared to all the evils you have done to the many innocent creatures of the Karamus Empire, a few nails are fundamental It’s nothing, I believe that in the future, the alchemy spells of those casters in the Mage Guild will be able to bring more retribution to your evil deeds! As for order to prevent you, the **** near tactician from using your internal organs and bones to secretly trick you, I It must be ensured that these metal nails penetrate deep enough."


While talking in discomfort, Tuotao, who was mercilessly unrelenting, slammed the door with a big knife and hit the top of a nail nearly half red with blood for a second time, and was accompanied by a violent shock wave. Raging the clouds, the huge metal nails suddenly sank into the white dragon’s spine like a pile driver rammed into the earth’s crust. For a while, the spewing blood and neuroskeletal fragments almost merged in the scarlet air. Seralin, whose neat dragon scales were carved and dyed red, couldn't help but let out a roar full of hatred again.

"Oh ah ah ah ah! Do you think the great white dragon in front of you will awaken with a ridiculously talented spell like a troll? Enough is enough, enough! You despicable maggot dare to insult Tiamat so much Heir of the legend, I remember you, I remember you!"

Well, for the poor "Princess Winter", the only resistance she can do now is to threaten a few verbally and to explode every muscle to try to slow down Iberfeld's speed. .

It's just a pity that these two methods of resistance are really useless. The victorious "Valkyria" and Tata Tao won't be afraid of threatening remarks from their defeated generals. As for the speed of travel dragged down by her hard work... ………

There is really no way. After all, the Karamus Empire is still too small. Even if Iberfel’s flight has been reduced to the "turtle speed" stage of about two or three times the speed of sound because of the continuous output of vindictiveness to imprison the behemoth behind him, but it can't be used. During a magic spell, the towering magic enchantment in the northern area of ​​Horaka's defense line still showed a little sparkling magical brilliance from the horizon.

   The unlucky captive is about to return to the defense area of ​​the Justice League together with the two "establishment of great achievements".

------split line------

The legendary white dragon "Princess of Winter" Seralin-Hantooth is not a legendary dragon with an overly large body, at least compared to the red dragon with wings that overturned the clouds that was once beheaded by punk, "Melting Fire Ripper" "For Amoda-Yanclaw, Seralin's body the size of a hill really can only be called "petite and cute."

Speaking of this flexible body shape, she has specially chosen the strengthening direction in the bloodline path. It is different from the advanced path of most spellcasting dragons allowing the body to grow at will. The body modification route of the "Princess Winter" has always been straight to the "Vietnam". If the huge white dragon body that should have covered the sky becomes able to live in the closed rose stamen one day in the future, then the legendary white dragon will have a balance between extreme flexibility and extreme sturdiness. Super strong body.

However, Seralin feels that she may not be able to wait for that day. Now she really hopes that her body can become bigger. In that case, she may not be able to produce enough metal to make a "just girl" who can hold prisoners in chains. They would choose to "slay the evil" on the spot instead of turning a noble white dragon that could have been "gloriously killed" into a "specimen of shame" among the descendants of Tiamat for people to visit.

   However, with the passing of time and the cold wind, what is the use of regretting these unknowable things? Feeling the legendary auras in Horaka's defense line that have been watching in his direction, as well as the curiosity of many low-level I almost hate Seralin, who has broken a bit of fangs and sharp teeth. Can choose to close my eyes and stop struggling to play dead seriously.

Yes, it’s better to pretend to be dead...or it’s better to pretend to be unconscious. After all, the injuries she is currently suffering from are indeed without the ability to resist. If the legendary white dragon wants to seize any opportunity for revenge and escape, then calm down and restore her soul. And flesh and blood is the best choice.

   But... Speaking of the issue of restoring flesh and blood, "Princess Winter" who felt the metal nails embedded in her bones couldn't help feeling a little desperate and depressed.

She has to admit that Tuotao's perseverance in riveting thousands of nails into her body is really not useless. Now, as a "near tactician" who almost completely relies on her body to fight, she can use these to haunt her. There is no way for the nails of vindictiveness, and she can't recover from the serious physical injury.


   " can only try to use "that"? Damn, damn, damn......... I can't care about life and death too much! But I should wait for the opportunity, yes...wait for the opportunity!"

   Secretly roared in rage in his heart, and the giant dragon who secretly flashed by a decisive brilliance in his eyes finally fell silent silently.



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