Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1165: Shameless mage

   "Walkway-Zuofan? The neuropathic mage with abnormal brain has nothing to do with me and what to do? The last time he was beaten to the point where only one head is left, haven't he learned enough?"

   slightly frowned and looked at his construct butler, the punk who stopped the spell in his hand could not help showing a strange expression.

According to the statement made by the "President" at the fifth "Executives" meeting before leaving, not only did the Santarin and the Silent Alliance reach cooperation in the previous Battle of the Karamus Empire, but even It is now that the leading legendary organizations in these two multiverses are also in a very clear alliance relationship, so punk does not think that the boss of the red-robed mages, "Scarlet Scepter", will send Walkway, a lunatic, to attack him for no reason.

In other words, even if old Eman suddenly violated the covenant and tried to stab the "chairman", there is really no reason for him to let the "dead writing lantern" such a subordinate who is so unreliable and unreliable to come alone." "Destroy Whispers" arrogantly "calling array" at the entrance of the magic tower.

  Look at what kind of messy things Walkway is doing now? Everyone is a strong Morningstar who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, OK? Even if there is a fight, it is by no means two good-looking generals facing each other at the gate of the city, jumping at someone's door and shouting "You come out".

   The guy who can do such a ridiculous behavior must be the neurotic with the diseased head, right?

"I knew it was so troublesome now. The last time I was in the Karamus Empire, I should fight Kane and kill this unreasonable lunatic... if I was entangled by a completely shameless Morningstar professional. A very annoying thing..."

Waved his hand to dismiss the "Big Spider" butler Linton Hughes, who was displeased because of the interrupted magic practice. At this moment, he can only helplessly rub his temples while canceling the mask of the training room. It worked.

   The guests who couldn't drive away came to the door, what else could the Master Morning Star do?

Fight if you want, kill if you want to kill, talk if you have anything to talk about, just think of a way to inform you that you don’t know what you’re doing. Old Eman asks his stupid kid to go...Anyway, there is such a "thing" "It is impossible for the caster to stay under the tower of his house and continue to concentrate on studying magic, so even if he is in a bad mood now, the morning star mage, who has a dark golden pupil, still thinks about his "negotiation" patiently as much as possible. Discourse.

   And with the bright runes that surrounded every inch of alchemy walls, all the brilliant brilliance was extinguished, and the sharp mental energy fluctuation that resounded through the sky and shocked the space was finally clearly accepted by the information transmission window temporarily opened by punk:

   "Destroy Whispers"! Punk-Sean! I know that you thief, robber, and villain are in this ugly tower! Come out for me! As my lifelong enemy, do you want to hide in the magic tower forever! Come out!"

"...It's so noisy, Walkway! Do you want to die or don't want to live anymore? How dare you come to my magic tower? Do you think Mr. Eman can be your backing to support you this baboon? Do you jump up and down in front of me? Or do you think the idiot of "Instant Kill Gun" will come from his golden palace and save you again?"

He responded with a grim tone to the verbal abuse of the "dead writing lantern". Punk with a bad temper cannot tolerate anyone wantonly invading his territory. At this moment, watching the hysterical mad mage, his eyes have even begun to vague. A **** killing intent appeared!

   What and what are these? It's fine for robbers and villains. After all, there are not one or two punk people, but what the **** is the so-called "lifetime enemy"?

   Does this lunatic treat everyone he can't beat as his "old enemy"?

There is no doubt that Walkway’s thoughts are incomprehensible. "Teleportation" not only brought him great power, but also gave him an uncontrolled brain, and when a guy with an abnormal brain came to his door aggressively At the time, general rebuttals and warnings generally have no effect.

For example, now wearing a tattered robe with several large holes and half-skinny arms, the "death lantern" doesn't care about the increasingly cold attitude of the owner of the Morningstar Tower. He is still dancing with his hands and exaggerated posture. Gu Zi said what he wanted to say:

"Oh, my God, Saian, you are obviously pretending to be stupid! Damn, hell... Don't you know that you shameful robber once took away the most important thing from poor Walkway? Baby? Give it back to me! Give me back my dagger, I know you must have taken her away"!


  Well, a lunatic is a lunatic. It turns out that the reason why the "Dead Text Lantern" came to the punk magic tower by himself at a great risk and slapped his throat for that exquisite and dexterous morning star magic dagger!

   But this is even more unreasonable, isn't it?

   A handful of morning-star magical equipment may indeed be very precious, but no matter how much it is, it is just an “outer body”. Isn’t it stupid to put your life on the gaming table for a “outer body”?

   And... Walkaway's way of asking for a dagger is too weird, right? Other legendary professionals do business "exchanging goods" or simply rob ~ When they arrive at Walkway, they have turned into slanderers and roaring all over the floor?

   is simply losing the face of the Morning Star powerhouse?

   And with these two "shameless" efforts, he still wants to get back a precious magic equipment from punk?

   is simply a daydream!

"Are you telling a joke, Mr. "Dead Wind Lantern"? Do you think we are two uneducated nobles who are submitting confessions to a silly judge? Stop talking nonsense. I have never heard of legendary loot. The record of being "returned"! You have been defeated, your dagger and the blade of Setis are now mine, and now... if you, this ridiculous baboon, don’t hurry up from my eyes If it disappears, then your corpse will become one of my trophies just like your dagger!"

   "Morning Star Magic Tower Curing Spell-Senhan extremely cold beam".

While taunting the whimsical and whimsical Walkway, he activated the magic tower's attack system. Punk warned the "dead writing lantern" standing at the gate of his tower and released a powerful attack. Spells.

   In fact, under the more and more serious atmosphere, even this seemingly simple warning now has a little "ultimatum" dangerous.



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