Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1167: bet

   To be honest, Walkway, the lunatic wizard, did propose a very interesting gambling game, because he actually wanted to use all his "property" as a bet to win the magic dagger "Settis Blade" in the hands of punk.

"Destroy Whispers" does not understand why the "Dead Text Lantern" is so obsessed with such a dagger, which can only be described as "excellent" in craftsmanship, that it has reached the point that it is willing to put his life on the gambling table just to save a mistake. Degree, but the many behaviors of those crazy spellcasters are inherently unreasonable, aren't they? Rather than exploring the location of a neurotic obsession, punk is more willing to rationally think about whether this crazy gamble is profitable.

There is no doubt that Mage Morningstar is definitely a selfish and unethical professional. It is not realistic to expect him to abide by the so-called "rules" under any circumstances. As long as necessary, the insidious and cold Mr. Sai'an He never minded breaking any so-called "rules" or "bottom lines" to satisfy his own interests at any time. For him, both laws and morals are equivalent to nothing.

Therefore, even if punk participates in a luxurious gambling game that "prohibits the use of certain" methods one day, it is absolutely impossible to expect such a verbal rule to restrain such an unreasonable powerful spellcaster. The interests he fancy And security is far more important than the "righteous" battle. The "dead writing lantern" who said the silly words "come to gamble" is destined to just add to his grave at this time. After all, he said "fair betting". "In the view of "Destroy Whisper", it was a complete joke.


   said that although it is said, but if there are indeed huge benefits in front of you, punk does not mind a little bit a little bit boring "rules of the game" on the premise of ensuring their personal safety.

For example, the now slightly frowning "Destroy Whisper" has noticed an important piece of information in Walkway's bet, and this information supports him in choosing to hesitate to think instead of immediately rejecting Walkway's crazy talk. The main reason.

The magic model of the morning star's mind system spell "Teleportation"-this is the only thing that punk cares more about. Maybe he has no interest in Walkway's life and an incomprehensible "little plane", but only relevant The message of the spell "Teleportation" cannot be ignored by the Morning Star Mage.

   You must know that the punk who once had a face-to-face encounter with the "Death Lantern" on the Karamus Empire battlefield has personally experienced the incredible magical characteristics of this crazy spell.

   Low consumption, fast speed, easy to restrain various defense methods but difficult to restrain by various conventional countermeasures............

If we put aside the weird side effects involving philosophical concepts such as "existence and nonexistence, reality and unrealism", it can be said to be the "whispering of destruction" and the perfection that the great master Vedrássia could imagine. The morningstar level displacement means!

   Even in punk's view, the potential of the powerful spell of "Teleportation" is far from being fully tapped by Walkway, who has gone mad. If one day he can obtain its spell model...

   Then the caster is confident that he can improve it to reach a higher level!

To say a thousand words and ten thousand words, the reason why "Whisper of Destruction" did not try to study "Mind Teleportation" after the last battle is because he is really not good at inventing and creating, and basically unable to create one from scratch. Mind is just a morning star spell.

However, right now, under my own magic tower, on the great plain of Khatak, whose head is abnormal to the point that I sent it to my door, the "dead writing lantern" has not shy away from making him the strongest. The most mysterious invention is on the gambling table. How can punk bear such a rare opportunity to miss it?

  Think about it carefully, if he really "dignifiedly" defeated this obsessive idiot, would Walkway, who is not sober-minded, really surrendered the magic model of "teleportation" when his brain heated up?

   Even if the unreasonable lunatic mage suddenly repents in battle, being able to look at the effective mechanism of a peculiar spell is obviously beneficial to the caster’s own retrospective research, right?

What's more, speculating from the "dead writing wind lantern" now that "don't let your life go, you have to be arrogant", the morning star mage really feels that-no matter whether he accepts this bet or not, the other party is unlikely to easily give up the unclear meaning. The dagger "Settis Blade".

   Then consider the above three factors............

   "Well, I accept this bet, but I have one additional condition, that is, our battle location must be next to my Morning Star Magic Tower"!

   The expressionless face made a request to Walkway that was not too reasonable in theory. Punk's mental power fluctuations were as usual without emotion.

For "Destroy Whispers", in order to ensure that this so-called gambling is not a clever trap that seems absurd but actually exploits the loopholes in the thinking of intelligent Try to find ways to make your own battlefield be in the magic tower at all times. It is absolutely necessary to be within the range of support. Although the Morningstar Mage with sufficient hole cards and forty-eight spell casting levels is never afraid of the challenges of any professional at the same level, his confidence in strength does not mean his cautious heart. Reduced.

  Perhaps wonderful benefits and wealth are very moving, but basic security is the biggest prerequisite for obtaining all benefits.

  It is conceivable that if the neurotic Mr. Zuo Mi disagrees with the "supplementary requirements" of "Destroy Whispers", then the thoughtful punk will definitely not take a half step out of his magic tower!

But in fact...Walkway, who didn't know what he was thinking in his mind, didn't actually reject some obviously unreasonable terms at all. I saw that after the caster had just agreed to the game, he was as happy as a half-old child. The crazy mage dancing and dancing did not hesitate to accept all other requirements:

"Hehehehe...hahaha! You agree? You really agree? Really, right? Don't lie to me, right? That's great, great! Let us enjoy the fun and dripping battle and win the rich and perfect Fortune! Oh yes, I have heard... I heard clearly that death and killing are calling me, and my beloved little Setis is calling me too, right? That's right! The splendid about to begin"!



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