Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1110: Helpless gap

? The fighting style of the legendary fighter is absolutely different from that of the legendary spellcaster. After all, the duel between the two legendary wizards will basically evolve into a massive spell battle that stretches as far as possible to maintain high-speed movement. In terms of people, long enough distance will always be the perfect barrier to ensure their own safety.

However, in the battle of the legendary warriors, it is the combat technique that most fighters are accustomed to using to pull in close combat. They will always use their flesh to tear the barrier of "distance", and then use the knife to attack at close range. Unleash the direct and powerful killing effect that belongs to the fighting spirit to face the powerful enemy. Although most of the legendary fighting skills do not have the flexibility of diversified spells, a qualified combatant is always able to make perfect use of his displacement skills. Entangling the target to prevent the opponent from getting out.

So at this moment, when two powerful legendary fighters adopted such a "traditional" fighting method together, a scene of disaster that was completely different from the battle of the wizards opened in the deserted icy plain!

"Legendary Fighting Skill-Straight Split"!


Amidst the clear anger of the girl’s voice, I saw strands of legendary grudge exuding white energy that were already flashing with dazzling light, and the sharp sword was slashed at Ganatika’s head. The cold light of the knife is as thin as a cicada's wings but as strong as fine gold against the background of the sword's blade. The murderous intent is slashed and even torn in the sky. The thick clouds gathered on the sky.

For a while, I finally got the opportunity to penetrate the layers of mist and shining on the ground. The brilliant sunlight almost dyed the bright silver armor of the Valkyrie in mid-air golden.

"Not bad! Good!"

There was no anger due to the enemy’s attack, nor was he annoyed by the glare of the dazzling blade. Ganatika, who had experienced many battles on the "bloody battle" on the battlefield, drew out his short sword without the slightest. Going up, in fact, I hadn't waited until the silent words of praise were finished, and the khaki vindictive that instantly covered the blade also collided with the powerful blow of the "valkyrie".


The sound of the explosion is the raging thunder that resounds through the sky, and the hot sparks that burst out are the embers of the burning debris of the law. In such a huge energy collision and confrontation, the potential energy pressure brought by the ultra-high pressure even leads to the atomic structure in the air. A violent fusion reaction took place, and the magnificent torrent of elements rushed toward the wasteland in all directions while violently twisting and dancing.

In just a short flash of light, and only one sword blade and sound, the legendary powerhouse’s killing and destruction became the second little sun in the sky that flashed with light, instantly soaring to hundreds of millions of degrees of intense heat and evaporating the ground. After the ice, snow and soil on the mountain were grilled by the scorching energy source, every trace of ice ballast within tens of thousands of square kilometers was evaporated by the energy after waves of the explosion of two "human-shaped nuclear bombs."

"This sword is for the enlightenment of kindness! This sword is also for the innocent poor people of the Karamus Empire to give an explanation. It comes from the sad servants of evil, can you feel the flames of justice burning your soul? "?


She didn't leave any chance for her opponent or herself to breathe. Ibefel, who was severely slashed by another "straight", was already red eyes and gritted her teeth. She could feel that the target in front of her had never dodged. She thinks she must seize this opportunity to inflict severe damage on the enemy.

But in fact... "Despair" has always been able to embrace any weak creature indiscriminately, no matter evil or good, no matter order or chaos...

"Legendary fighting skills-legendary armor"!

"Dang Cang"!

Accompanied by the dull sound of the mallet hitting the big clock, the heavy fighting energy energy has formed a layered and converging hard armor structure under the skillful control of Ganatika. Although Iberfel’s two slashes were directly affected It slashed directly on the head of the young avenger, but just like ordinary people slashing diamonds with a blade, the "valkyrie" long sword will only bounce high in the fierce ear-piercing buzzing sound... …

In fact, she has no ability to cause any harm to this powerful enemy that she must defeat!

Yes, is there anything strange? This is a matter of course, isn't it?

Now Ganatika, who has returned from the "Blood War" and has mastered legendary fighting skills, is already a 27th-level legendary fighter. He is no longer the one who could not even control the legendary aura. Frozen, the "Young Avenger" at this time alone was two levels higher than the innocent girl Miss Marta.

And besides that, let’s take a look at what combat methods these two combatants are using?

Ganatika-legendary fighting skills-legendary armor! This is the perfect ordinary legendary fighting skill that punk exchanged from the "guildmaster" back then. His historical background was personally invented and created by an ancient bright moon warrior in the era of Netheril. The long time has gone through in-depth research and improvement by dozens of great Olympians at the Yaori level.

By the time it is passed down to today, the name and appearance of "Legendary Armor" are quite simple and ordinary fighting skills have long become a legendary fighting skill with excellent defense and no shortcomings in various attributes. , The basic characteristics of the entire "Legendary Armor Fighting Skills" series that are equivalent to its principles even run through the later "Defense Fighting Skills Research and Development Theory" that was summarized and composed.

But in turn, let's see what the fighting skills poor Miss Marta uses...

"Straight split"?

This kind of skill that simply condenses and compresses the energy and then smashes it out is also considered a fighting skill? Although the complexity of most of the legendary fighting skills is indeed much less than that of the legendary but.........this kind of thing does not even have a decent fighting skills model, it In academic theory, he is not even qualified for the title of "fighting skills"!

So in that case, the question is now-what is the difference between using a "legendary level fighting technique" that cannot be regarded as a fighting skill to complete a theoretical system that has a complete range of practical combat and practice, and using an abacus to challenge a computer?

No way, Ibefel will definitely not beat Ganatica. The so-called "full attack" of the "Valkyrie" is really just hitting the bell with a mallet in vain. It is estimated that even if she waits until the hammer used to hit the bell. Broken into fragments, the big clock hit will only be unscathed...

After all, don’t look at the "Young Avenger" as a legendary warrior. It seems to be worthless from character to strength all day long, but in fact, punk gave him three ordinary legendary fighting skills and a powerful legend. The ultimate move is already a precious resource that more than 90% of the legendary fighters in the entire multiverse can encounter.

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