Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1116: Soul charm

The confrontation between punk and Donnella took place in Benido City. In fact, before they started this confrontation, there was another matter in the distant Horaka defense line "Mobendink" in the city of war. The story of the direction is unfolding, and this time the "important man" who is fortunate to be part of the bargaining chip between the legendary organizations is no longer the incomparably powerful Morningstar powerhouse, but an ordinary legendary warlock-or strictly speaking, it is A five-color dragon of ordinary legendary level.

Presumably at this moment, the female white dragon "Princess Winter" who is immobile in the dungeon may not know what kind of "heavy burden" she has unknowingly shouldered as a captive and a loser, she It is impossible for a pure warlock to understand what these energy circuits connected to him represent.

But fortunately, the five-colored dragon, even far from the center of the storm, does not need to know this knowledge, because after the bad news of Iberfel’s death was conveyed to the Karamus Empire, Seralin realized that the storm was approaching. The only thing that needs to work hard to think about is how to escape as soon as possible.

Of course, running away is always said to be easy, not easy nor easy. After all, as a professional who relies purely on the body to fight, once unlucky enough to be imprisoned, the only "body that can burst lethality" "Basically, it is impossible to have a chance to escape successfully. What's more, the legendary white dragon is also very "fortunate" to get a chain forged by the morning star mage to accompany him and the "carry-on care" of a legendary mage-you know, This level of defensive power is desperate enough for more than 90% of ordinary legends, because any resistance and careful thought of an ordinary legendary warlock in front of the imprisoning power of the morning star level will only become futile.

However... the above "normal situation" is undoubtedly not applicable to "Princess Winter", because the chains of morningstar materials given by punk were not used to imprison her as a prisoner. On the contrary, they also had a hidden effect of providing help. Few people know that as a legendary dragon who claims to be a "pure close tactician", Seralin-Hantooth's legendary killer move randomly awakened is still a very "chicken rib" spiritual legendary spell-"soul charm"!

So in this closed and dark basement, for the first time in her life, the legendary Bailong who had to sell her "hue" to charm others began to earnestly use her spiritual power to erode the enemy's will, and the enemy she was dealing with was He is a dumb and dumb legendary mage who specializes in the school of magic arts-"The Meaning of Incantation" Ha Jones.


"Do you want to know my childhood? Mr. Little Mage, don't look at you being silent and silent, but I know you must be wondering, don't you spellcasters all have a heavy curiosity."

In the gloomy underground space, only a magic lamp that barely illuminates half of the dragon's body flickered on the top of the dome, lowered its head to the ground and watched the legendary mage sitting beside him. The dragon was half squinted and sleepy. He looked at the rock wall obliquely.

In Seralin's body at this moment, the majesty that once belonged to the "Princess of Winter" has long since disappeared, and the characteristic replaced by it is a touch of deep weakness and fatigue.

It’s worth noting that Miss Hantooth’s exhaustion at the moment has no intention of deceiving, because continuing to maintain the “will tampering” effect of “soul charm” is definitely a job that consumes soul energy, even with The "mental gold" of the material chain of Morningstar increased the effectiveness of Ford and reduced consumption, and poor Seralyn was still squeezed to the level of hazy consciousness by this strange spell.

So at this moment, although she was talking to Ha Jones, who was silent around her, in fact, in the deepest part of her thoughts, the consciousness of "Princess Winter" had already plunged into hazy memories.

"Those scholars say that bad guys always have a miserable and dark childhood, but my lucky childhood is so beautiful and sad, do you know? As a newborn baby dragon abandoned by the evil five-color dragon mother, I It was picked up by an ordinary farmer couple to raise it. Doesn’t it sound amazing and surprising? Two middle-aged couples who have been farmers for generations and have worked hard in the fields all their lives would have a baby dragon to raise The dream of growing up! Ha, I don’t know from which bard story they knew the fact that dragons are intelligent creatures. Their ideas are nothing but dangerous for most official-level wizards. Whimsical, but in fact... the two "whisperers" who didn't even know a big word actually did that."

Simply lowering her head directly onto the cold ground, the soul of the half-asleep "Princess Winter" almost completely flowed out of her body and attached to the chain rich in "mind fusion", and here The iron lock does not exist at the end of the spiritual level connection in the real world. The power of Morning Star has already touched Jones' will unknowingly. The illusory fluctuations that belong to the "soul charm" can be said to be in the two chains. Reverberating between the connections.

So from this moment on, every time Seralin’s statement from the heart will directly touch the soul of the legendary mage’s "meaning of spell", and every wave of her emotional fluctuations can also make the same half asleep. Ha Jones, who was half-awake in a hazy state, felt the same way.

Just as a side effect or "cost", the mind of "the meaning of the spell" is actually slowly acting on Seralin's will silently, and the power of "soul charm" is showing its power. And weird gloomy faces.

Don't forget, this is a battle between will and will, and the strong willpower is the key to winning! After all, the tasteless and rare spells of "Soul Charm" will always only have an effect on those legendary professionals whose willpower is not up to the standard. Generally speaking, this kind of spells called "falsification of thinking" can reach the average level of willpower. As far as the legendary powerhouse is concerned, it can only cause short-term disturbances However, for some "unusual legends" with insufficient willpower.........this kind of weird spell-like ability But it's a bit frightening-he tampered with the soul, it composes the soul, it does everything and even brazenly!

If the person’s willpower has not become stronger, even the promotion of the legendary level will not be able to obliterate the influence of this spiritual level of will, so in a sense, such a kind of can not even be written into a spell model "Spell-like ability" is already the closest force in the multiverse to "controlling legendary professionals".

However, the question before Seralin and Ha Jones is not about the magical characteristics of "Soul Charm". The main trouble is... Is the two legendary professionals of the dragon and the dragon belong to willpower? What about the substandard "uncommon legend" category?

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