Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1163: amber

   "click, click"!

The fragmentation of the "ice layer" of the water element, driven by the unparalleled force, made an ear-piercing sound like glass blasting. The entire land of the dark blue moon was torn out by the displacement of the continental plate. In the deep canyon, successive cyclones of heaven and earth were stirred by violent vindictiveness, forming a blue tornado that absorbed ice and snow, and the dark blue atmosphere of Gal’s silence for millions of years also released the looming thunder of a dragon because of the impact of the energy torrent. .

   This is a huge and devastating disaster, but the initiator of this disaster is only a powerful fighter who is in a deep pothole.

There is no doubt that all the power that Kane has exploded can even force a planet slightly larger than the sun to undergo plate displacement with his own power, and his only purpose of doing this is to crush a crust that is several square meters in size. ice crystals.

That is the last piece of water element crystal that obscures Gal's heart. After thousands of years of endless digging, the excited mad knight is finally about to achieve his own success, as long as he breaks this piece of hardness comparable The super armor of the Huiyue level alchemy barrier, "Instant Kill Gun" was destined to see what he was looking for when he stepped into the heart of Gal's Earth.

  All he needs now is the last little bit of time and strength...

   "Just a little bit...Yes, just a little bit... Now, your level, damn, barrier, it's time to give this uncle, it's broken!"

   Morning Star Fighting Skill-The Thorns of the Sky!


I don’t know how many times I have burst out my Morning Star ultimate move, I don’t know how many times every trace of grievance in my soul has been revolved, and the Morning Star Knight staring at the cracked ground in front of him once again wielded his lance and stabbed the ground under his feet , The attack frequency of hundreds of billions of guns in an instant immediately converted half of the morning star knight's vindictive reserves into a terrifying attack power.

   Under the incomparably precise control and aiming of the "Instant Kill Gun", this torrent of destructive energy has also been poured onto the fragmented elemental crystals.

So at this moment, the water elemental crystals that had already spread across the fissures finally shattered in the deafening sound because they could not support such an astonishing attack power burst, reflecting the brilliance of the fighting spirit, the water element that resembles a diamond. After the crystalline body disintegrated, it also lost its structural integrity and quickly became scattered ice and snow residue...It lost its shape, and it also lost its Moon-level defensive power. It can no longer be an obstacle in the way of the Morning Star Knight.

   So far, the thousand-year-old "Miner" journey of "Instant Kill Gun" has finally been successfully completed with the destruction of the "enemy", and the secret treasure door in the heart of Gal has been opened to Kane.


   "It's really a perfect power practice. My uncle's success is always close at hand, isn't it"?

   flexibly used his lance to turn a spear in his hand, his smile quickly narrowed, but his eyes became more and more enthusiastic and excited, Baron Besadas was obviously in a very happy mood when he looked at the thick elemental snow under his feet.

I don’t know when it started. Gal’s storm and thunder has slowly subsided. The endless snow storms once again replaced the blazing heat in the air. The freezing cold not only raged on the surface, but also quickly. Spreading down the cliffs of the pit to Kane's side.

However, the dark blue moon's ability to recover the natural environment to an astonishing degree is as expected by the Morning Star Knight. The "instant killing gun" who is paying attention to his "labor results" also does not care about the cold wind and snow dancing, in the cold. Wrapped by the cold wind, Kane, wearing golden armor, just slowly half-kneeled on the sharp icy ground, and then stretched out his hand to gently brush away the icy snow on the ground.

   Then accompanied by the howling sound of the howling wind, a mysterious scene originating from the heart of Gal's earth was finally reflected in the enlarged pupils of the Morning Star Knight............

It was a glass container as pure as amber, and it was also a perfect work of art that was as quiet as a fountain. It seemed that even time was stagnated in a super large vessel containing many, many seemingly scattered, but actually stacked. The neat alchemy parts, their brass-colored luster all show the simple and heavy aura, the magic runes carved on them even dimly extinguished the bright silver light in the dark.

Although the part that the mad knight can see is necessarily only a corner of this magical creation equivalent to the entire dark blue moon in the center of the earth, even just a corner of the scenery is enough to show the beauty of this magical creation. The artistic style of the construct parts contained in the amber container obviously comes from the ancient Netheril era. The history of the glass container that seals these magical creations will not exceed 100 million years. .

This is the true heart of the dark blue moon Gal, and it is also a luxurious palace with an atmosphere of ancient art and modern magic. The secret treasure Kane has been searching for is obviously these mysterious constructions that have been frozen and silenced for a long time. In fact, his success is indeed close at hand.

   It’s just...

   After admiring the beautiful amber container and alchemy in front of him from the perspective of an artist, the expression of the Morning Star Knight began to become less excited and eager than at the beginning.

The reason for the emotional change of this evil guy is very simple... or that the reason is still that unsolvable historical problem-"Instant Kill Gun" is an out-and-out warrior after all, even after he was promoted to Legend He also took time to learn the knowledge of magic, but his alchemy level was barely reaching the average level of a master spellcaster in the end.

To put it simply, Kane couldn’t understand the magic runes on these alchemy creations that faintly exuded the sun-level aura, and even if he stepped back 10,000 steps, even if someone gave the detailed explanations of these runes into his hands. In, a mad knight who has no legendary magic power at all can't manipulate these obviously magical constructs to do anything.

  He has the treasure as he wished, but for the time being, it probably doesn’t make much sense............

"Oh, **** it, why do the great wizards have to make these **** magical things? Old Eman said that I can't deal with this as a warrior? Is that what he said? Damn! Let that bad old man say it. Now! It seems that if you want this plan to be carried out smoothly, the uncle will finally go to the monster-like spellcaster like Sai'an for help."!

   shook his head helplessly and sighed. The morning star knight who squinted his lips now can only express his feelings with the deep feelings and complaints.

Of course, emotional sighs will not hinder the actions of a Morningstar professional. Temporary uselessness does not mean eternal uselessness. Even if this ancient artifact has brought some disappointment as expected, Kane has already Baron Besadas, who had spent too much time, still had to bring his "trophies" back as soon as possible.

   Then, accompanied by the whistling of the cold wind and the whirl of golden fighting spirit, a dark red circle exuding the magic wave of the true sun level slowly emerged in the hand of the "Instant Kill Gun".

   (Sorry for the wrong title of the first two chapters...)



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