Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1139: Battle of Orange and Red (6) Fighting for life

This is a difficult and dangerous battle, and even in the entire legendary career of punk, the difficulty of this battle is one of the best.

Even though he seemed to be playing smoothly, he destroyed the enemy's killer with only one conspiracy arrangement and almost killed the unlucky female priest on the spot, but in fact... "Destroy Whispers" paid nothing at all. Not small.

His original indestructible seventeen layers of magic defense now had only ten layers left, and the other seven layers had been shattered in the aftermath of enemy attacks or explosions.

And in the case of losing an important shield, he had to carefully calculate the use of every bit of magic. The Morningstar Mage could only keep high-frequency attacks to suppress the enemy. After all, he alone could not consume two of the same level anyway. Professionals’ strategy of besieging, relying on defensive means to conduct war of attrition is purely chronic suicide, so at this time punk can only continue to attack and attack, open and open again, and finally try to catch up to the bottom of the magic. Solve a tricky enemy before.

Yes, Anthony does not dare to waste time fighting a war of attrition, but "Whisper of Destruction" actually does not dare to fight a war of attrition.

As for the reason, it is also very simple-or that sentence, God knows when the two powerful battles between Messoul and "President" will be fought? Is it one second or ten thousand years?

What if Your Excellency "Archmage" has an amazing fighting power against "Guild Master" and Tiamat? Punk was very worried that he would be consumed by the two Pastor Morningstar who seemed to be fighting.

"The battle is a wonderful waltz, but now this sumptuous banquet has to end as soon as possible...Since it cannot be postponed, then just rest assured and attack boldly. Anyway, even if Xvia loses the ability to fight, I And the "pale scepter" in his hand can be used as the last guarantee."

The cold light in his eyes flickered, and he did not hesitate to make a decision. The Morning Star Mage simply ridiculed his enemies indifferently and released the second Morning Star spell at the two priests who had just emerged from the hot storm.

He has already thought about the tactics he needs to use next, so the remaining thing is to put this tactic into practice.

"How?" Your Excellency "Clean Glow", who do you still think is the "no choice" side? Is it my punk-Sean? Or is it your miserable god? Or is it just the one just now? A waste called Motlet? Answer me"!

"Morning Star Spell of Conjuration System-Tide of Tracer"!


Another dark wave that extinguished the brilliance and the law rushed towards an empty wilderness. Standing in mid-air, the "Whisper of Destruction" even ignored the only remaining girl demon who was trying to withdraw from the battle. As if there was no time to escape.

Cruel and unscrupulous! In order to win this battle, punk has long been unable to care about the loss of his property!

Of course, since the battle of life and death has completely fallen into a state of killing intent so far, it is not only the fearless spellcaster who has the determination to kill the three enemies alone, but also Anthony, who has completely lost his smile. Maintain the advantage to regain the confidence of winning the balance.

So after hearing the ridicule of "Destroying Whispers", the Pastor Morningstar, whose body was shining because of the over-concentration of energy, did not show any weakness while moving back to give way to the teammates behind him, and sternly retorted:

"Damn bastard, do you think the Pantheon will let you go by doing something like this? Do you think your conspiracy and tricks have already established the victory? Stop dreaming, the mystery of the Pantheon is beyond your imagination! Come on! , Look at the magical technique invented by Lord Tyr, the **** of justice. It's time for you arrogant mages to realize your insignificance."

The understatement of committing to retreat, the "clean glow" with a sneer on his face has left room for his companions to perform.

Then in the next moment............

"Oh Aaaaaaaaa, the infinite power has merged with me ah ah ah ah"!

As if responding to Anthony’s remarks, Kona, who used a mysterious magical technique, also burst out directly behind "Clean Glow" with a hoarse voice like a beast, and she saw the light flowing from her flesh and blood body. In the blink of an eye, it completely turned into a dazzling bright yellow energy body surging through the sun, and the two burning wings made her look as majestic and handsome as a holy angel suspended in mid-air.

And after this massive transformation was completed, the female priest in her throat who seemed to be unable to say anything other than an irrational roar immediately raised a handful of condensed using the law of earth elements. Facing the roaring "Trace of Lights", Kona's giant sword rushed forward without hesitation. Under the dancing of her wings, Kona, who turned into a laser, slammed directly into the surging dissociation. The law wave is ahead!

"Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan ah ah ah!"


This is a wild roar that does not sound like a human voice. This is a trembling ensemble of the sky and the earth. With the sharp explosion of the law, the strong and hot elemental greatsword actually slashed and "destroyed." The morning star spell of whispering!

I saw that the horrible wave of light that covered the sun was like silk cut by scissors, tearing open a big hole neatly, and the female priest who was advancing rapidly through this gap rushed straight to the punk.

"Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao!"


This sword was slashed directly on the punk shield a short time, the "Whisper of Destruction" struck by a sharp blade was slashed out by someone else for the first time in his life. The horrible kinetic energy even pushed The Mage Chenxing flew all the way to the towering mountains in the distance, until hundreds of mountains towering into the clouds were smashed into a pile of broken stones by the tumbling punk, and he swayed the many laws of starlight and dust all the way. The fragment caster barely stopped.

"What the **** is this? Desperate killer move? Soul ignited? Now the priests finally begin to hold this kind of madman magical magic as their trump card?"

The punk with blood from the corners of his mouth was really surprised when he opened his eyes and felt the pain in his body because of the ruptured muscles.

"Destroy Whispers" must admit that Kona's attack power after her transformation is too amazing! Just relying on the slash just now, the protection spell on his body was instantly shredded by six full layers. This terrifying power is almost approaching the lethal power of the Morning Star Fighting Technique, no wonder he just used the " The "Tide of Tracer" will be cut straight out of the gap by the female priest.

Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. Nine Heavens God Emperor

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