Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1109: Wind and cloud

Iberfeld’s words simply told the stranger in front of her most of the information she wanted to express. She told the depressed man that she was busy and flawlessly distracted, and she also told the other party how to join Mocha City. Even through obscure language cues and emotional expressions, the "valkyrie" with a little "careful thinking" also secretly demonstrated the fact that the Karamus Empire was seriously lacking in supplies to endure the urgent need for help.

If this legendary professional with a gloomy and hollow look and a numb and dim expression really wants to join the Guardian League to execute justice, then the words of the justice girl can definitely make those who are full of passion and blood rush to the Karamus Empire. "Young people" have a warm and valued feeling.

But it’s a pity that the uninvited guest, dressed in a demon skin robe and completely unmoved, stepped into this barren plain with the howling wind, obviously not to join some "Justice League", in fact, until Iberfel remained there. His polite smile seemed a bit stiff, and the man with a dumb throat responded with a dull tone.

   "My name is Ganatika............ I came here to find you............ to kill you, that's it"!

The embarrassing and icy atmosphere spread further in the air, and the silent and silent tide instantly extinguished the friendly brilliance that the justice girl had so hard to ignite. With the laws in the air, all the rules in the air were faintly trembling in the converging and swirling clouds of the sky. The time in the position of a legendary powerhouse seemed to be frozen into ice by the terrible deep cold.

   "I don't know you, we have no grievances and no grudges, do we"?

   This is the helpless question of a beautiful girl with a clear voice.

   She did not immediately attack the young man in front of her, because at this moment, the "valkyrie" who was exhausted because of contact with the law of chaos for too long, still had the last hope to try to avoid the fight with words.

"You are right. You and I have no grievances, no grudges, or even know each other, but I was ordered to kill you. This is also one of the places where I am apologetic and hard to let go, so I decided to give the opportunity to attack first. Give you".

   This is Ganatika's dull and lonely response.

   In his words, the heavy apology felt no falsity at all. Although it sounds hypocritical and ridiculous to let the enemy attack or something, but the legendary warrior who was really sad still put it into practice.

But after listening to such a naive statement, Iberfeld, whose expression gradually became more solemn and helpless, still didn't care who the first attacker should be. What she really cared about was the order to Ganati. What is the status of Ka's "behind-the-scenes"... and is it possible for him to persuade this dumbfounded "boy killer" to violate this absurd order.

   Then I saw the "Justice Girl" with a sad expression, silently shook her head and continued to ask patiently

"Did Mr. Sai'an send you? Or Anthony? Isn’t it your Lord Donnela? No matter who gives you the order, I don’t think you should execute it against your own inner voice. I am The only savior and patron of the tens of billions of poor people in Emperor Karamus, you should not kill me!"

   What a straightforward word of persuasion without twists and turns, but the blunt-sounding sentence seems so logical and convincing when Iberfeld’s mouth is said.

And for those who are suffering from entangled thoughts, it is this way of opening the skylight that can touch their hearts even more. For example, Ganatika has already wrinkled his brows deeper and clenched his fists. Tight.

  "A mysterious guy once said the same thing to me. It said, "You actually know what you really want, right? You also know very well what kind of actions can make you feel happy, right? So why not follow your own voice and walk the legendary journey? "

He laughed bitterly, and put a long sword from the storage ring flat on his palm, watching the irregular scratches on the wooden scabbard. The boy looked like he was Travelers who are suffering from thirst in the desert are as exhausted.

   Around his not strong body, the slowly flowing vindictive breeze also became more agitated as time passed.

"I can't answer too much, I can only tell you that I made a deal with the devil, who had fallen into hatred, and I made too many wrong choices, and now, I have to do for what I once" Young and ignorant "pay the price".

   "............ That's it, I see."


   The soft chant of metal played violently in the cold wind, and the "valkyrie" who had already drawn out the long sword had also assumed an offensive posture very solemnly.

   After Ganatika said his "difficulties", Iberfeld understood that today's war was destined to be inevitable.

Although from a psychological point of view, the justice girl who knows exactly how painful the sense of powerlessness is controlled by others, she understands and even sympathizes with Ganatika, who has a bitter smile on her face, but the same sentence is to save the innocent poor from persecution. True kindness and justice will not be Iberfeld will never give in for any reason.

   For her, as long as the "righteousness" that can make most people smile can be achieved, then it will be completely unhesitating to fight any powerful enemy against the exhaustion of the soul!

"Ghanatika! I don't know whether your true heart contains kindness and justice, and I don't know how much stronger you are than me, but I know very well that my life sustains the tens of billions of poor people behind me, The children are crying because of hunger and helplessness, the women are trembling from the cold, they are all waiting for me to continue to bring food back to the Horaka defense line to maintain life... So in the name of redemption, in the name of goodness, I-"Valkyrie" Iberfil Marta will do my best to fight you to the death."

"Yes, it's taken for granted, isn't it? You are the messenger of justice, I am a running dog of evil, justice defeats evil, it is only right... But even so, I, a greedy coward, still don't want to give up my life. After all, I don't even want to give up my life. I haven't known what I really want, so the next battle...Please use your own means"!


   If the will determines the behavior and the mind determines the camp, then the only factor that can determine whether the “behavior” that implements the “campaign” can exist is the actual “power”.

In other words, so far, with the second sound of the blade unsheathed tearing the wind and clouds, this dialogue originating from the "lost boy" and the "firm girl" has long been announced in the roar of vindictiveness. ended.


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