Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1117: Immersed

"As a young dragon, I was raised by my ordinary farmers' parents for a long time. Although the time span of just over ten years is insignificant compared to my life span of nearly 700,000 years, I don’t know why. I happen to be the most impressed by the memories of that period-yes, I still remember how sincere my "mother" was when she confirmed that she had a dragon daughter, and I will always remember that I was there In that adobe room, I was secretly tasting the joyful mood of wheat stalks. For a five-color dragon, it was a wonderful time that could not be met. After all, I was just a young dragon at that time. With a ignorant understanding of the new birth, it is impossible for two uneducated farmers to know what the five-color dragon clan represents in this world..."

Silently narrating her childhood, Seralin, who fell into deep memories for a time, almost forgot the danger of her being in a cage, and the waves that emerged in her thoughts seemed to be nothing but childhood. Sincere memories of worrying life.

And at the same time, the emotions and memories that should have belonged exclusively to the "Princess Winter" are also under the influence of the illusory connection built by the cooperation of "Soul Charm" and "Mind Fusion" and penetrate into the deepest part of Ha Jones' consciousness. .

"...The young five-color dragon has not yet fully awakened from the power of blood, so my evil nature had not exploded at that time, and I benefited from the sparse population and sparse houses in remote small villages, my existence It has never been discovered by others. In this way, a sad white dragon used the name "Selalin" given by the farmer couple to grow up to fifteen years old-in fact, until the warm thatched hut was unable to When I accommodated me, I realized in a daze that I could not continue to indulge in the fragrance of fresh wheat and enjoy my childhood."

A little self-deprecating smile, the huge white dragon, while telling the story in his mouth, cautiously moved his head a little closer to the direction of Ha Jones. At this moment, he almost completely closed his eyes and fell into a dreamy Seralin feeling. She is as calm and indifferent as returning to her childhood thatched cottage. Whether it is the chaos of the Karamus Empire or the disputes between the legendary powerhouses, they seem to have faded away and disappeared, and there is nothing left in her world. This small cage was used as a residence, and only a young mage who had been leaning on her was left beside her as a companion.

"Companion"...Speaking of being a pure-blooded white dragon "born and evil", "Princess Winter" is the first time she has experienced this "companion" in her life course of more than 700,000 years. The real meaning of the word.

Although this so-called "companion" is strictly a beautiful illusion...

Yes, it's just an illusion, just like the family love that Sera was immersed in in childhood, it's just a mirror image...

"The huge dragon cannot continue to live with her elderly peasant parents, so she soon had to choose to leave her hometown and "fly away"...Of course, I was actually awakened at that time. A little bit comes from the evil blood of Tiamat, I am eager to take risks and soar into the sky, I am like a born baby bird eager to see a new world, so I fly away, I abandon my priceless beauty I found the so-called freedom in my childhood."

Silence was pervasive and the lights were dim. When the narration of the story reached this point, the atmosphere of the underground space had gradually become sad. The substantive emotional projection soon turned into flying gray and white smoke and began to surround the two legendary powerhouses. The whole body rotates rhythmically, and as the emotional atmosphere rises and converges, the narrative in Seralin's mouth has become increasingly deep and obscure:

"The strength of the dragon in the young dragon and juvenile dragon stage is the fastest growing, so it didn't take much time. I ran away from home and became a tall white dragon with official strength, and a huge five-color dragon The figure soaring in the sky also naturally attracted the peep of the **** kind-hearted camp professionals.

Alas, then I thought about my body size at that time. It would be nice if my body size could be smaller. Unfortunately, the cumbersome body of giant creatures was always helpless. I remember that I was just trying to "clean up the evil five-color giant "Dragon" and the pursuit and killing can only reluctantly choose to escape the sad little kingdom hiding in the wilderness until I was promoted to the master class... But the most terrifying thing is when I return home with endless eagerness and expectation for my relatives. when…………".

He shook his head deeply, and said that the mental power fluctuations of the painful "Princess Winter" had already choked up a bit, and the materialized emotional energy gradually surging with Seralin's sadness.

Obviously, what she is going to say next must be the thing that touched her the most in the life course of an "evil dragon", and until this moment, the ending of this story is already very obvious............

"I don't think you knew the upper limit of the life expectancy of ordinary people at that time. Judging from the average figure, the vast majority of ordinary farmers on the plane of Faerun were not more than 80 years old."

He raised his head like a dream to look at the huge dragon head hanging down in front of him, watching Seralin’s teary and sad eyes, and I don’t know when Ha Jones, who also showed a sad expression, seemed to be able to Intuitively felt the fragility and helplessness of the white dragon hidden under the crystal-like jade scales.

From a rational point of view, it is also a legendary spellcaster's "spell meaning". In fact, he is very clear that he is being attacked by the enemy's psychic level. He also understands that the most important thing he should do now is to quickly establish a defense of his will. Directly release spells to counterattack But in many cases, many intelligent creatures who are not determined are just a kind of casual guys who have no vision at all. For example, at this moment, Ha Jones suddenly doesn't want to break free. Fen is slowly wrapping his gentle lock.

You know, as the brainwashing product of the "Legend Training Program", the legendary mage rarely has the opportunity to experience the unique and charming psychological characteristics of "emotion". Now a sudden emotional experience is usually only Ha Jones, who is tightly bound by "loyalty", has an addictive attraction!

So even if he knows that his state is not right, but he habitually obeys orders and has no willpower at all, not only does he not want to build a mental defense, he even wants to continue to experience this area he has never experienced. Continue to sink in the complex emotions of Bailong, and then enjoy the joys, sorrows and sorrows that he has always wanted through Bailong's memory.

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