Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1158: Position?

   The projection of "Chairman" was still a gray cloud of mist. She came into the magic tower of "Whisper of Destruction" as natural as clouds and mists converged.

Of course, as a shining professional in the lawful camp, the appearance of the "chairman" is still very polite. She has not forgotten to inform punk that she is coming, and after arriving at the destination, she also Did not use any apparent search methods to detect anything in the caster's laboratory.

   Just as she said before the throne crowned herself, she really just came face to face to "notify" her subordinates something.

But... "President" does not speak, but it does not mean that punk can pretend not to know anything. Of course, he can't think that Yaori powerhouse, who is the killer of Messoul, will treat that "arch mage". I don’t know anything about what I have done, so even though the gray projection that came to me seems to ignore the crimson magic crystal card placed on the experimental platform, the expressionless punk still has no chance of luck. For a time calmly said:

"Hello, "Chairman", welcome you to my magic tower... In fact, I still have something to tell you before your notice arrives, because just a few seconds ago, I... …"

   "You got a Froda magic crystal card, didn't you? You also got Messwul's legacy-that crazy and genius "Piknut's Soul Fusion"!

   Before punk had finished speaking, the calm and indifferent "guildmaster" of mental power fluctuated and said what the caster wanted to say.

   It seems that it is not surprising that the crown of the Yaori Throne has long known that the "Archmage" is unscrupulous and overflowing with taboo knowledge, and she has long guessed that a crimson crystal card will come to the punk magic tower.

After all, it’s not difficult to understand if you think about it a little bit. Today’s "Whisper of Destruction" is a well-known "Supernova of the Silent Alliance" in the entire multiverse. As a person with amazing promotion speed, no defeat in battle, and trampling on other legendary professionals all the way The caster of the corpse, he must also be one of the "ambitious and courageous" candidates that Meswul is very optimistic about. If the leader of the fallen wizard guild did not give such a strong man with a bright future It is a strange thing to leave a magic crystal card.

   Even think about it again. Didn't the "Archmage" who had obviously reached a partnership with the Pantheon on the battlefield of the Karams Empire really guessed that punk would stop the simple-minded Donnella? If at that time he ordered the "Astral Wolf" who possessed the "Golden Riveted Clothes" as a special means to restrain the "trace of light" to give up protecting Karamus and help Anthony to ambush punk with all his strength, then the orange-red battle would still cast spells. Is it so easy to win?

In fact, when he saw the magic crystal card left by the "Archmage", punk already vaguely wondered why his battle went so smoothly. The more he thought about it now, the more he felt—maybe Metz, who knew he was going to die at first Ur has given up the senseless hatred and revenge and decided to "selflessly" give this crystal card to all mage professionals who may inherit his will. In that case, punk will never be the only one in the Silent Alliance. There is no reason for the "guild leader" to stare at him and ask questions for those who come to the crimson crystal card.

   Therefore, even if the current crown of the Sun Throne knows the fact that punk has obtained the "Piknut's Soul Fusion" spell model, she still does not show any unnatural emotions and attitudes.

   Facing the Mage Chenxing who was naturally standing in place, the "guild leader" with a calm tone just said in a casual tone as if the weather was clear:

"What Messul did before his death is now known to the entire multiverse. Such an old Froda Crystal card issued more than two thousand copies. Almost all the legendary professionals he thought were a bit ambitious. Yaori down to an ordinary legendary man, "Piknut’s Soul Fusion Technique" has long been out of secrecy, but everyone tacitly doesn’t mention it... If any Yaori professional would be because of this This kind of thing is skeptical, so he is afraid that he is going to visit all the legendary professionals in the multiverse one by one? I came to you not to talk about this, I just have a task... Give you".

The idea of ​​punk is indeed not wrong. Even knowing the fact that the caster obtained the "Piknat's Soul Fusion Technique", the "guildmaster" just used a cold ridicule to uncover this topic naturally, powerful Yao Japanese professionals have no reason to make a fuss about this kind of well-known thing, after all, what has happened is irreversible.

   And before Mage Morningstar’s doubts were spoken, the topic under the Crown of the Sun Throne had left the illusory "soul fusion technique" lightly and implemented it on the actual mission goal.

"To put it simply, I expect that in the next at least one hundred thousand years, I will go to Chaos Sea to deal with something and stop receiving all external information. In order to ensure the perfect operation of the "executors", I now want to leave it to you A special position of "temporary reviewer", I hope you can help me review all ordinary legendary professionals who intend to join the performer in this 100,000 At the same time, I also hope that you can follow the real-time situation Independently formulate detailed "executors" retaliation plan to apply to the Pantheon, and I also need you to monitor all ordinary legendary mission actions, once you find behaviors that endanger the overall interests of the "executors", you can stop them in time..."

The mental energy fluctuated calmly and said surprising words. The words of the "guildmaster" sounded a little dazed for punk-well, this is already "Destroy Whispers" today. , Because all kinds of unexpected things have happened one after another recently.

However, the "surprise" brought by a strong sun is destined to not be finished here. After talking about the content of the specific task, I saw that the "guild leader" only took a short pause and completely ignored Mage Morningstar. Surprised eyes continued:

"Please note, Mr. "Destroy Whisper", during your role as "temporary reviewer", all your actions only need to be meticulously recorded. You do not need to notify me or report regularly, only "Instant Kill Gun" "I will act as a supporter to help you refine the details of the plan you have made. If you find something worthy of urgent contact, you only need to find the "Instant Kill Gun" and let him notify it on your behalf... How about, are you willing to accept this? Is it an extremely important position? I can advance a sum of magic resources and theoretical knowledge sufficient to support your promotion to the Huiyue level as a reward."



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