Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1124: Faller

   There are always too many unforeseen things in the world, and the arrival of disasters is always too without warning.

In fact, just as the worried legendary white dragon and the dumbfounded young mage were continuously flying in the gloomy and gloomy sky in pursuit of the so-called freedom and rebirth, a bright golden light that flashed like thunder suddenly appeared. On the “Princess Winter” who was defenseless and unprepared.


The horrified explosion tore apart the thick clouds, the explosion of space fragmentation covered the painful roar, and only a moment passed, a dragon wing that Seralin had just regenerated not long ago flashed here. But when the thunder was torn to pieces, the scorching dragon blood was scattered like raindrops.

  Yes, any so-called security has never existed, and totally unforeseen disasters have just come............

Suddenly hit hard, Seralin could no longer fly in the sky and continue her escape journey. She could only let out a painful cry and dragged her broken body from the clouds to a blood-red ground. In the process, the "spell meaning" staying on the back of the dragon certainly did not have the idea of ​​continuing to escape alone. He simply fell down with the legendary dragon.


   It is absolutely huge for a huge mountain-like monster to crash down. I saw the flying dust mixed in the shock wave and swept away, and large expanses of wide cracks replaced the original flatness of the ground.

However, compared to the destruction of these natural environments, Seralin, who fell to the ground, was in the most miserable state. After all, from the point of injury, she was blown to half of her wings and was once again affected by the strong energy fluctuations of the riot. Hurt my soul.

And besides that, the "Princess Winter" who was lying on the ground saw not only the fragmented ground, but also the seven flesh and blood piled together not far from her. The corpse, five legendary casters in red robe standing beside the pile of corpses, and...a "golden knight" with an exaggerated smile and an exaggerated smile wearing a full-body bright golden armor!

   Seralin recognized these corpses, and the faint fluctuations of divine power on those corpses undoubtedly proved the identity of their masters as legendary priests.

The legendary Bailong also recognizes the five red-robed mages who are watching her unscrupulously. She knows that these "very wicked" desperadoes are all sent by the president of the Santarin Society, "the Scarlet Scepter", just like herself. The evil help that helped the wave of demons destroy the Karamus Empire.

Especially after barely raising her head, "Princess Winter" recognized the arrogant mad knight who was standing in front of one of her eye pupils in a scornful and malicious posture and laughing. She knew that this terrible guy came from silence. Kane Besadas, the "Instant Kill Gun" of the League of Legends, is an outright evil chaotic camp villain!

"Owl Owl, this uncle has been so lucky these days. You can shoot down a giant dragon with a single shot into the sky. What is this? Is it a sumptuous meal? Our lovely little white dragon" ?

The bright golden lance in the flexible handle danced out a gleaming splendid spear, completely ignoring Seralin-Hanto’s anger and shame in his fearful eyes. Kane, who was full of viciousness in his eyes, was obvious at this moment. There is no plan to cover up his evil tendencies at all.

You don’t have to think about it. Even a Morningstar professional can’t just shoot a shot and hit an ordinary legend that is going faster than the speed of light on the sky and clouds, so the "instant kill gun" attack on the legendary white dragon is basically on purpose.

   And after letting the hapless "Princess Winter" fall from the sky with her kidnapped "His Royal Highness", the mad knight full of evil tastes will not spare his ridicule and ridicule.

   I saw him use his sharp-edged lance and pointed it directly at Ha Jones, who was half-kneeling beside Seralin, with a vigilant and confused expression, while Seralin's pupils were condensed in fear and asked softly:

"Welcome back, beautiful princess, now facing the friendly friends who care about you and the person in charge, who have done nothing and lost their tracks on the battlefield, shouldn’t you explain what terrible things she has encountered? What? Oh! Look, see, what else did you bring back? If I didn't admit it, this guy should be the "Mister" of the Mage Guild, right?"

"...I...I was defeated by being attacked by two legendary powerhouses, but I found a chance to escape from the Horaka defense line...I am now going to report to Mr. Eman about the war The latest progress, if you can...I hope you don't block my actions..."

Eloping and being caught upright, it is absolutely impossible to say not to panic. After all, Seralin herself is a professional of the evil camp. She knows that the five "red-robed companions" who are waiting to see her jokes will never She may stand up and say even a word for herself, and she also understands that if the mad knight of the evil camp in front of her is really as mad and evil as the rumors, then she might be wronged by the other party at any time because of one sentence. Killing directly Her current situation is even more dangerous than when she stayed in the dungeon of the Karamus Empire.

   In fact, facing the dangerous **** breath released by Kane at this moment, the legendary white dragon felt that his scales were already shaking a little.

   "Tiamat is here, I can only hope that this chaotic camp guy will not be as crazy as the rumors are too outrageous..."

Silently praying to the most unreliable **** "Five-Colored Dragon Mother", the cold "Princess Winter" in her heart had no choice but to look at how she looked like the most annoying third-rate punk morning star knight Lose a smile.

In fact, perhaps Seralin hadn’t noticed it herself. Until this moment, she still subconsciously wanted to use a little bit of caution to help the silent Ha Jones to reduce her presence as much as possible, and she was also sincere in her heart. Hope "Instant Kill Gun" is on a hasty mission to investigate the boring lie of a legendary white dragon.

   Facing the completely invincible Morningstar professional, Seralyn needed such a lame lie too much to defend herself, and Ha Jones too needed such a nonsense word to get a chance to survive.

   It's just that............ With such a clumsy cleverness to cover, does the "Princess Winter" lie really have a meaning in front of the meticulous "Instant Kill Gun"?



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