Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1142: winner

"There are always too many unexpected things in this world. All of us can only try our best to adapt to those fast-paced changes and reversals. After all... "There is no choice" or something, but you say it right? Thinking about it now, I think what you said is somewhat reasonable, after all, in many cases, there are many self-righteous idiots who deserve "no choice"!

He looked at Pastor Morningstar jokingly, who had slowly landed in front of him. In the shield, punk looked at Anthony, whose face was pale, like a dead man. His ironic words were as cold as the freezing wind of winter. , And his gaze is deeper and clearer than the cold lake in winter.

So far, the battle really is completely over, because the attackers from the Pantheon have been killed and injured to the extent that there is only one "clean glow" polished rod commander facing a powerful enemy.

Motlet was cut off by Xavia with a knife, and his flesh and blood spattered all over the battlefield under the destruction of his own magical explosion.

And Kona also burned out her soul and turned into ashes. Gradually she passed away with the wind. She had already extinguished all the flames on her body when she fell on the remote ground. She turned into a bunch of fragile light spots and embers. The female priest who had just exploded with astonishing fighting power. It's just a lifeless entity now.

But don’t forget, the punk who was the victim was almost unscathed from beginning to end. The only thing he needs to do at the moment is to hide in the safe protection magic, wait quietly and patiently for recovery, and then walk calmly. Come out and kill the last enemy.

Yes, that's the case. The morningstar level battle cannot tolerate any misjudgment and wrong behavior. As long as one step is wrong, the game will be lost on the spot.

For example, Anthony, who can only watch his enemy hiding under the protection of the Moon-level magic shield, quickly recover his magic power and quickly replenish the 17-layer brand-new magic defense, has never won again due to a series of errors of judgment. Chance, he failed............

From the moment the Morning Star Golem’s sneak attack was successful, the victory of "Destroy Whispers" was doomed.


"Oh, it looks like I lost, then... my dear old friend, what do you do with me, a comrade-in-arms who once fought side by side with you?"!

Wiping the sweat on his forehead, he knew that he was a forty-fifth-level Morning Star priest who was not good at speed. Under the shining of this orange-red sky, Anthony, who would never be able to escape successfully, seemed to have completely given up on turning and running away. Planned.

Of course, the Archbishop of the Righteous Cult will not shout "No victory, give me death" like true fanatics, and then rush to his absolutely invincible opponent for nothing. In fact, at this moment Having admitted frankly that he had failed "Clean Glow", he almost didn't hesitate to put on a friendly expression that can only be possessed by a professional magic stick and started friendship with punk.

As the saying goes, winning is very arrogant, and begging for forgiveness if you lose. In order to save your precious life, you simply don't want to say such things as face.

However, everyone knows that a simple attitude is definitely not enough to admit mistakes. Anthony is not naive, and naturally it is impossible for Anthony to really count on his clumsy "make friends" rhetoric to be impressed by himself for a second. Screaming for the Morning Star Mage who insists on "purifying evil".

So while the punk who kept a "kill you when I came out" eyes hadn't perfected all the spell shields and touched the two-way blocking effect of the "powerful shield", Morningstar with an embarrassed smile and decisive eyes The priest simply gritted his teeth in silence, then raised his hand neatly and slapped his forehead heavily.


A huge sound trembles the hot space, and a palm full of power under the control of the "clean glow" not only instantly blows up his eyes, but also directly shattered and severely damaged his originally intact Morningstar level soul. !

So in that moment, Anthony, who was still at his peak in the last second, became dying and dying. Not only was he unable to maintain any layer of magical shield on his body, but this guy was watching. Even the basic floating and standing cannot be done.

In fact, it wasn’t until the dripping blood from his face dripped down the smooth chin onto the bright white priest’s robe, the priest who was as top-heavy as he was drunk and “self-mutilation” with no words and decisiveness finally reluctantly awoke a little. Restored the ability to speak.

And immediately afterwards, I saw the "Clean Glow" that severely injured myself and immediately said with a very helpless tone to the punk who had no surprise in his eyes with a wry smile:

"Hey, my dear friend, I know you must be worried about the promise made by my poor little pastor, right? So now I have completely lost all the ability to resist that might threaten you. You feel pitiful. Does the loser look more harmless than ever before? Please, don’t kill me, OK, you can catch me back to the "chairman" to ask for credit...or if you want to make a lot of money For a sum of money, I can also guarantee that Your Excellency Tyre is willing to pay a large amount of Morningstar resources as my ransom-I guess a motivated and powerful man like you must now start collecting the materials needed to advance to Huiyue. Is it right? Honestly, such a large fortune is really not easy to get in this There is no reason to let go of such a great opportunity to make extra money, right?"

It’s hard to be hard when it’s hard, and when it’s soft, it’s soft. This kind of "unique skill" that doesn't show up on the table is really proficient in Anthony's use. Although it is too much to describe it as "kneeling and begging for mercy" Contempt for the dignity of the Morningstar professionals, but the saying of "begging for yourself and behaved" can really be said to the Pastor Morningstar at this time.

And in order to further express his sincerity and determination, the "clean glow" with blood from the corners of his mouth has not forgotten to take out a simple necklace inlaid with a square square dark green rock from the pocket of the close-fitting priest’s robe and put it in front of him. In the air.

"This is the solar-level divine equipment that was lent to me by the great **** of divine power and the "God of Justice" Tyr. The divine skill it possesses can be used three times in a row every time it is charged with 3,400 magic. , I believe that this magical item that has solidified the "Positioning and Traceability" solar-level divine art will definitely become a high-quality trophy. Mr. Sian, you can give it to the respected "Chairman" to make a decision. Of course, I personally I also support you in privately accepting this interesting gadget...Anyway, it belongs to you, the winner of the battle."

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