Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1166: Gamble

"Sen Cold Light" is a special morning star spell that is solidified on the magic tower of the morning star. Because of the support of the magic booster and the energy share of the element pool, even a morning star spell is enough after it is activated. The amazing power of nearly half of Morningstar's ultimate move broke out in an instant.

I saw that at this moment, all the places that were swept by the blue ice beam turned into a cold and deadly land of ice and snow. The extremely fast freezing solid air and natural laws even suddenly formed on the deadly Khatak wilderness. A piece of towering mountains into the clouds.

However, it’s a pity that such a simple attack is obviously impossible to harm the Morning Star Mage’s "Death Lantern", who is capable of using "Teleportation" proficiently, so even if the ice-filled ground does not agree with each other, put the Morning Star Magic Tower around The soil within the range of nearly 100,000 square kilometers has all turned into extremely cold frozen soil with glittering ice crystals, but Walkway, who suddenly appeared from the illusion in an instant, was still not frightened by the mighty magic tower attack.

   This brave and insidious neurotic caster still jumped at the door of the Morning Star Magic Tower, complaining about what punk had done, and shouted:

"Damn it, "Destroy Whisper"! How did you know that my dagger is called Setis' Blade? How can you spy on other people's privacy? How can you spy on other people's privacy without hiding in the magic tower How did you guess that I couldn't beat your ugly, damn, **** broken tower............ Ah, ah, okay, okay, I get it, you villain is nothing anyway Did Ken give me my lovely Setis dagger for nothing?"

   ".........Yes, this thing has long been my inherent property, why? Do you want to take it in the hands of me and my magic tower?"

Quite speechlessly watching the "dead text lanterns" that continue to use "teleportation" around the magic tower to evade the defensive system, and rather helplessly listening to this guy's nonsense nonsense, punk has already felt that his temples are Faintly numb.

  What is privacy snooping? The name of the dagger was clearly engraved on the blade, but any creature with eyes can see it, OK?

   What else is "how do you know I can't beat this magic tower"... Isn't this the most obvious thing? Punk’s magic tower is capable of resisting attacks by professionals of the Huiyue level for a period of time. Not to mention that Walkway is just a Morningstar professional alone, even if he brings all other Morningstar members of the Red Robe Mage Guild, "Destroy Whispers" Make sure that they don't want to penetrate the alchemy wall of the magic tower and touch themselves!

   It seems that only a few thousand years have passed, and the "death lantern" that has lost the dagger has become crazy and hopeless, and now there is no time to chat with the neurosis, the Morning Star Mage just wants to quickly solve this thorny trouble.

So under the serious control of punk, the roaring element pool of the tower of the morning star finally began an extremely violent law extinguishing reaction, batch after batch of energy torrents enough to explode small planes began to flow in the energy channels of the magic tower. The rush is endless, and at this moment, accompanied by the anger in the heart of "Destroy Whisper", a magnificent war machine has begun to use its bloodthirsty fangs to target its prey.


The apparently "prepared" "Dead Text Lantern" did not have the idea of ​​fighting head-to-head with a Morningstar Magic Tower. After seeing the impatient "Destroy Whisper" slowly getting serious, he suddenly stopped in mid-air. Walkway, who raised his hands to give up resistance, suddenly stopped dealing with it.

   The so-called "negotiation" is a process of wits between the strong to test the bottom line. If one method is not agreed, then change the method to continue the discussion. The crazy Zuo Mi obviously understands the truth.

At this time, since he had fully confirmed the punk’s desperation of "righteous robbery" through an act of committing death, after discovering that Sapo was rolling and playing rogues, all his tactics were ineffective, Walkway, who quietly cleared his throat, naturally changed his routine. (Yes, this guy needs to clear his throat when he speaks mentally).

   then stood in the sky where the cold current swept the clouds and mist, and the frenetic "dead writing lantern" with a more distorted smile said loudly to the magic tower that pierced the sky in a more serious tone on the spot:

"Sai'an! We are also allies now. If you have something to talk about, there is no need to fight to death, right? If you are not willing to return my cute little dagger in vain... Then let's fight. A good bet-you and me will fight again, but you are not allowed to use your dark golden eye pupils in this battle, and I am not allowed to use my "teleportation" spell, let's be upright Fight a wonderful battle! How about? Do you have the guts to participate in this gorgeous gambling?"


   "Gambling requires profit, and fighting also requires profit. I never like to fight with others for no reason. So... Walkway, what is the bet you can take? What is the profit you can take"?

The term "allies" needs to be considered, and "excellent gambling" is also easy to arouse So when you hear the seemingly absurd but in fact extremely solemn words of "dead writing", even if it is The punk, who squinted his eyes slightly, couldn't help silently suspending the preparations for the offensive of the Magic Tower.

A lunatic wizard who can use teleportation can’t stop him if he wants to run, and he’s not afraid if the other party wants to sneak attack on the caster. So no matter what point of view, "Destroy Whispers" has reason to listen to him. What kind of nonsense can be spit out in the mouth of "Looking for the old enemy".

   What's more, no matter whether punk is in doubt or not, Walkway, whose pupils keep repeating the process of contraction and enlargement, obviously never considered the option of shutting up.

   In fact, in the process of being so arrogant, a certain crazy neuropathy became even more excited.

"Hey hey hey.........Bet? Benefits? Okay, okay! There are all! How about I bet everything about myself? My life, my little plane, and my original "soul" The magic model of the "Teleport" spell-as long as you can win, I will give you all these things, okay? And the bargaining chip you need to take out is just the crudely crafted small dagger... Please, give I have a chance to beat you upright, we are the kind of old friends who don't fight and don't know each other"!



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