Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1138: Battle of Orange and Red (5) Cost

Motlet was dead, and the Morning Star Divine Art in his hand was naturally exploded in place.

And because of the destructive power and expansion speed effect of this magical technique, not only did he just completed the sneak attack task ordered by the Morning Star Mage, but also the Morning Star Golem Ksvia, whose position was too close to the explosion center, could not escape in time. With the burst of energy, even the female priest who hadn't been bombarded by the aftermath of Morningstar's killer move was too late to evade.

So faced with the "companion's legacy" that was supposed to hit the enemy but now burst out beside her, Kona, who was reminded by Anthony, could only choose to quickly tear open a magic scroll to save her life.

And because her whole body was submerged in the hot law trend, the Morningstar pastor, who was already mediocre, couldn't even spare the energy and time to continue to guard against the "Destroying Whispers" Morningstar killer... ………

So far, the killing methods from the "trio of attackers" have been fulfilled on themselves, and the defensive methods that could serve as the hole cards have to be wasted in such inexplicable explosions.


"This is really... ridiculous! Haha... The problem now is not about being ashamed, fast or not fast. If we continue to fight like this, this **** mission will fail - and it's still A big failure that lost money to bankruptcy..."

Looking sadly at such an unexpected huge loss, helplessly bathed in the uncontrollable explosion of divine art, Anthony's mood was absolutely tearless.

After all, the facts are enough to prove that Motlett’s confidence in his magic is not unreasonable. His "super" magical explosion not only almost burned the hapless Kona to fly ashes, but also "cleansed." The magical shields on "Glow" were all cracked because of the raging law fragmentation.

Even unceremoniously, this unacceptable explosion can be described as directly smashing the great advantage of the three Morning Star priests, and forcibly breaking the balance of victory in the direction of punk.

Although from pure combat theory considerations, even if Motlet accidentally died unfortunately, the two Morningstar priests facing the "Whisper of Destruction" still occupy a quantitative advantage, but in fact............ are responsible for outputting powerful kills After the head of the male priest who had established the victory was cut off by Xvia, the "Clean Glow" and Kona, who were obviously not good at purely destructive magic arts, had suddenly fallen into an extremely weak and embarrassing state.

In terms of killing, their main killers have been bombed "everywhere".

In terms of defense, the explosion of Super Divine Art has just consumed a precious scroll of Lunar level spells in Kona's hand.

In terms of consumption, Anthony didn't dare to waste too much time on wandering and attacking consumption............

I have to admit that this situation can basically only be described as "uncomfortable" for the Morningstar priests as the attackers.

"Damn it, where did the **** guy who doesn't know how to keep his promises gone! He said he had to rely on the tough punk "trace of light" of the strong morning star spell? Now it's because of this idiot's escape that the great battle situation has become like this. After this "criminal operation" is over, I must make him look good..."

He gritted his teeth and roared from the bottom of his heart, and found that not only did all the situation not develop as normal as he wanted, but even all the plans had problems in the initial implementation process. Pastor Morningstar already felt that even his own soul Started uncomfortably panicked.

He didn't know that the poor "Astral Wolf" had already died in the aftermath of the Battle of the Sun Throne in the Karamus Empire, but he knew very well that his current embarrassment was due to the lack of a key "defender". .

It can be said that life and death are not going well, victory is about to be thrilled, and who will be able to continue to maintain inner peace?

Now for Anthony, the only good news that can make his mood a little more optimistic may only be left, that is, the punk golem was obviously affected by the explosion of magical magic, and this zero-distance powerful energy kills. It has also directly smashed most of Xvia's body and armor.

Yes, the "Whisper of Destruction" that is considered an exhaustive counterattack is ultimately considered to have paid the price of wounds and bones in order to complete this successful counterattack. The golem girl who completed the attack in one shot at least completely lost the battle in this battle ability…………

In fact, if the Morning Star Golem of the caster calmly killed a Morning Star priest and still maintains its peak combat prowess intact, then the miserable Anthony would not need to fight at all, because he has nothing to do. In this orange-red sky setting, it uses geometrically shrunken and inefficient perception methods to search for dangerous "Assassins" who may rush out of a certain shadow at any time and launch a fatal blow to their soul.

That is to say, because it was determined that at this moment, Kesvia had basically turned into a pile of non-killing parts scattered on the spotless crust of the rock, so "Clean Glow" did not give up the task on the spot and chose to turn around and run.

And although no one can explain whether this confident priest made the decision to continue fighting at this juncture is "brave" or reckless, but at least at this moment, Anthony's eyes, who sniffed the soul of the remains of the air in the air, were definitely quiet. Cold and deep............

" My mission has not failed! The mission that paid the life of a Morning Star priest can not fail! The shield of that mage has been lost a lot in the battle, and his golem has suffered. With such a large damage, it is impossible to continue to attack anyone. If you choose to give up now... Isn't the previous effort a waste of all previous efforts? Absolutely not, Cona and I are two Morningstar professionals, and we still have a great advantage. "!

So determined to mutter to himself in his heart, he looked at the expression of the punk who was quietly preparing Morningstar's ultimate move from a distance, still so indifferent and indifferent, and the "Clean Glow" who quickly made up his mind was also quick to face that he had just escaped from danger. Kona delivered a new order:

"Kona, do you still remember the Morning Star Secret Art that my lord gave you? Now is the time to use that, for the great victory to survive, and for Motlet’s sacrifice will not be wasted. Now I need you to use that secret. Defeating powerful enemies with magic... Don’t worry, Lord Tyre will compensate you for a lot of magical resources. I am also willing to give you a piece of Morningstar equipment as a personal reward. The later recuperation costs will be even more for the gods of the Pantheon. It will be fully reimbursed, so now............ I beg you"!

Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. Nine Heavens God Emperor

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