Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1119: Heart and emotion

? Punk gave Seralin a "special" morning star material to imprison the chain can only be described as "reality", its spell rune link has not been set up with any automatic counterattack array, even a basic anti-magic enchantment He was blessed, so it took less than two seconds for Ha Jones, who released his magic power to break the magic rune, to fuse a fragile energy circuit structure, and the entire heavy and solid chain was also broken with metal at this moment. The humming sound turned into dozens of pieces of dimly colored remains and fell off the body of the legendary white dragon.

You must know that according to common sense, as an ordinary legendary spellcaster who has only reached the twenty-ninth level, it is not too simple to break the imprisonment left by a morning star mage, considering that he specializes in The academic status of the enchanting school of magic, he is fooling around with his unfamiliar knowledge of alchemy magic, even if he spends a lot of time casting spells for a whole day, at the end, he can tear off a corner of a magic chain. Hard to say.

But in fact......There is no need for thrilling magic deciphering, and no time-consuming repeated polishing. Only a simple injection of magic power is needed. Ha Jones, who uses such a simple and rude cracking method, can be easily removed. The only imprisonment that the white dragon has on his body, so far, with the magic alloy covering Seralin’s wounds and hindering the recovery of the injury, all the magic alloys have fallen off. The once majestic "Princess Winter" may not take much effort. You can return to peak state.

"It seems that what Miss Marta said is right. The powerful Mr. "Destroy Whisper" came to the Guardian League with no good intentions. The magic metal lock he made is like being afraid that others will not be able to break it. The structure is fragile..."

Unknowingly, the silence came again, the sound of the metal ringing has slowly disappeared, and Ha Jones, who silently watched the "masterpiece" he had just completed easily, also picked up a soft chain from the ground. The wreckage was held in the palm of his hand.

He looked like he was studying the magical things he was curious about as a legendary mage, but in fact, Ha Jones, who didn’t know anything about the level of Morningstar, could only tell, "This and the chain have been cut corners." "It's just such an obvious fact. The silence that this young spellcaster deliberately expresses now is more to cover up his inner turbulence and a deep confusion. The hands he holds even the chains are Unconsciously there was a faint sign of shaking.

Yes, it is to hide yourself. At least for this moment, it is not like a mature legendary professional's "spell meaning". It looks like someone secretly bought a beloved toy with pocket money without an adult. Like a child of…

"Why... why did you let me go?"

Without paying attention to the awkward emotion that the man was trying to cover up but couldn't hide it, the legendary white dragon who finally had a chance to get rid of the shackles had slowly stood up with his four newborn claws.

At this moment, Seralin-Hanto’s unfettered body is recovering rapidly in this small basement at an alarming speed. The hard and white bone stubble rapidly grows to form the contours of the dragon's wings, with layers of scarlet and powerful muscles. The fascia and fascia envelop the newly born keel in less than half a second. When the icy wind and cold breath once again laid a layer of frost on every inch of the basement wall, they regained their wings and limbs. "Princess Winter" has completely recovered from a long-term physical injury.


Very capricious and entangled, he did not flutter his wings for the first time. The white dragon with wide-eyed icy blue eyes just stood quietly on the spot waiting for an answer from Ha Jones.

The sour heart Seralin didn’t know why she wanted to know such an “insignificant” answer. In her strong self-persuasion, the reason for the birth of this absurd behavior could only be “the proud legendary dragon does not want to simply The credit goes to such a lame explanation of "soul charm" and "soul fusion".


"You know, I didn't want to let you go."

He didn't sell any more lawsuits and didn't make Bailong wait for too long. The gentleman Ha Jones obviously didn't intend to conceal his true thoughts, so after silently throwing away the light chain in his hand, he simply raised his head directly. Looking straight at Seralin's eyes, he answered truthfully:

"Your joys, angers, sorrows and joys are so intoxicating, I want to experience more, and I want to feel more unique emotions, but... after a little consideration, I decided to let you go. After all, you may not know, Ibe Phil was killed by someone else yesterday. After knowing the news, the not-so-smart Tata Tao threatened to heal his wounds and to torture you in order to obtain information on the location of the evil red-robed mages and then avenge him... ……… That stupid guy is a powerful and rude fighter. He not only possesses legendary magic equipment, but even has 30 magic levels. I can’t imagine how he will treat you, and I can’t bear it. Watching him bruise you all over my body, I...Well, to be honest, I don't know what happened to me, but I don't reject these wonderful emotions and strange ideas"...

He shook his head heavily. The young legendary mage, who didn't know what was wrong with him, did not continue to complain too much. He could only casually rely on the cold dungeon wall, stubbornly gazing at the dragon's body and admiring it. The beautiful and clean dragon scales of "Princess Winter".

Perhaps at some point in the past or in the future, the "Princess Winter" seen in the eyes of "The Meaning of the Spell" is actually more like a pronoun of "freedom"-that is, he is imprisoned by "loyalty" The freedom that the poor man can never reach, how could Ha Jones have the ability to persuade himself not to let the beautiful legendary white dragon once again stretch its wings and soar into the sky?

However, looking at the silent and intoxicated appearance of "The Meaning of the Spell", the white dragon who had regained a new life suddenly became a little worried and anxious for the poor little mage.

So after lightly moving her new limbs, Seralin's gaze turned tactfully and couldn't help but bluntly and seriously questioned:

"All the energy circuits are now connected to my soul. What should I do if the magic barrier of Horaka's line of defense collapsed after I left? Those Morningstar professionals seem to value this line of ~They may suspect and anger you for the first time"!


"It doesn't matter what the line of defense is. There are three Morningstar powerhouses who are in charge. This line of defense is just a display. I think Mr. Messoul's plan will not be affected by the destruction of a line of defense, right? My doubts...I don't know what to do, but I always hate thinking about these things, and I decided not to think about it so much."

Unlike "Princess Winter", he felt bored and settled with the situation...or that the broken jar, Ha Jones just spread his hands and answered.

Anyway, as he said-because he hates to think too much, he decided not to think so much...

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