Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1144: wait

Punk finally decided to kill Anthony and give up those alluring wealth and benefits. Obviously, this was definitely not a decision made on impulse in his head, and the best solution to the problem thought by the caster after careful consideration.

After all, "Destroy Whispers" must admit that "Clean Glow" is too powerful as a forty-fifth-level Morningstar priest. His strength is not only reflected in the ability to send three consecutive Morningstar magic skills. That kind of decisive, mature willpower and thinking ability is the place that best reflects the potential of this strong man.

In fact, it is precisely because the audience noticed Anthony’s excellent performance that the cautious Morningstar Mage would never want to give this kind of troublesome guy any chance to return to the Pantheon and gain freedom. He would never tolerate it. Because of temporary greed, he left behind a hatred and growing strong enemy.

So just like that, the unlucky Archbishop of Justice, Anthony Vodacari, died unexplainably under the light of an orange-red sky. His corpse fell slantingly like a rag doll on the cold. On the ground, and his head had been rolling into a pool of boiling blood with a horrified gaze.

So far, the "Orange and Red War" has finally come to a successful conclusion. Punk became the ultimate winner with one enemy three, and the "God Stick" trio from the Pantheon became cold due to all kinds of extra confidence. The corpse, the "clean glow" who surrendered and was killed in the end even lost the day-level magical equipment that the great divine power lent to him.

So that simple ashlar necklace slowly floating in the air became the most valuable trophy punk got in this war.


"How do you say? The priesthood is worthy of the priesthood, whether it is a **** or a priest, the title of "the weakest at the same level" is definitely fully confirmed, and one of three can be killed. I don’t know if the great gods of the Gods Association will feel embarrassed because of this, but I don’t know if the enemies who ambushed Kane are as easy to deal with as the three idiots in front of me..."

Kicked Anthony's body aside with a very contemptuous kick, and the "Whisper of Destruction" who watched the necklace floating in the air had already returned to his usual calm state of mind.

Although the orange-red light curtain in the sky is still so solemn and full of coercion at this moment, but the battle of the throne of the sun is not punk capable of detecting.

The only thing that can be determined in "Destroy Whispers" is that his own battle has ended, and the situation of "Instant Kill Gun" has nothing to do with him. No matter how you look at it, he has obtained a theoretically valuable trophy. What the punk needs to do now is to calmly return to his magic tower and wait patiently until the light of the sky covering the entire Faerun dissipates. At least his current location is actually far from the towering morning star tower. Relatively close.

However, after careful consideration, the punk whose eyes flickered with gloomy cold light decided to stay in place while guarding the celestial necklace in front of him while patiently waiting for the return of the "guildmaster".

After all... the knowledge he possesses is far from enough to judge the specific structure of a day-level creation. Before confirming that the spoils handed over before Anthony's death are absolutely safe and not a subtle and terrible trap, the very self-aware spellcaster is absolute. Will not use any means to touch or probe this seemingly valuable treasure.

In fact, if it weren’t for the “Sunday Magic Crystal Ball” lent to punk by the “guildmaster”, it’s still being held in the hands of “Destroy Whispers”, the spellcaster who never likes to be in danger would rather not stay this thing. One minute and one second next to a day-level creation that might have been set up with a self-explosive magic technique.

He knew very well that the gods were weak and weak, but in theory, the great god-level gods whose strength level was equivalent to that of the professionals on the day were by no means anyone qualified to have a little peek.


"I don't know how far the battles of the thrones of the sun have progressed, but no matter how you think "President" and Tiamat will unite against Messoul, you won't lose? It’s impossible to kill the enemy as easily as I did, right? Although the mad dragon of the colorless dragon mother might be even less reliable than Anthony’s teammates Kona and Motlet..."

Watching the floating Yaori-level magic necklace slowly gleaming with a simple and exquisite dim sheen not far in front of me, a group of twelve wind element bunnies have been summoned to help them retrieve the fragmented remains of Xvia The punk couldn't help looking up at the orange-red sky that obscured all the laws.

Speaking of it, it wasn’t until this time that "Destroy Whispers" realized so clearly that the crust of the Faerun Plane was really stronger than imagined. The great austrian Vedrásya made the "use of this gray crust". The speculation of "Sunday Grade Alchemy Material Casting" might have been taken for granted from the beginning. For example, the three Sunpower Powers have been fighting on the Karamus Empire for several seconds now, and punk is within the territory of the Khatak Empire. Nei hasn't felt any slight vibration from the ground under her feet.

It can be seen that the existence that constitutes the foundation stone of Faerun's geology may not be a day-level creation at all, and its true level is likely to be the legendary "God Seat" level!

But these speculations are nothing more than punk’s boring Even if he knows that he is stepping on a **** seat and talking to himself, it is impossible to "whisper" the knowledge he has now. There are any research results for this level of magical existence. Instead of thinking about so many things, the expressionless Mage Morningstar is more willing to silently give the Pantheon such a legendary organization that tried to kill itself. pen.

Yes, revenge is definitely one of punk’s life creeds. He will never forgive anyone who tries to be an enemy of himself. Now the Pastor Morningstar under the **** of justice, Tier, dare to lead the gods to send it out. A team of **** clubs ambush themselves, and this hatred "whisper of destruction" has been firmly remembered.

Although it is not yet an effective time for revenge, but one day in the future............

"It must be very uncomfortable to be killed by the three generals? Sad gods, but this "reward" is just a trivial beginning!"

Randomly glanced at Anthony's deadly **** head, and saw that the caster bathed in the dim light and shadow was dangerously narrowing his cold twinkling eyes.

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