Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1143: Lure

It must be admitted that Anthony was very sincere and honest in his attitude of admitting defeat and surrendering. He was very wise not to be cautious, and he did not have a dead duck mouth to embrace unnecessary dignity and refuse to let go.

On the contrary, this self-proclaimed "Pious and Honest Disciple" barely hesitated to destroy his fighting ability and handed over the most valuable Yaori-level magical equipment as a proof of "honesty".

Even in the face of the punk who has been able to easily return to the peak state under the protection of the Moon-level spell shield, the priest, who seems to have become as friendly and humble as before, lowers his posture to one. It is a level of shame.

And in his tone, the sacrifices made by poor Kona and Motlet to win the battle have no meaning for a long time...

Punk is not surprised by the surrender of the "Clean Glow" guy, because no matter what you think about it, the Morningstar professional in Anthony's position has no choice but to surrender honestly as long as he doesn't want to die. He gave up the practice of resistance, not only did not reduce his chances of survival, but also greatly increased the possibility of survival.

After all, the strength of the Morningstar level can be regarded as an extremely rare "high-end combatant" in a legendary organization. It is impossible for any rational legendary organization to easily give up the preferential treatment and protection of a member of the Morningstar level. Anthony was really caught by the current punk and handed over to the "guildmaster" who returned triumphantly from the Sunday War, so there is only such an obedient **** of justice, Tyr, who can never sit back and let the enemy kill. The dead hostages "tipped tickets."

By then, the great divine power **** who had been closely related to the "guild leader" would definitely be willing to pay a lot of price to redeem the captured Anthony.

Although punk didn’t know what punishments the Pantheon would make for a failed general who led a mission such as "Clean Glow" and wiped out the entire army, in this way, Anthony's life could be successfully saved 80%. , After all, the "guildmaster" might have exchanged a "tiny" Morningstar pastor for compensation for the bleeding of the **** of justice.

Obviously, this survival method of enjoying the "prisoner of war treatment" and then being redeemed by the employer is the whole idea of ​​this cunning priest at this moment. Under the major premise of "living as a prisoner", what kind of face is it? Anthony can't take care of things like, property, equipment, and soul health. He must gain the trust of punk as soon as possible and give generous temptations to support the caster in making decisions.

Therefore, in order to achieve the above prerequisites, the means of "Clean Glow" self-harm is absolutely not mixed with water-serious injuries are serious! Say surrender and surrender!

Now, even if Punk insists on signing the Eye of Judgment Contract with him as a constraint, the "honest" Pastor Morningstar will never frown.

He has really given up all forms of resistance and made up his mind to "eat jail."

But the question now is...In this case, facing a miserable enemy who has lost the ability to resist, what choice will punk make as a battle winner?

To be honest, this multiple-choice question is quite tangled, even if the decision-making has always been decisively and quickly "destroy whispers" at this time, it is unavoidable to hesitate a little.

In fact, as far as the greedy desire emotion and the psychological impulse of thirsting for precious resources of the Mage Morningstar are concerned, he actually wants to unscrew the head of "Clean Glow" and take it back in exchange for some Morningstar-level materials he needs. After all, As Anthony said, the caster has now reached the forty-sixth level, and he is not far away from the forty-seventh level. He really needs to accumulate some resources to prepare for the promotion to Huiyue.

What's more, Anthony, who is seriously injured now, has indeed lost the ability to resist. It does not seem to need to take too much risk to capture such a weak priest, although punk will definitely not be as strong as the priest said. "President" is careful, but judging from the usual generosity of the throne crown on the sun... the head of the guy "Clean Glow" can really get a lot of benefits in exchange.

Well, Anthony deserves to be a "wise and courageous" elite club, abandoning this guy's overconfidence in the battle, let alone his negotiation skills, it is absolutely superb among the legendary powerhouses, such as Now he has a good grasp of the greedy psychology of punk and said something that is enough to make any Morningstar professional fascinated. In these words, "Clean Radiance"'s life is already bound by huge benefits. Are together.

If you don't kill him, "Destroy Whispers" can get a lot of eye-catching wealth, and if you kill him... Then the "reckless" Morningstar Mage can get nothing!

Isn’t it a good inducement method? Take a look, even punk can't help but feel a little moved when he hears the phrase "large wealth".

But it's a pity... Heartbeat is not action, and heartbeat can never represent action, even if the option of capturing Anthony alive can indeed bring great benefits to punk, but...

"Morning Star Conjuration Magic Spell-Destruction Blade"!


There was hardly any reaction time for the horrified Pastor Morningstar. Punk, who had just completed the seventeen layers of spell armor and cancelled the "Power Pause", released a powerful force at Anthony's head when he raised his hand. "Blade of I saw the gray-black translucent sharp blade easily traversed the necks of the priests who had no defensive means, and a splash of red blood suddenly evaporated in the hot air. After that, the head with widened eyes and a "clean glow" with an expression of disbelief also rolled down from his shoulder.

Anthony Vodacarli is dead, and the destructive law of "Destruction Blade" not only cuts off its body, but the destructive force instantly wiped out the broken soul that was already severely injured and dying by Pastor Morningstar.

It is a pity that his sincere surrender did not win the opportunity for himself to become a prisoner, and punk's fierce attack never stopped at all...

Mr. "Sorry, Clean Glow", I don’t think I can have those "windfalls" you said and a gorgeous record of Guanghui Yeye, because anyway, I decided to kill you here. , After all... You are the most potential Morningstar-level priest in the Pantheon. Your strength is not comparable to that of Kona and Motlet, so in order to avoid further leakage of my cards, and to avoid one Dangerous enemies are staring at my back with a pair of hateful eyes all the time in the endless time of the future... Now, please die as soon as possible, you self-righteous loser!"

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