Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1118: Emotion and heart

? As the silence became stronger and quieter, Seralin's simple story finally came to an end silently, and because of this childhood experience that ended in tragedy is undoubtedly the evil white dragon "Princess Winter" The best, saddest, and most sincere memories I have ever had, so when the power of "soul charm" and the blessing of "soul fusion" come into effect, even Seralin's story narration process is far from being ups and downs. But the substantive emotions that almost turned into real energy are still enough to make any intelligent creature willing to open up feel the emotions hidden deep in the heart of a white dragon.

But is the emotion that "Princess Winter" feels at this moment really just a simple aggregation of nostalgia and sadness?

"The life of a mortal is destined to be short and fragile, and the mortal kingdom is bound to rise and fall in an instant. Presumably such a helpless life span is also one of the reasons why many low-level long-born species are unwilling to interact with low-level short-born species. This kind of "a little hazy nap" wakes up to find that the feeling of all the vicissitudes of life that I am familiar with is really painful... In fact, after a thousand years of wilderness winds and rains, I finally returned to my childhood memories. When the unforgettable wheat field, not only the thatched hut I missed was gone, but even the absurd small country was destroyed. The original fertile farmland even turned into a large low-lying lake, within a radius of thousands of miles. They are all deserted and uninhabited...Tiamat is here, and God knows that I am too immature. The first time I knew what sadness was like when the life span of ordinary humans was only a hundred years at most."

The heart is telling, the memories are echoing, and after shook his head as if missing the self in the past, the legendary Bailong who shared this precious memory seems to have gradually become more sober, I saw her quiet and silent Slowly replacing the melodious tone of description, the soul that had been infiltrated unconsciously by Seralin was quickly taken back into her own mind.

At this point, the emotional haze that permeated the dark underground space naturally disappeared quickly with the end of the story............

It is impossible for an ordinary legendary professional to sustain such a huge consumption of spell-like abilities as "Soul Charm" for unlimited use. The "Princess Winter", whose mind and body are already close to the limit, now has to grit his teeth and stop his legendary killing. She used the trick. Although she didn’t know how much Ha Jones, as a legendary mage, could be affected in such a short few minutes, she had exhausted all her efforts. No matter what the final result was, it would be It's not that a five-color dragon that has been reduced to a miserable prison has the ability to control it.

"The story is over, and I can guarantee that this is the best and saddest experience in my memory... Well, now I want to ask you to let me go. I think you have guessed it. Everything is done for this ultimate goal... So now can I ask you to give me a clear answer as soon as possible? I really don't want to wait too long on the edge of hope and despair."

After telling this boring story, she bluntly stated her own demands. I don't know why, but Seralin, who had been so eager for freedom before, suddenly had a ridiculous mentality of breaking the jar.

In fact, if according to her original plan, the "Princess Winter" at this time should have abandoned all pride and try to pretend to be pitiful and win the sympathy of the "caretaker". After all, Ha Jones is dumbfounded. The mage of is also quite powerful. Killing a serious injury that cannot be healed can be said to be a simple matter of gestures. As an evil chaotic camp legendary white dragon that has no principled constraints, he temporarily controls this It is undoubtedly the wisest decision to bow his head if the "strong man" has the power of life and death.

But... how to put it, maybe it was disturbed by Ha Jones' ease of mind, maybe it was confusion in his heart? The emotionally ignorant Seralin suddenly didn’t want to pretend to be pitiful and pray for the mercy of the man in front of her, although she just shared her own memories and emotions that buried the weakness in her heart. He was clean, but at least at this moment, at least at this moment when there is no "soul charm" in effect, the legendary white dragon who didn't know what had happened to his mind was just trying to make that sad cowardice Fear hides it from others...

Especially don't want to let this dull gourd see the "meaning of the spell"!

"Damn, what the **** is wrong with me? What am I talking nonsense? Is that kind of nonsense a begging attitude? Tiamat is on, Seralin, you are enough for an idiot who dropped the chain at this critical moment. ".

Uncomfortably clenched a sharp snow-white tooth, Bailong closed her eyes so embarrassed that she almost cursed herself in her heart while continuing to say "arrogant" words in her mouth. She didn't know the sudden appearance. What does the sour emotion in the soul represent, but as a dragon who has completed "breaking out of the prison", Seralin understands very well that after just five minutes of legendary spell release, her whole consciousness Even thinking may become different from usual.

"It's over, it's all over, I'm afraid this time my freedom will really become dreamy because of this **** absurd persistence."

He whispered to himself in a weird tone and complained secretly, and the white dragon that almost sighed had put the huge dragon head down again on the cold ground.

There was not too much disappointment, nor too much sorrow. Perhaps deep down, the “Princess Winter” who had finally “arrogated” had already basically acquiesced to the defeat of the “soul charm” he had displayed.


In this wonderful world, the arrival of surprises and intimidation is always so unexpected. Before a lucky sapling actually blooms and bears fruit, who knows how many unknown possibilities exist in the misty future?

At this very moment accompanied by a decisive answer that could be described as categorically decisive, a trembling sound of crisp metal suddenly sounded beside the huge body of the legendary white dragon who had almost given up hope.

"Okay, I will find a way to let you go"!

"Dang Cang"!

I saw in the silent and dull air, and I don't know when Ha Jones, who came to the dragon, had poured all the magic power in his soul into the rune connection position of the morningstar material chain without a word.

Although it looks plain and plain on the surface, it is obvious that the answer to "the meaning of a spell" does not mean ridicule or perfunctory. Based on Seralin's simple request, this young man who doesn't know what he is thinking When the mage didn’t agree with him, he would ignore all possible dangers and forcibly break the magic imprisonment arranged by the Morningstar professionals. He actually wanted to let the white dragon prisoner he guarded be free!

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