Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1102: Agreeing proposal

"A... an evil legendary five-color dragon? Well, this is indeed a proud victory. You once again proved your devotion and determination to goodness and justice with practical actions. Ms. Marta, I think even The great God of justice, Your Excellency Tyre, will also "please praise" what you have done.

The gray sky was cut apart by an energy barrier that penetrates the sky and the earth, and the chaotic aura was completely blocked by the legendary magic circle Limang. At the edge of the magical city wall that shone with luminescence, the "justice girl" came from afar. The person who verbally admires is naturally the Morningstar Pastor Anthony, who is a professional **** stick.

In fact, the area directly above the border city of the Horaka defense line was the guarded area of ​​the legendary member of the Wizards Guild Ha Jones. Most of the matters here should have been decided by this taciturn young legendary mage alone, but in fact it is just like As Seralin said to Iberfil on the road-ordinary legendary professionals are not qualified to deal with legendary prisoners in war, and the person who can truly determine the fate of her "Princess Winter" is always the "Guardian League" The three Morning Star Masters in ", and the nominal lord "Star Wolf" Donnella who hasn't appeared in Faerun for a long time should not be counted.

So when the "Valkyrie" and her "little brother" Tuotao finally spent a lot of time pulling their "trophies" to the Horaka defense line, punk and Anthony have already sent projections here and hurried. Ha Jones, who went out to greet him, watched the captured five-color dragon.

Undoubtedly, this is definitely a "mini-meeting" with an awkward atmosphere. Ha Jones, whose eyes are quite hollow, is still completely unconvinced, waiting for the two Morningstar professionals around him to speak and make a decision. Because of the exhaustion of fighting spirit and mental tension along the way, Iberfeld seemed very exhausted but still tried his best to explain his thoughts and strategies.

So after listening as patiently as possible to Anthony’s hypocritical verbal compliments, he actually didn’t intend to pay attention to the perfunctory priesthood in front of him, and turned his head to be always silent and incomprehensible. Punk with attitude asked:

"Dear... Mr. "Destroy Whisper", as far as I know, you are a morning star spellcaster who is very good at alchemy spells. Now in order to protect the personal safety of the many refugees from the Karamus Empire from the demons, I hope You can use your superb alchemy technology to imprison the soul of this evil five-color dragon as the energy supply device for the magic barrier of Horaka Line of Defense... If you can, I also hope that you can create a high-quality chain **** with imprisonment effect "Winter Winter" The princess’ body, so that we can continuously obtain legendary dragon blood as a bait to lure the sub-lords and many low-level demons into traps."


The person who took the lead against punk to join the Guardian League back then was Iberfil, and now the person who gritted his teeth and asked for help is also this kind-hearted "valkyrie" lady, who has to admit that the reincarnation of the world and the rotation of feng shui are really true. It makes sense.

Of course, the "Whisper of Destruction" as a 46th-level Morningstar spellcaster certainly does not need to have the same knowledge as a little girl with "justice and kindness" thoughts in his head. If it is only to advance the process of the defeat of the Karamus Empire, punk feels himself The legendary professional who deserves more attention should actually be the "Princess of Winter" Seralin-Hanto, who is closing his eyes and using poor acting skills to pretend to be unconscious.

You know, the Karamus Empire, as an ancient country with hundreds of millions of years of history, is a bit too orderly. Even if a huge disaster suddenly strikes, this country that has fallen to half of the country overnight has not fallen into chaos. , This kind of orderly state is not a good thing for Anthony who is planning to stir the wind and the rain or the punk who “helps Anthony stir the wind and the rain temporarily”, so in the eyes of today’s spellcasters, Huo is caught. Inside the Raqqa line of defense, the legendary white dragon in the Karamus base camp might be an opportunity.

So in order to make good use of this rare "opportunity", what should punk do?

So after carefully using perception abilities and several morning star prophecy spells to explore the body and soul of Seralin, who is completely impenetrable, as always, the expressionless "Destroy Whisper" that makes people unable to see the true thoughts. He replied calmly in a low voice without emotion:

"It is naturally the duty of every professional in the good camp to fight against evil in spite of oneself. The frugal attitude of making the best use of everything is also worthy of recognition in the protracted war. Yes, I agree to your request, Miss Marta. In the next day, I will not only help the Karamus Empire connect the soul of this stupid dragon to the energy circuit of the barrier circle, I will also help her build a chain for free as the most perfect means of imprisonment... …. But if this is the only way to allow this evil white dragon to stay alone in such an important border area of ​​the Horaka defense, it’s obviously inappropriate, isn’t it? So I think Mr. Hartson is one of the rare spellcasters in our alliance. One should personally guard Seralin Hanto and take on the important task of daily inspection and maintenance of the energy runes of the magic circle. What do you think of my thoughts, "the meaning of the spell?"

The topic was brought up by but punk didn’t want this nosy, justice girl to stay within the Horaka defense line every day, staring at the legendary white dragon "doing nothing". He still needs something. A "valkyrie" who can't see the rampant evil goes far away like cleaning up the sub-lords.

Only in this way can the next steps of "Destroying Whispers" and "Clean Glow" become more convenient.

As for how to make good use of the captured Seralin-Hantooth... The caster who is prepared for a rainy day has already thought of a perfect plan. According to this vicious strategy, as long as the "break free" five-color dragon has been completed It can be a little smarter, and as long as Ha Jones can be a little stupid as a "legendary training plan brainwashing product", then the further fall of Karamus can be just around the corner.

It is precisely because of such careful consideration that punk will directly agree to Iberfeld's "reasonable" request without unnecessary hesitation.

Of course, Ha Jones, who was a little stunned, obviously had no reason to reject punk's proposal. After all, it was his job to guard the northern area of ​​the Horaka line of defense.

So I looked at the gloomy and cold eyes of "Destroy Whispers", and Iberfeld's eager look for help. The silent "meaning of the spell" had to nod almost instinctively, following Master Chenxing's Arguably agreed:

"......No problem, I will keep an eye on the evil five-color dragon, and also maintain the energy loop of the magic circle."

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