Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1114: Notice arrival

The Karamus Empire has disintegrated. This is nothing surprising. Even the ancient mortal kingdom is too fragile and vulnerable. Without the serious help of legendary professionals, the invasion of a group of abyssal demons is definitely enough to make even The prosperous country fell apart in a blink of an eye. The great fire and the tumultuous chaos burning in the city of Benido are the last twitches of the empire that has become a corpse, so death is permeated, despair, and evil thoughts. The state of abundance and killing is even just a prelude to a truly tragic disaster............

After all, if nothing happens, the chaos limited to the poor people will not last long, because it will not take much time for all the nobles and low-level professionals who stay in the Karamus Empire to discover in horror, any legendary level The following intelligent creatures will never break through the encirclement of ferocious demons and escape from the country that is about to fall. At that time, the destructive power of a group of professionals who are completely desperate and mad is not a little bit of damage. They only use nails and grass. The rake farmers can compare.

Of course, chaos is chaos, and disaster is disaster. In theory, although the Karamus Empire has completely overthrown and died out, the tens of billions of people it once owned will certainly not be exhausted. After all, the justice **** system The morning star priest "Clean Glow" was sent to take the lead in perfunctory troubles only to drastically reduce the population of the empire owned by the Wizards Guild and destroy Messul's "Mind Purification Solvent" production line. They didn't want the demons to be too much Approaching the majestic Yaori Magic Tower standing on the edge of the Mithril King City, and maddening the terrifying Yaori-level spellcaster "Archmage".

So in this way, it is estimated that after the chaos continues to last long enough and the population of the Karamus Empire is reduced to the extent that it is no longer sufficient to support the production of "soul magic crystals", Anthony, who has completed his mission, will no longer Pay attention to other things happening here, when the time comes, the pastors who belong to the "Assembly of Gods" will naturally take on the responsibility of "cleaners" to clean up the mess, clean up the demons and the abyss rift, and by the way, the only remaining, at most one Thousands of Karamus people gathered to build a casual religious kingdom to do face-saving projects.

Even the legendary priests of the mad believers who belong to the Lord of Dawn will take the opportunity to spread their faith and guide the newly joined church members to worship the Holy Light.

This is a vicious plan, and it is also the “perfect plan” that the “righteous gods” who don’t know what kind of conspiracy want to see, what Antony did in the Karamus Empire Efforts are made to make this scene of "all under control" developments take place as scheduled. Now that punk can imagine that after seeing such a "all under control" scene, that one can always keep a friendly smile. The **** stick must be secretly delighted at the moment that his strategy is flawless.

However, in fact...

"Is this the end? It's too simple and too boring. The magnificent banquet has just begun, and the real main course is just about to be served."

Silently muttered to himself in a mocking tone, and glanced contemptuously at the chaotic scene outside the tower window, the Master Chenxing was still as calm and expressionless as before.

Obviously, although Anthony’s task is completed, the “work” belonging to punk has just begun, because just a few seconds ago, the dark magic crystal card that has been silent for a long time has already been from the “chairman” "The notification message was sent over.

"Hello, Mr. "Destroy Whisper", first of all, I must affirm the progress and seriousness of your work during this trip. Presumably every member of the Silent Alliance will feel honored and gratified for you... But don't slacken! After all, the most perfect dance drama we have directed has not come to an end.

Please note that your next work is very important. You must know that the purpose of the justice **** system has been achieved. Antony, as a "resolute and resolute" priest, has now left the chaotic Karamus Empire and returned to the justice **** kingdom. The ordinary legendary priests belonging to the "Guild of Gods" will inevitably set out to clean up the demons, and Mr. "Astral Wolf", who has been mastered by Messoul, will also inevitably serve as a high-end combat force to lend a helping hand... …These actions are obviously totally inconsistent with our interests and plans, so what I need you to do is to accurately grasp the time and destroy Horaka before the ordinary legendary priests leave and Mr. "Astral Wolf" prepares to leave. The legendary city wall formation of the defense line finally took action to block any improper actions by Augustine!

In Jieshi, the abyssal demons will launch a general offensive under the lure of Dimo ​​Gogan and Tiamat under the banner of the fragmentation of the pale green sky barrier. The red-robed wizards will also be responsible for solving the pantheons that set off to close the abyss rift. Legendary priest, when the wave of demons completely surrounds the magic tower of Messur, our victory is just around the corner-I think you should be very clear that even the magic tower of Yaori cannot be resisted endlessly. The demon lord’s desperate attack, when the energy used to make the "Tower of Arca" is gone, Messul will buried him with those absurd and sad conspiracies!

"Note: Don’t worry about the retreat of Mr. "Archmage". The guy named by "Fate" has always had nowhere to escape. The shining magic equipment in your hand is also enough to support your evacuation from the dangerous battlefield. Some jobs can get rich remuneration."


"It's really a rare long story, isn't it? It's really rare when the "chairman" has said so much in one breath... But such a detailed reminder is enough to prove that person. The level of importance under the crown of the Glory Sun Throne to this action".

Silently thinking about the long message passed on the magic crystal card, the long-term speechless punk did not feel any tension or "excitement" in his heart, although he could fully feel the "guild leader" in a long reminder There were a few undetectable excitements in his tone, but for the well-conceived "Destroy Whisper"... the grand plan under the crown of the Glory Sun Throne was just a "normal" job.

Who says this job is difficult to complete?

Reading the data report that the magic chain that I forged for a stupid dragon is continuously sending, and perceiving the aura of a morning star level powerhouse that is fast approaching Benido City, he has silently taken out the "pale scepter" and held it in his hand. Punk from the heart feels that the work assigned to him by the "chairman" is simply and easy.

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