Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1105: uninvited guest

The conspiracies and tricks of master alchemists are naturally completely different from ordinary calculations of ordinary people. For example, punk's "conspiracy" arranged by technical means cannot be blocked by a group of people who are not good at alchemy.

In fact, in the course of this incident, the insidious "Whisper of Destruction" not only formulated a fairly complete escape plan for the white dragon Seralin, but he also kept the entire energy circuit of Horaka defense against the magical barrier. All connected to the soul of this "legendary captive".

This kind of alchemy energy channel construction of "every thousand beloved one" absolutely effectively improves the solidity of the magic barrier. After all, the energy that a living legendary professional can continuously output is not comparable to the low-level element pool that was originally used as an energy source. Comparable.

But at the same time, this completely unreasonable "high-efficiency" array structure naturally has very obvious risks. Anyone with a bit of common sense can expect that once Seralin, who acts as an energy source, appears. What's wrong, then the Horaka defense line that has lost the backup energy system is destined to collapse in an instant.

But what about this? Anyway, "Destroy Whispers" is the "alchemist" who started with the sword. His "good faith transformation" in order to reinforce the circle naturally does not allow others to intervene, although in this way the safety of the entire Horaka defense line has been poured into it. An evil five-color dragon is captured on him, but the righteous and responsible magician Har Jones must be able to guard the weak white dragon that can't even move a bullet, right?

This is a resolution that cannot be refuted. Even the "valkyrie" Iberfeld at the time could only nod her head in agreement. Although she inevitably felt something wrong in her heart, think about it carefully... ………

Not to mention that Har Jones is a living legendary mage, it is impossible to relax his vigilance. The morningstar-level magic chain created by punk invasion is not a badly injured ordinary legendary dragon capable of breaking free, is it?

In this way, isn't the excessive worry and worry just unfounded worry?

It is never difficult to use excuses to persuade oneself. When a person starts to try to comfort herself, she is often unavoidable that she will subconsciously find that she can be so "thoughtful".

Yes, the giant dragon **** in the underground space can only be slaughtered like a fish on a cutting board. Under the eyelids of the three Morningstar powerhouses, can an evil ordinary legendary warlock be able to What kind of waves will come out?

Thinking in this way, Iberfeld soon calmed down and after sincerely thanked the punk, he went to the border of the Karamus Empire again with peace of mind.

There is no way, the "valkyrie", who is always thinking about the tens of billions of innocent poor people who are starving, can only choose to trust his weird allies at this time. After all, the "savior" who strives to save the world by himself is indeed Too busy.

However, how could Iberfil, who had never understood the complexity of the thoughts of the supremacy of interests, imagined that the malignant Morningstar Mage would ignore his reputation as an "alchemist" and place a dark hand on a chain made by himself? How could the loyal and responsible Ha Jones have the ability to detect a hidden trap deliberately hidden by a Morningstar professional?

Enemies from within the organization are always so overwhelming to defend against, and the destruction originating from malicious will definitely be able to destroy the cornerstone of victory laid by a hero with all his strength.

What a helpless and painful fact, in the entire Justice League, there are only two people who have the ability to discover that there is a problem with punk making chains from beginning to end. Among them, the morning star priest who is chanting kind and justice all day long Only secretly applauded for this.

As for the other "Astral Wolf" Donnella who has been missing for a while for no reason...

In fact, Donnela at this moment at least for a short time will definitely have no time to help Ha Jones, who is in danger, against a "big dragon", because at this time he is busy saving another. The life of the "little girl film" who is not far from death but still does not know it.

------split line------

Standing quietly in front of the gate of the high tower courtyard where he temporarily lived, the Morning Star Mage, wearing a black and shining robe like the starry sky at night, was watching quietly in front of him, but his whole body exuded an unkempt breath of "chubby". "Noble", although there may not be a few people in the entire multiverse that recognize the details and identity of a low-key guy, but punk is very clear from start to finish. "The Wolf of the Star Realm" is a caster level and oneself. Quite a forty-sixth-level morning star mage.

Although Donnela, a perfunctory fellow, can only use the term "wine sac and rice bag" to describe the performance of the perfunctory guy during his role as "temporary leader", it is still the most unwise idea to underestimate this powerful Morningstar spellcaster just because of this.

In fact, it was precisely because of this consideration that before the first paragraph of what he had said was finished, the cautious punk had already removed the "Pale Scepter", the magical creation of Bright Moon grade from his back.

"Wolf of the Star Realm"-Donnella Augustine... "Leader", why are you here? If I remember correctly, Benido City should be the city I was responsible for guarding. Isn't the area you are responsible for guarding Mocha City, which is quite far away? "

"Hey, don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous, it’s not a weird thing to be here, isn’t it? I just came over... well, just to see the scenery, you know, stay in the laboratory all day long for me Said it was an unbearable suffering... By the way, I emphasized that I am a "temporary leader", a temporary one."

Haha, if you don’t know how to do it, I heard the sharp questions from the punk sentence, the "Astral Husky" tried to continue to obscure all the questions directed to him like he did in the meeting.

And after a perfunctory this guy with excellent acting actually actually turned around and took out a piece of crusty bread from the food quartermaster's suitcase near the street and put it in his mouth. .

"Quack, quack".

A bite of white teeth quickly chewed the crumbly crumbs, and after a while, the bread that was able to serve as an adult man's all-day food quota was eaten by Donnela dressed as a fat nobleman...

Don’t say it, just looking at Mr. Augustine’s appearance at this time is indeed like a cheerful traveler who is relaxing in the travel style, at least he has not forgotten to impose a layer of "group hints on himself while he is careful to converge the legendary atmosphere "Art" forces all low-level creatures to fail to realize the conspicuous existence of a big fat man.

However, even so, at this moment, in this city and in this place, the excuses used by the "star wolf" with a pair of squinted small eyes revealing the superb gaze did seem a bit stretched.

After all, even though he had eaten a whole piece of brown bread the size of a palm, Donnela, who was "traveling style", still didn't mean to give way from "Destroy Whispers".

"Well, is my answer very sincere? Just ask me to ask you a question for the sake of "reciprocity"-the Horaka defense line has not been invaded by the sub-lords, you suddenly went out silently Where are you going? Lord Sai'an?"

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