Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1103: Anxious Dragon

In fact, it didn’t take too long to discuss how to deal with the legendary white dragon "Princess Winter" under the cold wind. In fact, this time two Morningstar professionals with perfunctory attitudes unexpectedly spoke very well, so for Seralin's "non-humanitarian" treatment was soon formulated after Punk took the lead.

On the surface, the development of the situation is exactly the same as the perfect answer envisioned by the "valkyrie"-the transformation of the magic circle promised by the morning star mage can naturally ensure the further reinforcement of the Horaka defense line, which was personally made by "Destroy Whisper". The chain of imprisonment is also undoubtedly impossible in theory to allow a legendary warlock of level 23 or less to have a chance to escape. Now the white dragon, who is now a prisoner, has become a genuine "cheap labor", and once soaring in the sky. The evil also got the "retribution" she deserved.

Isn’t it a good act of kindness that everyone pleases? We must know that when punk nodded without hesitation and agreed to build a "forced energy transmission device" for the scarred legendary white dragon, Iberfeld, who was so happy, even suspected that the prejudice he had always held against the morningstar professionals before him was It's not a ridiculous misunderstanding, at least at this moment, the naive "righteous girl" really feels that punk is the kind of good and good person who is "cold-faced and warm-hearted, not seeking fame and wealth" in the legend.

After all, right next to the caster, Anthony, who should have been burdened with "kindness", still keeps a friendly smile and does nothing...

In any case, since this matter has been so perfectly "just handled", Iberfil, who put down a big rock in his chest, can naturally leave the Horaka defense line with joy and continue to the border area to continue purifying the farmland. After successfully sanctioning evil, she was very happy and joyful. The girl with shining blonde hair went on the road with passion and smile before leaving.

But from the perspective of the unlucky white dragon Seralin, it was really bad to fall into this situation.

After only a day’s time passed, the punk who obeyed the agreement was expressionless and bound the chain made overnight to the body of the "Princess Winter", and in the process, even if he was forced to endure the tearing of flesh and blood. The painful dragon kept trying to suggest that the dark-eyed Mage Morningstar was trying to save her life, but she never received any sympathetic response or kind response from "Destroy Whispers".

Under the ruthless punk control, the steel nails engraved with the magic runes of the morning star only replaced the original steel spikes and penetrated the spine of the white dragon. In order to prevent the wound from recovering, the pale bones were exposed. Stubble's severed limb wound was tightly wrapped in magic metal.

So Seralin at this moment has completely turned into a miserable "dragon stick" that can only crawl in the gravity formation, although it is only an alchemy chain of the morning star level with some enchantment spells applied. It is not strictly a magical equipment, but it is still enough to confine the scarred body and soul of an ordinary legendary professional and prevent every wound from recovering.

Perhaps she had never been so embarrassed and powerless during the long "Dragon Birth" of "Princess Winter".

"Damn it, the script shouldn't be staged like this! Why did Mr. "Destroy Whisper" help that nasty **** who doesn't follow the rules? Does it... Does he already think I'm completely useless"?

Thinking anxiously, the princess Winter Winter, who had unknowingly emerging fear in her heart, soon couldn't help but cursed secretly, and the dragon locked in the small underground space even habitually tried to fan her for a while. Wings express inner worry.

But soon, the tingling of cold magical energy from the bones and the dense runes gleaming on the ground reminded her of a painful and depressing fact-she had lost her wings and even Limbs, the current "Princess Winter" is no longer the powerful legendary white dragon.

"No, it shouldn't be like this, think quickly, think quickly...... If you really want to imprison an ordinary legend according to the idea of ​​the "valkyrie" by the means of a morning star mage, he only needs to use simple methods The formation is all right, Mr. Sai'an doesn’t need to waste precious Morningstar level materials to make these more than ten heavy chains, right? Seralin! You are also a legendary dragon anyway, with Tiamat flowing in your veins. The inheritance of... a legendary white dragon is valuable at all times. You must calm down quickly!"

Enduring the pain of the wound on her body, she shook her head and worked hard to dispel the fear in her heart. The "Princess Winter" is indeed a legendary dragon who has finished breaking out of the cage. After a brief period of panic, she rarely got her time alone for a while. He soon regained his rational thoughts.

Yes, unlike Iberfil, the "righteous girl" who likes to make decisions through the "camp", Seralin, as a legendary member of the Santarin Club of the evil camp, is obviously better at thinking about issues from the perspective of interest, and she is at this moment The thinking and consideration of the "Whisper of Destruction" is quite As the legendary White Dragon thought, if punk really decides to completely abandon a stupid dragon that was defeated and captured, then He is a well-known "Master of Alchemy" in the multiverse (the reputation passed by Mimibez when he promoted the product), does he really need to use valuable Morningstar materials to create a chain that can bind the dragon's body three times? ?

"No need! No need at all! There must be no need... Yes, this iron chain may have "small functions" that I don't know.

While her "guard" went out to check the energy circuit and hadn't come back, she muttered to herself silently and couldn't help but comfort herself while working hard to start thinking.

And after such serious consideration... she really thought of the little clues in the words that punk left after installing this set of imprisonment equipment for herself.

"Sadly loser, I think you can't even remember the title of master of your house with your IQ, right"?

This is a ridicule and ridicule that sounds a bit redundant and a bit inexplicable. At that time, Seralin thought it was just a wicked ridicule made by the Morning Star Mage to her embarrassed self, but now think about it carefully... ...

"My title of "Master"? Isn't the title of Old Eman the "Scarlet Scepter"?

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