Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1157: The beginning of a great era

"Sprinkle this stuff across the universe... It's really worthy of the throne of the sun, if "Piknut's soul fusion technique" finally becomes a human "common sense magic", then a new era Maybe it will come silently like dust on the floor... But, Mr. "Archmage", you can really be sure that the things you invented and resist fate will not become "destiny" in the end. Changhe "Is it the most handy tool in hand?"

   With some emotion, he watched the magic model left behind by Messoul and watched silently. For a while, punk had a strange feeling of "I don't know what to say".

Undoubtedly, as a spellcaster at the Yaori level, Mr. Picknut is a true genius. If his "soul fusion" really has "bypassing the interference of the long river of fate, helping Yaori professionals advance to the throne" As far as the effect of "" is concerned, then it is not an exaggeration for the "arch mage" to boast that he "is not inferior to any great master in the era of Netheril."

   After all, this level of shining spell is not something that everyone can study. Its existence can be said to be a collection of knowledge, inspiration, and luck!

   However, the question that is worth pondering now is... what kind of huge blood and blood will such a super magic based on the use of hunting professionals as the basis for today's legendary island era?

Punk can’t imagine the scene of the “beginning of the great era”, but he knows that if the “guildmaster” had previously arranged a series of strategies against the wizard’s guild and eventually killed the “arch wizard” Messoul himself, it was only If it can be counted as the beginning of "Fate Tide", then "Bitnant's Soul Fusion Technique" may be the true body of the monstrous waves.

With the existence of this spell, at least the pattern of many shining professionals who have always been well-watered and not in contact with the river, old and dead cannot continue to be maintained. Every shining throne has to consider whether or not it has been An "old friend" has become a good hunting target, and ancient legendary organizations such as the Silent Alliance and the Santarin will inevitably act because of the leaders' doubts.

Presumably it won’t take tens of thousands of years. A pool of stagnant multiverse will turn into a strange and dangerous state like a "dark forest". By then, large legendary organizations will test each other to see the bottom line, while small legendary organizations have to choose The dilemma lingers, the legendary professionals of the hermit faction can only wait and see anxiously and sigh, and the gods of the Pantheon will definitely come out and make trouble everywhere...

A troublesome future, a dangerous future, a future full of opportunities, a future with a long way to go-this is the future predicted by punk, and it must be predicted by all professionals who have obtained the crimson magic crystal card. future.

It’s just that before the real “end” arrives, I am afraid that it is difficult for anyone to prove whether Messoul’s “great invention” has become an effective weapon for many legendary powerhouses or has become a handy tool for the “long river of destiny”. ?

Anyway, no matter where the unknowable "future" is heading, the struggle between the living can no longer be a matter of a dead person. Messoul, who has sowed the seeds wantonly, has certainly not cared about how his "heritage" will be. Will not break the fragile balance that maintains the "legendary island".

  Or the "arch mage" who has always been eager for "unscrupulous" in his bones, could he secretly expect that the entire multiverse will be in chaos because of his spells before he died?

   Although this kind of absurd emotion stems from both a persistent unwillingness and a childish revenge, it obviously does not prevent the powerful Sun Throne from doing what he wants to do.

For example, after narrating the magical effect of "Piknut's Soul Fusion" in a calm and proud narrative, the fiery red projection with open arms as if cheering for victory, announcing the last emotion, is very enthusiastic against the background of the glittering golden glow. :

"Hahaha, this is the invention of my entire life, and it is also a masterpiece that I have paid the price of my life. Although my path has been broken, I don’t know how many dazzling multiverses are more intelligent and willful than me. People can give me revenge, ambitious juniors, fight, go forward, tear this sad world to pieces, in that case, as the third president of the Mage Guild, I am not too useless. It's..."


The radiance was extinguished, and the fiery red rune and the exquisite and complicated "Piknat's Soul Fusion" spell model disappeared into the silent air, and the gloomy and cold laboratory returned to a deep gloom again. , The crystal clear magic crystal card remained silently on the punk experiment table as if nothing had happened.

   But in reality, too many things have happened, and too many things are happening...

"It's really incredible news, it's an incredible spell, but now I have memorized the spell model of "Soul Fusion", then how do I face the "guildmaster" question after this~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Some helpless sighs, the morning star mage who walked silently to the experimental platform did not have any passion and passion, he could only feel a headache for this accident.

After all, "Piknut's Soul Fusion" is a shining sun spell that is so complicated that punk can't understand it, and the current "Destroy Whisper" is just a forty-sixth-level Morningstar Mage. The realm of being able to use this spell is still far short, so instead of cheering for a piece of wealth, he feels that he needs to think more about how the "guild leader" will view this event.

   is to force all members of the Silent Alliance to erase their memories after feeling the threat? Or do you not care about the existence of a crazy spell at all?

  Punk can’t figure out what the alluring throne of the sun will think. I’m afraid no one in the entire multiverse can fully guess the idea of ​​“chairman”.

But as the saying goes, Cao Cao is here, just when the caster who stood in a daze was still thinking about how to explain to the "head boss", a magic wave from the dark crystal card of the Silent Alliance had disappeared. The storage ring of "Whisper of Destruction" suddenly passed out............

   Undoubtedly, this is a notice from your Excellency "Chairman". She is telling the caster that she has something to talk to punk directly using projection.



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