Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1104: Mark answer

   "Scarlet Scepter"?

Suddenly, Selalin chanted the word in a low voice in common language when she thought of something. At this moment, she probably understood what the ridicule punk said before he left, "the scarlet scepter" If you think about it carefully, isn’t it just a password? So does this obscure password information have a direct key to the chain on your body?

   This is a reasonable guess, and this time, Bai Long finally got a little luck and got it right.

I saw that after blurting out such a vocabulary, a rune gleaming with pale golden light spread quickly on the chains of the dragon's body, and the large and small arrays as if flowers were in full bloom soon accompanied The stream of energy flowing like a spring touched the imprisonment, and within a hundredth of a second, the effects of the Morning Star spells that bound the soul of the "Princess Winter" had all been invalidated in an incomparably concealed manner.

   As for now, the runes that still shine on the surface are just some deceptive decorations.

   "Sure enough! Mr. "Destroy Whisper" deserves to be a powerful Morningstar Mage, I knew there was something wrong with this chain"!

Feeling that her soul was finally released from the imprisonment, Seralin, who was relieved a lot, almost cheered with joy, although at this moment there was still dripping dripping blood from the wound on her body, although it was deep into the bone marrow. The spikes still made the white dragon unable to move after losing her limbs, but at least for now, she can have the opportunity to have her own talented spells............

  Yes, talented spells, the talented spells that Selalin has almost forgotten by the main direction of developing physical power.

   "If Mr. Sai'an can remove the restrictions on my body, I will feel that I am not a spellcasting dragon at all. Isn't it that I can only use that nasty spell to find a way to escape"............

   With joy and greed and complaining, he mumbled quietly in his heart. After untied part of the shackles, the "Princess Winter", who drooped down the huge dragon head, quickly began to think about his escape plan.

Of course, complaining belongs to complaining, but in fact, this five-color dragon with a more brain still understands why punk only relieved himself of the limitation of the soul and did not untie the control of the body. After all, the state of the soul is The concealment is stronger and more convenient. Only Seralin, who has maintained a sufficiently low profile and with a serious injury, can have the opportunity to recover quietly without being noticed by Karan and Ha Jones.

Besides, Seralin also knew very well that as an ordinary legendary wizard of the twenty-third level, it was too stupid to try to defeat the "Inspiration of the Spell", an ordinary legendary wizard with a professional level of twenty-ninth. When the legendary law erupts, the "white ceiling" located close to the Horaka defense line will come to support it at any time. At that time, the white dragon with two fists and four hands will only become the spoils of others again.

   Therefore, punk does not recommend the use of violent combat to escape in this situation. Seralin must "outsmart" the target through other means.

In fact, the white dragon lying on the icy ground has no extra options. After all, the prudent legendary mage has long been secretly helping an unreliable stupid dragon to arrange a thorough escape and trouble-making plan. .

"Morning Star Material, Soul Fusion? Damn, that "Destroy Whisper" really searched for spell-like abilities that I had never revealed before. He was asking me to use Soul Fusion as an augmentation method to perform "soul charm" on Ha Jones Is it ridiculous! I am a dignified five-color dragon, how can I fight for profit through the obscene means of charm like a shameless succubus at the time? This is too embarrassing to Tiamat’s heirs.”

   retrieved the one-time record information contained in the chain rune on his body, and closed his eyes fiercely with a crunching bite of the legendary white dragon with sharp teeth.

After unlocking the password, the lingua franca that punk kept for Seralin was actually only a few insignificant pens. This simple piece of information only popularized the morning star level of "mind finance" to a stupid dragon who was almost illiterate. The specific nature and method of use of magic materials are nothing more than.

However, although there are neither compulsory orders nor clear suggestions and admonitions in such a "knowledge science popularization", the fluctuations in the psychic position of the morning star level that are faintly diffused in the "Mind Fusion" can effectively stimulate the inner intelligence of intelligent creatures. After the description of "expression of emotion", Seralin, who was not stupid at all, understood what the morning star spellcaster with gloomy eyes wanted to do.

   Yes, there is nothing wrong in theory, isn’t it? As a sorcerer professional awakens useful spell-like abilities, then why should she not make good use of it? Isn't it a natural "strategy" for a red robe legend of the evil camp to use a chain with the magical effect of the morning star level to murder the enemy unscrupulously?

   You must know that "Soul Charm" is a very rare legendary ultimate move that can tamper with the mind-level consciousness of legendary professionals through long-term imperceptible and continuous effect! This is a legendary spell of the mind system that is not powerful!


"No! This is too shameful! It's ridiculous! Why should I be so unlucky to awaken this ridiculous legendary spell? Why should I be caught in the basement and try to charm an idiot guard? This is a mention Should Yamat’s legendary heirs do something? Is this something a legendary powerhouse should do? My "Princess Winter" Seralin-Hantooth was killed today and squeezed as cheap energy for a lifetime. I will not use the shameful spell of "soul charm"...


   "What are you doing, please be quiet"!

Saying that Cao Cao is here, the entangled legendary white dragon is still roaring fiercely while swearing a poisonous oath while grinding his The teleportation door that connects the underground secret room suddenly blasted It suddenly opened in the soft groan of space tearing.

After more than ten minutes of careful inspection, Ha Jones, who has completed the monthly routine work, has returned to this small and quiet space in the first time in order to perform the duties of a "caretaker". Now that punk has already The entire energy supply loop of the magic city wall of Horaka's defense line was connected to Seralin's soul, so being loyal to Messwul's "spell meaning" should not allow the white dragon to have problems.

   And after seeing that his guards had returned, the "Princess Winter" who was still expressing and violently active just now had no choice but to shut his mouth and follow the warning to become more honest.

   The life of a prisoner who has lost his freedom is very uncomfortable. If he can't escape his birth, I am afraid that until the end of the war, the unlucky white dragon will have to be locked in the basement to act as a "biological battery" for wantonly bullying.

   So the question is here-how should a true and proud dragon face such a difficult situation to strengthen his belief and never give in?

   The clever Seralin quickly gave a standard answer:

   "Ahem, that...... let me see, how does "Mind Fusion" is used? Hmm...... Need to inject soul energy and connect the mind to it, right?............



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