Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1962: broken

"Huh, these sparkling water elemental crystals look so beautiful, but doesn't the beautiful mine prove to be a fact of absenteeism? As a result, the beautiful ice and snow fairy on the dark blue moon is fake. But it is true that my uncle is coming to mine... what a sad fact."

Carrying a long-handled lance that can still shine with golden light under the wild dance of the blizzard, the Morningstar Knight, standing on the edge of the huge pit shaking his head and shaking his head, teased his own behavior and jumped directly into a hole ten kilometers deep. After going down, until the howling cold current wrapped the body of the mad knight in the deep pit, Kane, who was about to land, suddenly turned around and pierced the lance to the lowest ground of the pit again.


There was another deafening roar, and the explosive energy of fighting energy once again shredded a large piece of Gal's crust that was harder than diamonds. The water elemental crystals that were held in favor were stripped away from their original positions, and more The crystals that shone with blue brilliance were swept away by deliberately controlled energy and flung out of this deep pit.

The ridicule is ridicule, the unhappy returns the unhappy, but mining still requires mining. Gal's stratum is said to be not very strong, but it is really strong if it is not strong. At any rate, it has a radius of tens of millions of meters as a barrier to resist outsiders. In addition, the deep water elemental crystals form a super barrier with a density comparable to quark stars and a slow and slow law effect under the dual action of magic and gravity. This kind of thing is not a shot if you want to dig with Kane's strength. Things that can be done casually with two shots.

So long before he came to this dark blue moon, the rare and patient "Instant Kill Gun" was ready to spend time fighting the geological structure of Gal, and his complaint was just a chat. It’s just a complaint from the author. In fact, as the process of "mining" deepens and the efficiency of mining slows down, the self-entertaining Morning Star Knight has more programs to perform for himself...

   "Ha, that piece of ore! That's right, this uncle is talking about you, you are too ugly, such ugly things as you are only worthy of this uncle's golden light, the world's unparalleled lances and bones"!

   "Boom Rumble"

"Ahhahahaha! How is it, did you see that this uncle's "Invincible Tornado Gold Super Star Spike" is amazing! Wow, you ugly thing dare to find your accomplice? Why? You want it. Revenge for your dead companions? Let's all die together"!




   is so embarrassing, is that enough?

Worthy of being an uncrowned example of two diseases in the darkness for thousands of years. Even if the powerful Morning Star Knight is mining, he can highlight his uniqueness. Although this "different" is embarrassing, at least "instant kill" "Death Gun" had fun by himself.

   No way, our Baron Besadas is not a monster who can ignore all loneliness like punk. What he is doing now is very childish because he is so boring.

The depth of Gal’s stratum is completely unmatched by the surface of the dark blue moon. When Kane’s spur excavation quickly advances the progress to a position close to the center of the moon, his forward efficiency has reached the equivalent of It’s hard to move an inch, because the water elemental rock that is now resisting the Knights of the Morningstar has unknowingly possessed a terrifying hardness that is comparable to the Lunar-level defensive spells, although it is based on the strength of Kane’s current 46th-level Morningstar professional. It's not impossible to dig this stuff, but that kind of excavation efficiency............ It can't be seen at all.

   is too slow, really too slow, really too slow!

The mad knight’s current full stabbing on the deep blue ice-cold elemental stones can only shovel some sporadic crystalline fragments, like eggshells that protect the core barrier of the dark blue moon. It will not explode due to the fighting energy of the morning star level. There was even a little trembling.

   Therefore, in order to destroy this strong barrier, Kane, who looked unhappy, could only spend a lot of time and energy digging through the ice storm and snow year after year.

   In fact, up to this moment, "Instant Kill Gun" has been honestly working as a "miner" in Gal's crust for more than a thousand years.

Although the time consumption of a mere ten thousand years is nothing for a Morningstar professional, the "mechanized labor" that lasts for thousands of years is by no means interesting. In fact, if it weren't for hiding in the center of the dark blue moon, This thing is too important to Kane, and the mad knight who hates boredom and loneliness will never do such a laborious task as torture.

   Of course, this world still has a bit of "relative fairness". Even a villain like Morning Star Knight will eventually get rewarded if he works in the right direction.

   For example, at this moment, after I don't know how many times I swung the lance with all my strength and hit the crystal clear water elemental crystals, a tiny crack like a broken lens finally appeared in Kane's eye pupils.

  The crustal ice deep into the center of Gal...Finally shattered!


   "It's going to succeed, Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao, this uncle is going to succeed"!

The wind was raging, the ice and snow were raging, the numbness and unhappy mood was wiped away in an instant, while staring wide-eyed at the twists and turns of the tiny The mad knight whose eyes are as hot as a lit torch Almost happily jumped up.

Facts have proved that even the defensive barrier of the Huiyue level is just a thicker boulder if it is reduced to rootless water. The long-term weakening and excavation of a Morningstar fighter can still tear it into pieces. .

For example, Kane is about to pierce this solid barrier with a lance that lasts for thousands of years, and when the water element crystal protection that is tens of millions of meters thick has disappeared, what is hidden by the ancient magical creation of the dark blue moon The biggest secret is bound to be uncovered in front of the "Instant Kill Gun".

   Yes, he is about to succeed!

"Come on, come on, let this uncle see if the treasure I am looking for is hidden here, and let this uncle try to see if the things given by Old Eman are as good as he said, now... …It’s also time for my uncle to witness this ancient and mysterious existence."

An arrogant smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth, his blond hair was dancing with the wind, and the happy morning star knight raised the lance in his hand again without hesitation. This time, his sharp gaze was firmly locked on Above the slender and fragile crack.

   The goal is all at hand, and success is within reach. Once again, Kane, who wields a lance, only feels that his blood is about to boil with the rush of vindictiveness.



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