Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1115: Shattered

? "Sai'an, what are you doing, what are you doing now, what's all this going on"!

This was a roar that resounded through the sky like thunder. The surging mental power fluctuations even turned into a substantive storm, blowing away the dust and gravel on the ground. For a while, the temporary high tower where "Destroy Whispers" lived unexpectedly came to life. Compressed by the explosive psychic shock wave and turned into a vacuum state, we can also know how angry a certain fat nobleman who is standing on the street shouting like a child is at this moment.

Undoubtedly, this impolite guy who looks a bit humiliated and yelling at the earthy gray tower is the "star wolf" Mr. Donnela who hurried to punk to question him.

Speaking of being a temporary leader of the "League of the Guardians of the Plane of Faerun" pulled over by the strongman of Messoul, Augustine, who is unlucky, can definitely be said to be a pure idiot who is unclear about the development of the situation from beginning to end. .

He first came to a thrilling battlefield that seemed to be simple in form, but was actually deep like the sea for the generous rewards that the "arch mage" promised generously. Then he was unsuspectingly controlled by his boss and turned into a ready-made tool. It happened that the "Astral Huskies" who "learned from the pain and served the country with loyalty" planned to loyally share the worries and troubles for Your Excellency Messoul until he got out of control and turned and ran, the whole war situation was completely messed up overnight... ...

First, Iberfeld, the "valkyrie" who went out to purify the crops, was killed for nothing, and then the Karamus Empire suddenly disintegrated, and huge chaos broke out suddenly, but the priests of the Pantheon kept silent, and punk stayed in the magic tower. Without leaving the house, even the legendary warrior Tuotao, who had to stay in the Mithril King City to heal his wounds because of serious injuries in the last battle to capture the white dragon, was unknown to him?

You must know that it has only been less than three months since the outbreak of the war, and the cold winter on the plane of Faerun has not even ended. Donnela’s understanding has shocked the entire multiverse even though the grand battle It won't be surprising to have been playing for three or four thousand years, and now it has only been three months and so much outrageous progress has taken place............This is too incomprehensible.

However, in the face of the established facts, whether the parties understand it or not, it is certainly useless. Seeing one after another dazzling sudden change is almost just overnight in droves, and it’s utterly devastated. "The Temporary President" can only ask his two "Morning Star Allies" what good things have been done in the end...

Of course, Anthony, the **** stick, withdrew in time. No matter how angry and resentful Donny was, she couldn’t complain about the "clean glow" that was flying high, so she forced the mania in her squinted eyes. Flame, the aggressive "Astral Wolf" could only come to find another Morning Star powerhouse remaining in the "Former Karamus Empire" to "Destroy Whispers" to vent their anger.

"Sai'an, answer me quickly, did you kill Miss Marta? Did you destroy the Karamus Empire? Oh, **** it! I knew that you **** and that **** **** stick are all the same, Now that Anthony has disappeared for nothing, and are you planning some new conspiracies? Oh my God, do you know if I mess things up, Lord Messoul might kill me! Damn it! Damn it, **** it, I knew that the death of "Bellein-Neckar" was not a good thing. Originally all these messy troubles should be his work!"

Well, the fear of death is always the emotional fluctuation that most intelligent creatures cannot avoid, and the longer the creatures live, the more they want to live forever. Now when the sword hangs from the deadly Damos When he was on top of his head, Donnela, the noble mage who didn't do anything hurriedly, finally couldn't help getting angry and irritable.

In the entire multiverse, who doesn't know that your excellency "Archmage" of the Mage Guild is a strong Yaori who has a bad temper and is getting worse? Donnela was really afraid that Messoul would kill a "useless trash man" in a rage.

However, Augustine’s worries are only his own worries after all. Punk’s complaints and fears of certain idiots must not be empathetic. Therefore, facing the anger, it’s worse than the "star wolf" who scolds the street under the tower. With an indifferent expression, the Morning Star Mage was just thinking about the "guildmaster"'s instructions while taking the "pale scepter" in his hand, opening a portal directly and coming to the face of Lei Tang Nila.

It doesn't matter if the caster's acting skills are not good. After all, as we all know, the perfunctory and procrastination in this world only requires expressions and never requires acting.

"Good morning, Mr. Augustine, it seems that you are in a very bad mood, but even so, I have to seriously refute the unprovoked accusations made by some stupid pigs-you are not always "concerning" Do you care about my position and movement? I haven't left Benido City recently. Who knows how the poor Miss Marta died."

After he was fully prepared for the battle, Punk said in a cold tone that he was not polite, anyway, the end of this war was coming, he didn't care how angry the unfortunate "Astral Wolf" was now.

But if you consider it from the perspective of Donnela...whether "Destroy Whispers" admits the guilt is actually irrelevant. After all, he is now coming to the Morningstar Master Xingshi to ask the guilt to try to restore the situation out of control, even until it is through. When a large crack appeared on the wall of the legendary magic city where the heaven and earth formed the "Horaka Line of Defense" This fat mage who was about to blow his lungs still threatened "Destroy Whisper" loudly to speak out the subsequent conspiracy It.

"Damn, I warn you this selfish bastard, if I'm unlucky, don't think about it. I promise you "Archmage" will know what you did, and I will always remember you, the enemy who almost killed me. , I will... Damn, what is that?"


Just as the saying goes, the sky is unpredictable, and the moon is cloudy and clear. This sentence is also applicable to the legendary strong.

In fact, Donnella, who had almost turned into a broken mouth, had finished speaking. Under the gaze of the punk winning ticket, amidst the hysterical roar of the "Astral Wolf", a whole piece of film stretched to the end of the horizon. The emerald-green sky barriers were all shattered and collapsed with the explosion sound like thunder.

"It's a pity, Mr. Husky, you are half a beat slower."

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