Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1164: Double cast

This guy Kane ran to the moon and dug a deep hole. Kane took another thing from the moon. Kane basically severed contact with all the legendary members of the Silent Alliance... It’s Kane’s trouble. Punk currently knows neither or knows it, because in the last five thousand years, the sleepless "whispering of destruction" has been learning difficulties in his magic tower. Heavy "double casting" legendary skills.

"Dual cast", as the name suggests, is a special method that can support the legendary caster to use two legendary spells at the same time. In essence, dual cast is a legendary level of "one heart and two use" skills (cannot be used to kill Spells), this peculiar skill that was invented by the great austrians in the era of Netheril can not only take effect permanently in the ordinary legendary stage, but also as the level of the professional increases, as long as the caster practices it diligently. Has been used forever.

So theoretically speaking, the powerful effect of "dual casting" is sufficient to run through the entire process of a wizard from the ordinary legendary stage to the glorious stage. If there is an ordinary legendary professional who can learn to "dual cast" as soon as possible, then he He has always been able to use this powerful legendary technique to take advantage of his entire legendary career.

   sounds like a skill that gets better sooner, doesn’t it? Although the energy consumption of double release spells is indeed a little higher, double firepower output is a force that most professionals cannot cope with.

   But don’t forget that theory is just theory, and theory can never replace practice!

In fact, it is not a wise choice to learn this kind of thing with the strength of the soul of the ordinary legendary level. After all, even the spiritual power of any legendary mage can be applied to "simple things" at the same time. It is not easy to build two completely different legendary spell models in the depths of the soul at the same time.

   As long as a little careless manipulation, the loss of control of the spell will cause a magic explosion to destroy the laboratory, or cause damage to the soul and even life danger!

Therefore, according to the summary and warnings of the great austrians of the Netheril era, it is not difficult to understand that if a legendary professional wants to learn "double casting", it is best to wait until his professional level reaches about forty-five and the casting level reaches the morning star. Try again. After all, the young mage at this stage has not developed the habit of casting spells that are too difficult to correct, and the subtle manipulation of his soul will not cause the spell to explode and damage himself due to a technical error. The ordinary legendary spell The double release of the double release to the morning star spell is also a gradual practice process............

All in all, the state and level of punk is the perfect time to learn "Double Casting"-unmixed strength, systematic learning methods, strong willpower and soul power... These are enough to support him in learning "Legend" The key to maintaining "safety and efficiency" in the process of skills, even the diligent "Destroying Whisper" during practice can also use the exercise effect brought by "double casting" to try to increase the strength of your soul.

So after a full 5,984 years have passed, punk finally got his wish to learn this amazingly difficult "double cast" legendary skill, and his professional level has also been successfully raised to a higher level forty-eight. realm.

   In the process of nearly six thousand years of time lapse, the strength of the "monster" Morningstar Mage Sai'an has been greatly improved by the naked eye!


   "Morning Star Conjuration Magic Spell-Space Cage".

   "Legendary Skills-Dual Charge Casting".

   "Morning Star Conjuration Magic Spell-Ball of Destruction".

Aiming at a solid "Augs Lumpy Rock" and releasing the morning star spell in his hand, the two super-light speed attacks that went hand in hand almost at the same time left the palm of a punk who was proficient in using the "dual cast" skill. I saw that they crossed the far distance that was folded into the space without accident, and then hit the distant stone-like target at the same time.


The deafening laws exploded and pressed the alchemy wall of the magic tower. The laws of nature were as fragmented as glass smashed by a heavy hammer in the attack of the morning star level. The poor "Augs lump rock" was used as a simple morning star level alchemy. How can the material withstand this amazing attack? Its heavy body was almost evaporated by the explosion of the "Ball of Destruction" before it even turned into pieces.

"The 906,420 double casts were successfully practiced! At this stage, the proficiency of the legendary skills can basically be used in actual combat. Next, we are going to perform the 906,421 "double casts" Practice and consolidate the state of proficiency...Linton Hughes, come and collect the steam of "Augus Lumpy Rock" to recast"!

   stared blankly at the results of his spell release, punk's emotional attitude can only be described as no sadness or joy.

The learning and practice of "Double Casting" is very boring and tedious, and the degree of difficulty is even Although the use of this legendary technique is now very smooth in punk hands, it does not mean " "Destroy Whispers" will relax its practice-you know, punk's proficiency in the control of a spell has always been based on "whether it can be perfectly cast when its own soul is injured" as the standard, in order to achieve this He is always accustomed to spending hundreds of thousands of years to consolidate the standard of proficiency called "freak and crazy".

   Ordinary morning star spells, complicated morning star killer moves, and the current "double cast" are no exception.

   It’s just...

The reason why peaceful and quiet research time is so rare is that it always has the embarrassing characteristics of short and fleeting process. For example, it hasn’t waited for punk to start the 906421 “Double After practicing the skill of "casting", Linton Hughes, the construction butler who hurriedly rushed to the "training room" of Master Morningstar, brought a rather surprising news.

   I saw this structure that looked like a big metal spider. As soon as I saw the dignified Mage Morningstar, he immediately reported in a hurry:

"Report... Report the great Mr. "Destroy Whisper". I just wanted to inform you of a vital piece of news. Now below your magic tower, a self-proclaimed "Dead Text Lantern-Walkway-Left" The magic caster of "mysterious" is yelling to see you!



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