Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1113: The disintegrated empire

? "Announcement of the End of the Empire’s Food and the Notice of Disintegration of the Empire"

"Dear fellow nobles, venerable poor people, dedicated and kind professionals, I am your emperor Sadni Odin three million six hundred and twenty thousand, in today’s sad winter. Early in the morning, I had to tell every intelligent creature belonging to the Karamus Empire a heavy news. The evil demon from the endless abyss has invaded our homeland, and our farmland that will be harvested in the future has been devastated by terrible disasters. Once destroyed, our soldiers and people were slaughtered, and our cities fell one by one... Until now, most of the empire’s territory has fallen into the hands of demons, and emergency food has been stockpiled. Exhausted, the Karamus Empire can no longer continue to support the battle... So today, at this painful moment, at this great ancestors, the great ancestors of the noble nobles. At the sad moment, I had to hold back the heartbreaking pain and officially announce the following:

1. His Excellency Messoul-Bitnak, the spellcaster of the Karamus Empire protector of the country, was officially fired.

2. From now on, all refugee relief points in the Karamus Empire will stop issuing relief rations.

3. The Odin royal family and all members of the hereditary aristocracy belonging to the Karamus Empire have lost every surname they have!

4. The Karamus Empire, with a history of 749,636,324,224, is officially disintegrated!

Yes, these are the four pieces of news I want to tell you, yes, it's all over, yes... I'm sorry.


This "Imperial Parchment" with "unbelievable" information was used in the Karamus Empire to publish important news and long-form royal declarations. In fact, just find a Karamus historian to look through the data. As far as the historical data must be stored with magic spar, you can know that every time Karamus in history puts the "imperial parchment" with bright golden light on the streets and alleys, it is without exception, declaring special Great news and good news.

And this time, when the skinny refugees who endured hunger and the bitter cold saw the bulletins that were filled with golden light as warm as the sun were posted at the intersections of major cities and towns, they must be sincere in their hearts. Looking forward to good news from the Empire, right?

You know, the cold winter of Faerun has just begun, and the coldest days have not yet arrived. At this moment, people need more than food and cotton clothes. They also need "hope" as a fire to light up the sadness in their hearts.

But it's a pity... the world is gloomy and cold. The last "Royal Notice" issued by the Karamus Empire is not only the flame of hope but the belated ice and snow. Its fonts printed in neat common language are just like The cold water pouring down from a basin is generally enough to make any poor or even aristocrat standing on the streets of Winter tremble.

So the empire disintegrated? With a history of hundreds of millions of years, and one of the three empires on the plane of Faerun who have written many glorious deeds, the Karamus Empire is just like suddenly disintegrated without warning?

This is the ridiculous idea that came up in the minds of most nobles who heard the news for the first time. Many of them could hardly imagine the meaning of life for themselves who had lost their surnames, and many others could not accept it. The fact that the territory passed down by the ancestors has been lost.

However, compared to the really poor street refugees, the pain in the hearts of these nobles who are still worried about losing their glory and anger and sadness is nothing at all. After all, for the time being, they have at least time to think about what they and their family should do next. What to do, but those poor people who still live in shacks on the streets and corners really fell into desperate purgatory at the moment the "Royal Notice" was released.

Yes, this is purgatory! This is the end of the world!

Such statements and adjectives are really not exaggerated at all. God knows what it means for the bloodless hungry people who have had to fight for a piece of bread, the Karamus Empire unilaterally cut off the supply of food?

There is no need for the attack of the devil, no need for the rampage of the plague, it only takes up to three days, and the tens of billions of poor people will starve to death more than 90% in just three days! Anyone who sees the announcement and has a normal IQ must be able to imagine the future of the Karamus Empire, which will be full of corpses and horrors. For ordinary people without professional levels, this kind of genocide The Great Hunger in China definitely has an eradicating efficiency at the level of destroying the country!

The most terrifying thing is...This is an obvious reason that everyone can think of!

So there is no need to wait for three days. On the first morning of the royal announcement, every city in the Karamus Empire that has intelligent creatures inhabits will be messed up.

Nobles and nobles had to stay in the basement of the manor shivering, and professionals called for teams to venture across the plains to escape to the sky, and those desperate poor people who had nothing but were starved and crazy began to be unscrupulous. Unleashing the malice and hatred in the depths of human nature at will detonated chaos.

For a time, the entire Karamus Empire was full of blazing flames swaying and dancing in the breeze of the cold wind, and the hungry crowds struggled to fight for the last limited food with only a little energy left.

Men snatched women’s food, women snatched children’s food, and the children could only hug the dying old people shivering... Even later, the dead bodies of the living people who were frozen by the cold wind were also included. It has become a “precious food” that is being scrambled for After all, in the face of the crisis of survival, all evil and goodness have no meaning. In a world that is about to be destroyed, hysterical intelligent creatures are fundamentally compatible. Those violent demons in the abyss are no different...

Of course, painful disasters will always only fall on the weak and weak. For some selfish and powerful, the struggling and screaming of the "ants" and the casual posture of the flowers and plants on the roadside being swayed by the breeze. There is no essential difference either. Even the suffocation of tens of billions of creatures is nothing more than a string of objective figures without sadness and joy for them. Even the demise of the ancient empire is just part of a grand plan.

For example, at this moment, the morning star mage Punk-Sean, who is standing in the window of the temporary high tower and watching the entire city of Benido, is burning and rioting, is obviously one of the above-mentioned "strong men."

The expressionless, he certainly wouldn't have any different feelings about any tragedy that is happening below the tower. After all, to put it carefully... the insidious "Destroy Whisper" himself is the main planner of the Karamus Empire toppling and sinking. One of them.

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