Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1106: Qualified person in charge

Plan if you want to plan? Want to succeed, succeed? There is nothing like this in the world, and there are always too many unexpected situations that no one can predict.

For example, at this moment, the punk, who had just walked out of the courtyard of the Benidorm tower, faced a trouble guy that he least wanted to encounter in the current situation-"Star Wolf" Donnella Augustine.

And after an awkward and polite meeting, this “temporary leader” who usually never cares about affairs and disappears at meetings is also the first time to use such a serious tone to ask his “colleagues”. There is a very difficult problem:

"The Horaka defense line has not been invaded by the sub-lords. Where are you going to go out suddenly and silently?"

This is a good question.

So what did punk, as a diligent morning star mage who almost wished to spend all his time on magic research, suddenly decided to leave the tower for?

The answer is actually very simple and obvious-he is going to kill the "valkyrie" Iberfil Marta, nothing more.

A "Justice Girl" who is overly diligent and kind in the execution of conspiracy and trickery is definitely an annoying character, especially if this character seriously affects the planning process that should go smoothly, then her existence is definitely more than " Annoying", but it is really hateful.

But now Iberfil’s actions are extremely hateful.

Of course, this kind of "hate" is definitely not the meaning of offending the public. I believe that the Karamus Empire refugees who are enjoying the black bread that can sustain their lives know that the food they eat is a girl's hard work. If they are the products of labor purification, they will be grateful and praise a kind-hearted legendary professional, and Karan and Ha Jones, who can effectively reduce the burden of their war due to the closure of the abyss rift, will more or less hold Iberfeld. A little favor.

In fact, in the entire Justice League, there are only two professionals who really cannot tolerate the continued existence of the "Justice Girl" from beginning to end. Yes, only the morning star priest Anthony, who wants to reduce the population of the Karamus Empire, and wants to help the abyss. Only when the devil comes into contact with the punk of the Magic Tower of Messoul Yori will be dissatisfied with all the selfless dedication and self-sacrifice of the "valkyrie", because this kind of goodness is not in line with the core interests of these two conspirators.

So in general, what kind of method does a Morningstar professional use to treat people who are not pleasing to the eye?

Perhaps the "Clean Radiance" as the priest of the good camp will never be able to make any specific actions to "cross the line" without proper reason, but for the "Destroy Whisper" that has always been unscrupulous in acting style, kill Getting rid of all the things you hate is the perfect way to solve the problem!

He thought so, and he did the same, so after arranging the stupid dragon with the powerful talent of "Soul Charm" to understand, the Morning Star Mage, who had no habit of procrastination, directly carried the "Pale Scepter" and prepared to go out. The black hand stabbed a knife.

His plan is simple and easy to understand and the steps are easy-first find Iberfil who is purifying the farmland with great fanfare, and then quickly kill the "Justice Girl" and her little fan brother with his 46-level crushing advantage. Finally, after cleaning up the traces of the battlefield symbolically, you can return to Benido City to announce the end of work.

From now on, regardless of whoever asks, "What, Iberfeld is dead, I don’t know what?" It’s over when you pass the blunder. If anyone dares to doubt himself, he would doubt the entire "Silent Alliance" and the Yaori Throne. Your Excellency, "President", if the wise Karan dared to say something more, he would find a chance to kill her as well...

What is a perfect crime? This is called a perfect crime! No one dares to say that doing bad things is truly perfect.

It's a pity that such a perfect assassination plan did not succeed in being put into practice by punk, after all, now he has been stopped by Donnela who didn't know why he suddenly started to be nosy.

"This is not your style of acting, Mr. "Star Wolf", in fact I would like to suggest that you consider the consequences of continuing to stand in front of me. I think you should have heard the rumors of my bad temper. Correct"…………

Grasping the "pale scepter" in his hand, the dark golden pupils began to flicker in the shadow of the hood. The morning star mage, who was silently ready for battle, ignored Donnela's "questions", he just used it very seriously. And the serious mental power fluctuation gave this fat man who seemed to be dealing with a good warning.

This is already a blunt warning. If Donnela was just drunk and suddenly wanted to help his "junior" on a whim, then he should almost wake up after hearing this warning. .

But obviously, the "star wolf" with a pair of small eyes revealing a shrewd gaze is now sober, he came to block punk from action is also premeditated, so even the atmosphere in the air seems to be due to the two legendary powerhouses The confrontation became tense, but Augustine, who put his left hand in his pocket, said slowly in a slightly deep and meaningful tone:

"There's really no know? Just three days ago, "Archmage" Mr. Messoul talked to me. Well, after his old man's teaching and criticism, I have fully realized that I am a "temporary" The "Leader" has been lazy and unfair in the previous period of time. Then I decided to change my former wrongs, turn back the prodigal son, work hard, and never disappoint Mr. Picknut (Messour’s last name). Trust and expectation for Talking a lot of words that are so inexplicable and so taken for granted, at this moment, the tone of the "Astral Husky" is a bit passionate, the eyes are a little calm, and the expression is Somewhat hideous... all kinds of contradictory emotions seemed to melt into the soul of this morning star spellcaster at this moment.

For a moment, his mental energy fluctuations seemed a bit exhausted.

"...Well, after I said so much, you should understand what I mean? So now, what do you want to go out for? Oh, my God, please don't make me fail. Anyhow, I am also a forty-sixth-level Chenxing Mage"!


Counting the 30th-level legendary mage-"Floating Light and Glimpse" Dina Saya Gritta, the 27th-level legendary mage-the "Inscription Sage" Owen-Rildi, the 25th-level legendary mage-" The heavy armored giant "Holar Baslu", the forty-sixth-level morning star mage-"Astral Wolf" Donnela Augustine is the fourth to get Messoul to "talk in person" The "lucky guy" of the treatment, when seeing this guy's extremely depressed expression, punk has already realized the current situation.

There is no doubt that under the crown of the Throne of the Sun, who is trapped in the magic tower, finally "created" a "loyal" subordinate, at least for the time being... There is finally a "comparatively qualified" person in charge in the Justice League.

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