Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1111: Go out

?Alas, you can't beat me, Miss Marta, I have powerful fighting skills, and you actually have nothing at all. It seems that the fighting technique you just used was "invented" by yourself, right? Maybe this flawed fighting skill is enough to help you deal with a stupid sub-lord, but you can't win the battle with me..."

Feeling the continuous explosion of energy around him but never breaking through the "legendary armor" from the beginning to the end, watching the girl's determined and determined angry eyes like a torch, Ganatika, whose eyes become more tangled and bitter, can only be one side Seriously preparing for an attack that doesn't let go of water, while expressing the emotion and distress from the heart.

Yes, although relying on the absolute superiority of combat methods, the young avenger at this moment is not only not happy because of the ease and simplicity of the battle, but because of the "valkyrie" he refuses to give up again and again. The futile attack caused more irritability and pain and even grief.

Because the more I watched Iberfil, who insisted on justice and rushed to the enemy again and again, and refused to give up and refused to escape even if all his attacks were in vain, Ganatika, whose heart was shaken, thought of herself—at first Of yourself.

I think long, long ago, the young man who was inspired to calm the evil, saved the innocent people from fire and water, and paid the price of his life even if he went to the sword, the mountain and the fire, was not as firm and persistent as the girl at this time, and would never give up? However, when the girl in front of him who was exactly the same as himself was still clinging to and fighting for that ridiculous and even ridiculous dream of kindness, she was able to initially be happy because she helped a poor family eat bread. Where did the young brave go?

The brave named "Ghanatika" did not disappear. He just changed. He forgot the kindness and justice, and the hatred and sorrow that he also forgot. He just became a walking dead, a walking dead under the washing of time. ...A living golem.

He just unknowingly became the kind of person he hated the most at the beginning-he is even now using the powerful fighting skills he gained in the name of "evil" to persecute justice, which is constantly growing on his own wisdom. Girl...

"Damn, those **** justice and kindness are just hypocritical lies and useless jokes! What is the point of holding on to such a sad thing"!

Without knowing why, a kind of heart-piercing Ganatika suddenly appeared in his heart. Suddenly, he became angry for no reason. Suddenly, he didn't want to see the faithful Iberfil appear in him again. In front of him, he suddenly wanted to hurt this woman who was holding on to something that he had never succeeded, and he also wanted to destroy it all...destroy this that he once had all but now has lost everything. everything of!

Therefore, in the 100,000 years of life since becoming a legendary professional, Ganatika, who is always taciturn and numb, became angry from the heart for the first time. He bet this is the first time he has experienced such a pure 、It is the first time that he is so angry at the existence of "kindness" without any other emotions.

So under the support of this anger, Ganatika, with its flying hair, finally couldn't help but act on the Valkyrie who was still constantly attacking him. With the thunderous roar of the law, he belonged to a hysteria. The roar of the person suddenly became urgent and violent:

"Why don't you choose to run? Why do you have to save those weak ants? What benefits can you do for you? Why do you insist on justice and kindness that does not exist? Tell me why!"

"Legendary Fighting Skill-Charge"!


The cracked space collapsed piece by piece in the sound of the explosion, and the matter and energy permeating the sky were also shattered into illusory particles because of the fragmentation of the law, wrapped in flames and intertwined with light, and the angry Ganatika directly Ibefel, who could not dodge, hit the barren ground straight from the 10,000-meter-high sky where the clouds were scattered.

The earth is broken, the mountains are overturned! At this moment, in a crater of red and hot glazed soil, Ganatika, who has used a sharp short sword to pierce the armor of the "Valkyria", is like a mad dog that has finally caught its prey. The pale girl, and the blood splattered from Iberfel's veins has even been contaminated with the ruby ​​in the right eye frame of the young Avenger.

"Why? Hurry up and answer me why? What are idiots like you thinking about?"

Barely roaring at the girl's clean face, Ganatica knew that she must be as dangerous and ugly as an unreasonable lunatic.

But he did it anyway, because he would rather ask him to know what kind of true thoughts the "Valkyria", a "good man" exactly like himself, had in his heart. He was questioning Iberfil, At the same time, he is also questioning his soul. He wants to find his forgotten past, as well as the forgotten self...

However, compared to the anxious hysteria of the young Avengers, the justice girl, who had already fallen into dying due to his soul being hit hard at this time, seemed extremely calm, looking at the pressing on her body and just piercing her with a sharp blade. The painful man in his chest had already begun to feel the fading consciousness of the "valkyrie" who suddenly felt a little bit to laugh.

As a legendary professional who sticks to the path of justice, Iberfeld has fantasized about many of her endings. She thought she would be screwed off by an evil strong man with a laugh, and she thought she would be unclear in a war. It was not in vain that she died of cold arrows behind her back, but she did not expect that she would be forced to ask about the creed of "justice" and then gradually lost her life.

"Maybe... Maybe this is also a way of interpreting "the way of kindness"..."

While thinking in a mess, bitterly licking the chapped lips and talking to Soon so tired that the "valkyrie" who couldn't even hold the hilt of the sword could not help but reveal a bit of pain Smile.

"Why? Because I like a beautiful and kind world, isn't that enough? It's a pity that I really can't get the last ration representing "goodwill" to the poor people."


This is the last word spoken by the 25th-level legendary combatant-"Valkyrie" Iberfiel Marta. On the barren plains on the border of the Karamus Empire, there is a touch of insignificant kindness. Then the sigh filled with helpless regret and pain died out...

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