Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1125: force

As a morningstar warrior with forty-four professional levels, "Instant Kill Gun" may appear to be joking and scornful most of the time, but in fact, the true face of this guy is definitely a person who has a clever look. A smart person with ability, anyone who wants to fool him is never an easy task in a few words.

For example, judging from the current situation, there is no need for Seralindo to say anything, and no need for Ha Jones to make any extra moves. As early as when I saw these two young legendary professionals flying in the sky together, The vicious mad knights already understood at a glance the kind of special relationship they maintained silently. In fact, it was precisely because of the keen discovery of such an "interesting" thing that he had just led five red-robed wizards to kill. Only after the "instant killing guns" of the seven legendary priests sent by the Pantheon to clear the chasm of the abyss will they have a nosy attitude to shoot down the legendary white dragon who is fleeing happily.

Yes, just because it feels interesting is enough. Anyway, his important task has been completed. With a little free time, Baron Bethadas would never mind wasting a little time and just find an excuse to satisfy his vicious desires. Know him. But it's a true evil legend. If a bad guy is too busy all day long that he doesn't even have the effort to do bad things, wouldn't it be too bleak?

So in order to have fun, Kane would never allow the hapless legendary white dragon to leave with her "trophies" easily. Even though Seralyn had risked moving out of the old Eman’s name as an excuse, the mad knight treated her But apparently he didn't care at all of his lame lie.


When Seralin's face trampled on Ha Jones, who had obviously given up resisting, the morning star knight's heavy blow directly slammed the unlucky "meaning of the spell" into the collapsed ground, and then she was not satisfied. Kane used a lance to pierce the arm of Ha Jones mercilessly.

For a while, blood was shot and flesh and blood were stripped, until the heart-ache Legendary White Dragon subconsciously turned his head, and raised up the "instant kill gun" that poor Ha Jones threw in front of Seralin with a big smile and used it for advice. He gave the order:

"Owl Owl, killing, blood, cruelty, persecution... Evil pleasures are as sweet and delicious as candied fruit, and malicious thoughts can make the soul feel more happy than simple fighting, Miss Hanfang, do you think this uncle? Is the statement correct enough?"

   "Yes...Yes, we are enjoying the fun of evil. This is also the purpose that all red robe mages follow together..."

"Very good, very perfect answer! We are a legend for evil, we never conceal our heart... Then now that your answer is correct, the uncle simply thinks that you are already well qualified to enjoy it. The feast of evil is ready, come on, the starting point of this banquet starts with the slaughter of goodness. I ask you to immediately eat the "Inspiration of the Curse" in front of you and show your evil to your heart's content!"

   viciously answered the cruel order, and Kane's open smile began to become more ferocious and excited.

   He can clearly see the special emotion Selaline has for Ha Jones, but it is precisely because of this that the evil morning star knight is looking forward to such a killing in front of him.

  The people who love each other turn into enemies, the entangled killing intent is mixed with the sweetness of love, the tears are mixed with blood, and the screams are merged into the roar. The destruction and reshaping of the body and the soul is the most beautiful drama.

   vulgar, obscene, old-fashioned plot... But this is what Kane expects most of the fun.

"Hurry up~ Miss Hantooth, who has the blood of Tiamat, you are a five-colored dragon. Isn’t cannibalism your favorite thing to do by magical creatures like you? Take this sad little boy Put it between the sharp teeth. Now you only need to chew hard to taste the deliciousness of flesh and blood."

   Seeing that the "Princess Winter", who was almost completely stunned, did not move, the extremely happy mad knight broke the white dragon's mouth very hard and stuffed Ha Jones, who was so injured that he couldn't move.

Although Seralin's size is definitely a very "petite mini" type among the legendary dragons, the hill-like body is still extremely large enough for normal humans. When she opened her mouth, the blood was trickling." "The meaning of the spell" can easily lie down on the sharp teeth of the dragon and wait for the nightmare to come.

And now because of Kane’s brutal attack and destruction, the defense power of Ha Jones’s body has basically been reduced to zero. No matter what point of view, the "Winter Princess" with extremely strong physical strength eats what he says. "Snack" is not difficult, just as the mad knight said-she only needs to gently close her lips and teeth, and her horrified fangs will naturally tear a fragile human to pieces. This behavior is bad for a man. For the dragon, it should have been extremely natural.


" mean I don't like cannibalism very much. In fact, I still have to report to your Excellency "Scarlet Scepter". I still need to...I still need to do a lot. thing…………"

  'S mouth is open and motionless like a statue. The "Princess Winter", who has already begun to show violent emotional fluctuations, is almost emphasizing her excuse to Kane again in an imploring tone.

   She understands that she can't help herself now, and she also understands that as a normal "evil dragon" she should honestly chew the mortal Ha Jones on the spot and eat ordinary meat.

But...but......the decisive young man kept coming up in his mind just because of a simple request for help, he did not hesitate to cut off the free and easy figure that bound But I found that my bite muscles seemed to be rigid, and they couldn't move anyway.

   She didn't want to kill this young mage who was miserable by herself, and she didn't want to eat into her stomach the only people she cared about in her life.


   "Excuse! What a sad excuse! I just don't know how sad the dedicated old Mr. Eman would be to use him as an excuse and a shield if he knew about his work, Miss Hanfang."

Seralin's hesitation did not impress the evil mad knight. It turns out that even after hearing the helpless request of the legendary white dragon, she pretended to be helpless and spread her hands, but the corners of her mouth were full of smiles. Obviously he did not intend to let go of the poor "Princess Winter". All he did was to silently place the brilliant golden lance on the legendary Bailong's head, and then pretended to pretend to be pretentious and pretentious. :

"You said you escaped from "Destroy Whispers"? Tsk tusk, that guy Sai'an is an out-and-out monster. The character who can escape from his men is either a real wise person or a real Traitor! Then our Lord Hanfang, are you a wise and wise man now...or a shameful traitor?"



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